On the Boardwalk


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Sighing, Paige leaned against the railing of the pier and looked out over the ocean and the beach. People were scattered all over the beach with neon colored towels and coolers; the sweltering heat had reached a high point of 110 degrees with little chance of cooling off until the sun set.

Paige, not being one for swimming, decided to get out of her apartment with the broken airconditioning and take a walk just so she might catch a wayward breeze or some of the mist from the waves. She lifted her sunglasses from her eyes to wipe the sweat off her brow and bridge of her nose before setting them on the railing.

She decided that she had enough of dealing with the heat, when she got home she'd call the manager to have it repaired and if her parents had a problem with it they could bite her. She was the one who was stuck inside an apartment all day with no air conditioning.

Paige turned and pushed her sunglasses onto the top of her head she set started back down the pier to the boardwalk. She had a few dollars in her pocket so she decided she would get herself a few cold drinks and sit under the umbrella outside looking at torrists navigate their way from store to store.

As she reached the end of the pier she noticed someone riding their bike rather quickly through the groups of people, swerving to avoid a few people who were walking. Several people yelled after him, but he obviously didn't care or hear them because he didn't turn to aknowledge their yells. He just kept petaling, hell bent and getting where he was going quickly.

Paige hadn't realized that she had stopped to watch him until he zoomed past her, giving her a quick glimps of black hair and a blue backpack. Shaking her head at the fact that he was bicycling like a maniac on a crowded boardwalk she made her way to the small resturant a few yards away and sat down.