Makeout Club

My therapy fic.
The first thing I have finished writing since my spaz a few weeks ago.

For Dru.

She ran her hands down her waist, her fingers catching on the crushed black velvet of her above knee length dress. Her leg's were clad with maliciously torn tights, ripped to within an inch of their thin life. Her short boyish brown hair was the "just-got-out-of-bed" look, quite literally.

"Yes, Gabe."

Shalisa sighed again. Gabe was the definition of everything that could go wrong, although somehow Dru always managed to make legitimate excuses for him. Lately the excuses were running dry. He was destructive, and he was slowly destroying her.
Outside the winter air bit at her skin, her forearms dancing with goosebumps.

"I know that you and William are close, but the truth is, I like him, alot, and I wanted to, um, ask you if it was okay if we like, dated. Me and William. He's a nice guy, and you can't expect him to wait around forever for you."

"I never 'expected' anything of him," Shalisa's words were surpassing the iciness around them, "We're just friends." She turned on her heel to walk back inside, "Nothing more."
"I'm sorry. So... sorry." Tears ran like river's down her blotched cheeks.
  1. The Not-okay Kids.
  2. Part Two.
    Contain refernce to abortion.
  3. Part Three.
  4. Part Four.
    The Lords Prayer.
  5. Part Five.
    800 words.