Status: complete

Unwinding Serpent

"Your Time Has Ended"

It was excruciating for Adam to wait all day at the castle with Shariza. He couldn’t go out in the day and Shariza just wouldn’t go, saying that the girl would come back soon enough. When darkness was about to set in and no still Cindy, they made a plan to search for her: Shariza would make a tracking enchantment to find Cindy and all Adam had to do was follow her.

They started on their search at dusk; it didn’t take long to figure out that Cindy had run into the forest. They had been jogging for about an hour and a half before they started hearing the desperate screams. They both ran full speed through the forest until they came across the cave hidden at the base of a small pond and a hill.

Adam could hear Cindy’s shrieking echo off the walls of the cave as he swam across the pond to the entrance of the cave, not waiting for the sorceress. The scene he came upon was one of utter shock. All he could see was Cindy’s form being destroyed by a disgusting thing. Her white blouse and navy blue skirt were covered in her blood and her blouse was ripped, revealing dark, ugly gouges, bleeding profusely.

Adam couldn’t help himself, as he launched himself at the monster that was mauling the poor girl. Lucifer had been too enthralled with Cindy to even hear Adam coming. Adam managed to use surprise get Lucifer off her.

However, after the initial astonishment of being discovered and hit, the battle began. Adam had no chance, it was a losing battle that was about to end very quickly. Lucifer had the upper hand because he could fly and he was much stronger and faster than Adam. He easily started tearing Adam apart.

By the time Shariza had made it into the cave and assessed Cindy. She had made up her mind the only way to kill a very old powerful vampire was to make an even older vampire to kill it. She thought up a rapid ageing spell and took out some herbs she always carried in her pouch at her side. She placed bones from the ground in a circle, putting the herbs in the middle. As she said her hex, the herbs caught fire and the bones started to spin into the air towards Adam.

Within a blink of an eye, Adam transformed into a century old vampire. His body moulded to a larger and stronger version of Lucifer. Lucifer, understanding what had happened, started to flee. Before he could escape Adam grabbed him by the wing and growled in his ear: “Your time has ended.”

He proceeded to rip of Lucifer`s wings, dropping him uselessly to the ground. He used one of his newly strengthened arms to hold Lucifer to the ground as he used the other to grab a bone and drive it through his evil heart. Lucifer`s body then went straight black as his eyes and burned into ash, leaving nothing to even prove he had ever existed.

Panting with exertion, Adam half ran half flew to where Shariza was kneeling beside Cindy. Shariza was franticly spewing out spells and prayers trying to heal the girl, but from the looks of things Adam knew it wasn`t going as planned.

Shariza turned to Adam after she had done all that she could think of for the poor girl.

“What are you doing?” Adam barked out in his new voice. “Why are you stopping?”

“I can’t do anything more. I’m not powerful enough to bring someone back from the after world.” She whispered quietly.

He almost choked with emotion as he dropped to his knees and cradled Cindy’s now limp body in his arms. He started to cry and beg her to do something.

Seeing his reaction to his friend’s death she could only ask one thing. “Would you trade positions with her? Would you die so she could live?”

Adam straightened up, his ice blue eyes looking into hers. “What are you saying?”

“I know of a curse that I have never done that could transfer her circumstances into yours. But are you willing to do it? Will you give up your life and newly increased power for this fragile little girl?”

“I never wanted to be like this, a vampire.” He stated.

“Then I have my answer.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is sadly comming to an end. The next chapter is the last and it is VERY short, but it concludes everything.
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