Status: Rated PG-13 for language and some inapropriate content

Star Squad

Chapter 1

“Mari, honey, are you ready for school yet?” Mrs. Hoshino stuck her head into her daughter’s room.

Mari was already in her uniform. She sat on her bed with a manga in her lap as she tied her pigtails.

“Morning mom. Did you sleep good?”

“Yes, and honey, I think you missed a spot.” Mrs. Hoshino said as she picked up a large chunk of hair that was still loose in the back.

“No mom, I did that on purpose. Like how if you have a half ponytail. Half pigtails.” She explained and held up her manga. “Like Amane Misa.”

Mari’s mother let out a sigh. “You have to be at school in five minutes.” She went to the door. “And don’t be late.” She said sternly.

“Yes ma’am.”

She was never late for school, it was just better safe than sorry I suppose. Mari quickly looked in the mirror to make sure everything was in place. She ran her comb through her bangs and then grabbed her things as she ran off to the school building. On her way to the building she spotted a dirty looking dog whimpering as it limped to an alley. She followed it and kneeled down at the start of the alley.

“C’mere puppy, I won’t hurt you.” She held out her hand.

The dog limped closer to her and sniffed her hand before he sat down.

“Aww, you’ve got a splinter in your paw…” She pulled it out and the dog licked her.

“Ha, ha! You’re a good boy.” She took some food out of her bento and fed it to the dog as she peeled a band-aid off his forehead. “I wonder how that got there.” She thought as she looked at the bandage.

When the band-aid was removed the dog immediately stood up and alertly looked at Mari. She noticed it had a strange star shaped mark on its forehead. “I gotta go to school, okay doggy. I hope you find your home though.” She pat his head as she ran off to the school again.

Mari walked into her classroom and quietly slipped into her seat as she waited for the day to start. She usually went unnoticed, and she liked it that way. She was uncomfortable around large groups of people and never knew how to handle herself in front of people she hadn’t known intimately for at least four months.

As class started Mari patiently waited out the day, paying close attention to her teacher. She may not have made the best grades, but Mari was every teacher’s dream. She didn’t interrupt class, she took notes, and she actually paid attention.

Lunch came and she ate on the roof overlooking the schoolyard. Hardly anyone came up here so she knew she wouldn’t be disturbed. As she surveyed the scene below her she could have sworn she saw that dirty brown dog from earlier, if only for a moment. She quickly finished eating and went back to class.

The afternoon went by exactly as the morning had. There was hardly any variety in Mari’s school life. The day was eventually over and she grabbed her things and went to the door while the other students were still talking to each other. When Mari exited the building the dog from that morning was sitting in front of her. As if it had been patiently waiting there for her all day.

“Hello inu-kun.” She looked down at the shaggy dog. “Were you waiting for me?”

The dog nodded his head and Mari laughed. It was almost as if he could understand her.

“I guess you don’t have a home then.” She continued on her way home, the dog followed. It followed her all the way home. Just as she stopped in front of her house, key poised to go in the door, Mari turned to face her four-legged stalker.

“Do you want to stay with me?” She tilted her head to the side as she looked at the dog. He nodded his head again.

“No harm in letting you stay until I can find you a home.” She opened the door and went in. She went up the stairs to her room, the dog following the whole time.

She opened her closet door. “Sit.” She pointed to her foot of her bead. The dog sat there expectantly. She looked through her closet and pulled out different shirt. Mari always changed from her uniform as soon as she got home.

As she started to change some one grabbed her arm. “Don’t!” A voice yelled from behind her. She turned around to see a man with furry dog-ears and very messy brown hair completely red in the face. The same star from the dog was on his forehead.

Mari opened her mouth and screamed as loud as she could.

“Shh!!! Shh!!!” The man said as he put her hand over her mouth. “It’s okay!” She continued to scream, although his hand muffled it.

He sighed and began to glow. There was a bright light and the dog was standing where the man had once been.

Mari’s eyes grew wide as she stared at the strange brown dog she had brought home.

“Maybe I shouldn’t have done that…”The dog said.

She continued to look at the dog for several seconds before she finally responded. “You talk…and you turn into a man…”

“I think we’ve established that.” The dog sat. “May I turn back now?”

“Uh…” Her eyes were still wide with shock, but she nodded.

The same light from before emanated from the dog and he turned into the tall, dark haired man. “Now lets start this off on the right foot. I am Hoshi.” He bowed.

“Uh-huh…” She nodded.

“And you are…”

“Ho-Hoshino Mari…” She was still trying to get used to ‘inu-kun’ being human.

“Would you like to sit down?” He motioned to the stool at her desk.

“Yeah.” She dropped down onto it, the dazed look still on her face.


“How do you talk?”

“I’ll get to that.”


“As I was saying. I am from a distant world called the Star Kingdom.”

“Star Kingdom?” She tilted her head to the side.

“Please hold all questions till the end.”


“Animals talk there.”

“And can turn human?”



“An evil force threatens my world, and yours.”

“Mine too?”

“I just said that. It is my job to find five warriors that are destined to defeat this evil. The star on my forehead,” he pointed to it, “Allows me to find these people. So when it was covered up I couldn’t speak or find them. And I thank you for removing it…and the food. I hadn’t eaten for a couple days.”

“Why are you telling me this?”

“Because you’re one of the warriors.”


“Yes you.”

“But I can’t even manage to raise my hand in class without getting embarrassed! How can I be a warrior?”

“I believe the technical term is actually ‘Sailor Soldier’…yes, that’s it. Sailor Soldier.”

“Are you paying attention?”

“Yes. And I’m sure you’ll do fine. This is for you.” His palm began to glow, and then yellow brooch decorated with stars appeared in his hand.

“Thank you.” Mari put it on.

“There’s a crystal inside it that allows you to transform into Sailor Star. Do you wanna try it out?”

“Not just yet. I have some questions.”


“Where do your clothes go when you’re a dog?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Do I get a star on my forehead?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Will you leave so I can change?”

His face flushed again. “Yes, of course.” Hoshi turned back into a dog and walked out of the room.

Mari changed into her after school clothes and opened the door. Hoshi was still in dog form, lying patiently on the floor. He lifted his head up as Mari stepped out of her room.

“If I’m going to convince my mom to let me keep you, you need to get cleaned up.”

Hoshi tilted his head to the side. “Cleaned up?”

“Yep.” She opened the bathroom door. “Stay like that and jump in the bath.”

“Uh, I’m not sure if this is a very good idea.”

“I know how to wash a dog. I’ve washed my cousin’s.” She began to run the water.

“But I-”, he started.

“That’s why you’re going to stay a dog.” She smiled.

He hung his head and let out a defeated sigh. “What am I going to smell like?” He jumped into the tub.

Mari grabbed her shampoo. “Strawberries.” She said as she squirted a large amount onto his furry head.

“This is humiliating.”

“And please don’t talk when my mom gets home.”

“I’ll try my best. Ooh! That feels good, a little to the left. Oh, yeah, that’s the spot.” He shook his leg as she scratched him.

She finished up and turned the water off. “Okay!” She took a towel from the pile.

“I think I’d feel a little more comfortable if I could at least do this part myself.”

“Oh, yeah, sure.” She left the room and nervously waited outside. Her mom was due home any minute.

Hoshi emerged from the bathroom, fully clothed, and clean.

“Turn back into a dog! My mom’s gonna be home soon!”

“Of coarse.” He shifted back and Mari closed the door.

“You smell much better now.” She said as she sat down on the couch.

“I smell like I’m gay.” He mumbled as he lay down by her feet.

Mari turned on the TV and began flipping channels.

“Wait, wait go back!” Hoshi sat up, fully alert. Mari flipped back to the news.

“Turn it up!” He said.

“…Has been a strange hold up in a Tokyo hospital. Witnesses say that a strange looking nurse arrived a few hours ago and caused the disruption…” The newscaster said as picture of the hospital appeared behind him.

“That’s where my mom works!” She stood up, a shocked and very scared looked was on her face.

“This looks like a job for Sailor Star.”

She looked at him, panicked. “How do I do that?!”

“Take the brooch, open it and say ‘Star Crystal Power, Make-Up’.”

“It’s that simple?”


Mari nodded and opened her brooch to reveal a sparkling silver crystal inside it. She took a deep breath and repeated her transformation phrase. “Star Crystal Power, Make-Up!”

She transformed into an elaborate magical girl outfit that was all yellow and red.

“This looks like my school uniform!” She looked down at her outfit. She examined the boots and gloves. She touched her choker and then her forehead, just to make sure there wasn’t a star there.

“It’s a tiara, now lets go!” Hoshi transformed back into a man and opened the front door for her.

“So, even though I’m a magical warrior I still have to walk?”

“Yes. Now start running!”

She ran out the door to the hospital where her mother worked as a nurse, Hoshi followed her the whole way. About half way there she began panting, the hospital may have been close enough for a daily commute by her mother but she took a subway there everyday.

“I really need to get in shape if I have to do this on a daily basis!” Mari stopped and put her hands on her knees. This already wasn’t going very well.

“No time for that now. We’ve got to move.”

Mari whimpered. “Carry me!”

Hoshi flushed again. “I don’t think that-”

“I’ll give you directions and everything!” She whined.

Hoshi relented again and hoisted her onto his back. “Where to?”

“Keep going straight and take a right at the next corner.” She pointed ahead. “Mush!”

He ran all the way to the hospital with Mari on his back telling him the directions. He was panting when they made it.

“Next time, I’m getting you a skate board.” He let her down.

“Okay, now we gotta find that monster!” She ran into the hospital with Hoshi to find people lying on the ground unconscious.

“What happened here?” She looked around horrified.

“The evil trying to take over needs energy…”

“This is why my world’s in danger?” She up looked at Hoshi.

“Energy.” He nodded.

“Mm!” She made a determined face and ran down the hall, jumping over the unconscious bodies.

They heard screams coming from inside one of the rooms and Hoshi kicked in the door. Mari rushed in and saw her mother cornered by a monster. It was large and green, slightly resembling a slug.

“Ew.” Mari coiled back in disgust.

The monster turned around. “Sailor Star…” It said in a deep voice.

“It knows who I am?” She squeaked.

“The five warriors are very infamous among the workers of darkness.”

“Good to know.” She nodded.

She gulped. “I-uh-I won’t let you steal the energy of all these people! They only use it to help all these patients, where as you plan to you it for evil! I can’t accept this! Uh…and I will punish you!

“What was that?” Hoshi whispered.

“I don’t know, it seem appropriate.” She whispered back.

The monster let out a deep, throaty laugh. “We shall see about that.” It swung at her and she just barely avoided its attack.

“EEEEE!!!! HOSHI, WHAT DO I DO?” She squealed.

“Attack it!” He yelled from the sidelines.


“Say ‘Shoot Star Barrage’! That should do the trick!”

Should?!” She yelled.

The monster swung at her again and she jumped out of the way.

He’s really slow, so I should try it now before he can turn around again!

“Yes! That’s what works!” He confirmed his thoughts from earlier.

“Shooting Star Barrage!” She called out her attack and a brightly colored star shot from her hand. It pulled several things off the walls and burnt part of the floor on its way to the monster. It made a direct hit with the target and killed it.

“I did it!” Mari jumped up and down.

“Wh-who are you?” Mrs. Hoshino asked.

“I’m…Sailor Star.” She replied a bit nervously. “Protector of the earth.” She made a peace sign just before she dashed out of the room with Hoshi
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Really dorky, I know. =.= But I just couldn't resist. Especially since I've had some of the characters made for years, but never got around to the story.
Anyway, I'd really appreciate feedback. And another big thank you goes out to baka-no-saru for making my pretty-pretty layouts.