Status: Rated PG-13 for language and some inapropriate content

Star Squad

Chapter 13

Everyone was back in their school uniforms as they walked into Mari’s house.

“Hoshi, we’re here!” Mari called out as she took her shoes off by the door. After this Hoshi, now in his human form, walked into the living room. It would be easier to talk in here than Mari’s room with so many people, especially since one of them was a boy.

Yukari’s cat perked up upon seeing Hoshi and jumped from her head, landing in the dog man’s arms. “Hoshi-chan! It’s been so long since I’ve seen you! How are ya bud?”

“He wasn’t talking that much earlier…”

Talking? I’ve never seen him that excited, and I’ve had him for about a month!” Yukari looked at Mari.

Hoshi dropped Karas, “Just go into your human form and quit making a fool of yourself.”

“Well you didn’t have to be so rude.” Karas turned his nose up as he began to glow brightly and morph into a human. When the glowing subsided a tall young man with black hair and matching cat ears stood next to Hoshi.

“My cat is hot!”

“Do you realize just how weird that sounded?” Yuki asked.

“We can talk about how attractive I am later, right now we need to explain everything to everyone.”


Everyone was seated on the floor of Mari’s living room around the couch where the two team guardians sat.

“I’ll just do a quick recap of what I’ve told all of you. Nineteen years ago the Star Kingdom, where Karas and I are both from, was attacked by the dark army led by the king’s brother Lord Rizu. Sailor Sun repressed his powers and the rest of the team was chosen and sent to be reincarnated on earth, along with the Nebula Prince.” He nodded at Hikaru when he mentioned his part.

“We’ve got all that.” Mari nodded.

“Yukari-san, do you need any of it repeated or explained?” Hoshi looked at the new recruit expectantly.

“No, I’m good.”

“Okay then Karas, you can take over now.”

“Oh that’s right! I forgot about Rizu-samma and Sailor Sun…” Karas shook his head slowly.

“Wow, those parts seem important. If he forgot that, I wonder what you forgot Hoshi…” Mari looked up at her guardian and then back to Yukari’s as he began to speak.

“Oh he forgot about the Princess!” Karas clapped his hands, a small smile was on his face.

“Princess?” Everyone stared at the cat-man.

“Yes, the princess! That’s why the Nebula Prince was sent with you, he has to protect his betrothed.”

“Betrothed?! I’m engaged?”

“The princes-How could I forget about her?”

“Back up kitty! You’re saying one of us is a princess?” Yuki stared at Karas in disbelief.

“I could be a princess?” Sora asked, a far-away, dreamy look on her face.

“Yes! The princess of Esterlia, affectionately known as the Star Kingdom.”

Momoko raised her hand, but asked before she could be called on, “Why did the king and queen have to send the princess?”

“Because, only members of the Esterlian Royal Family can be Sailor Star.”

“O-only?” Mari squeaked as everyone turned to look at her.
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I don't normally get updates up this quick, but I wanted to get Chapter 13 up while I remembered that it was a plot chapter/explanation chapter.

So yeah, Mari is the princess of the Star Kingdom! Shocking, isn't it? Yeah, not really if you've seen/read Sailor Moon...

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