Makeout Club

Part Four.

The other side of the bed was cold and unmade. The pillows lay untouched. It was only 6AM. Shalisa’s feet made a squelching noise as they stuck to the cheap lino floor covering with each shaking step. William was on the sofa, sleeping on his side, his collarbones almost piercing through his bone white flesh peeking out from the flannelette sheet. He’d kicked off the quilt and was covered in tiny little goose bumps that squealed all over his body. Shalisa could feel them as she ran her fingers daintily over his curving ribcage. She smiled, and slipped under the sheet beside him, careful as to not wake him.

That would be weird.

She found his hand and entwined their fingers, smiling again to herself as his arm snaked around her middle. She fell back asleep. Not sure if she was content or not.


“You should go talk to her.”

“Why me?! I don’t know what to say to her!”

“Please? You’re good at listening Bren.”

“But Ry, I can’t, it’s weird between us.”

“She just fucking lost her child, don’t be so juvenile and go talk to her.”

He grumbled. “Fine.”

Dru heard the whole conversation acting out behind the door of her room. She was isolated from the general ward as she was deemed a “threat” to the other patients. She wasn’t a threat to anyone but herself.

She closed her eyes extra tight when Brendon walked in. Her blood ran cold as ice when ever he was near her. She trembled. He took her hand, prodding at her raw fingertips. She’d scratched at her hands until they bled. She was numb.

He was whispering the Lords Prayer. Her body retracted slightly when he put his palm on her stomach. He didn’t say anything. He never said anything. The most they had ever spoken was the hot wet whispers he delivered to her when they were drunk. He’s gay. She was gay. And it was all too complex. One time. One time that screwed it for both of them. He didn’t understand her. She didn’t know what to say to him. But she knew he was finally there for her. And it was perfect. For the first time in 2 years.

Brendon hated Gabe.

Everyone hated Gabe.

Except Dru.

Dru loved Gabe.

To hide the fact she loved Brendon.

She wept silently. Grief for her child wrapping around her windpipe and pummeling her insides.

The doctors were unable as yet to determine the sex of her baby. She knew it was a boy. And she knew it would have been called Brendon.