On the Boardwalk


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Every day after that instead of going to the small resturant she went to where Aaron worked, whenever he came in she was sitting at a table with a drink. The first day he had been surprised, and accused her of stalking him again but stopped almost immediately after.

As days went on though, he would spend his time before work restocking and talking to her at the same time. Learning about each other, and it was always something interseting. Paige learned that Aaron was only here for the summer, staying with a friend as he saved up money for his expenses while he was at college this following year.

They grew so close it came to the point where she would call her parents at eight to tell them she was going to stay with a friend until he got off work. Though, she subsituted he for she and his name became Andrea when her parents asked what friend. Then at eleven when he closed shop, they biked along the beach and he “dropped her off” at the end of her street.

By the beginning of July she had the biggest crush on him, and she couldn't keep her hands off of him. She'd do anything to find a reason to touch him; she'd even gone as far as saying there was something in his hair when there really wasn't.

The night things changed between Aaron and Paige was the night that they decided to picnic on the beach after a particularly busy night at the drink bar. It had been so busy he hadn't had time for a dinner break so Paige ran out, grabbed a few burgers and drinks from another shop and when he had gotten off they sat on the beach in the sand.

Paige had wrapped up the second half of her burger and set it in the bag and was watching him eat, inbetween his bites he was telling her about his family. She barely was paying his words any attention, what her attention was on was his face.


“Hm?” She asked, coming out of her daze. “What did you say?”

Instead of giving her words, Aaron leaned in to her and Paige sucked in her breath. This was it. This was the moment she had been waiting for. When his lips finally met hers, she felt her heart flutter in her chest and her stomach do backflips. The kiss was just the lightest press of lips and when they pulled apart Paige just stared at him.

“So... yeah.” He began, running his hand through his hair.

“Kiss me again,” she demanded, but she didn't wait for him to kiss her. She leaned in this time and was the one who kissed him. Though this time is wasn't simple and sweet; this time he pushed his hand into her hair and laid her back against the sand as he kissed her deep.

Her mind spun as he pulled away and looked down at her with soft eyes and all she could think was, “I'm a goner.”

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Friendship ended as June came to a close and romance began with July greeted them. Paige was caught up in a whirlwind of stolen kisses and roaming hands until one night when roaming hands weren't enough for either of them.

They had made love in the sand with nothing but the sounds of the waves and their heavy breathing to disrupt the quiet night. To anyone who would have been looking it wouldn't have been romantic, both had fumbled nervously with each others clothes and whispered sorries to each other instead of words of love. Though, to Paige even though her first time was clumbsy and painful it made her heart soar definitely when afterwards they laid there starting at the stars and Aaron and held her in his arms.

She didn't know how long they laid on the beach afterwards but when his roomate called asking if he'd be home they realized it was well past midnight. That night, after Aaron had kissed her goodbye at the end of her street she had to climb in through her bedroom window so her parents didn't know how late she had come in.

Laying in her bed that night Paige realized that she loved Aaron and when summer ended she would cry when he left.

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The day Aaron was the leave California they met in the exact spot they had met at the beginning of summer. He had a backpack on but she knew he had left his duffle bag in his friend's car, the friend was currently standing off to the side waiting impatiently.

“Have a safe trip, okay?” Paige said as she reached out to run her fingers through his hair.

“I will,” his voice sounded promising. “I'll call you when I get there.”

She nodded, “Will I see you next summer?”

Aaron hesitated before shaking his head, “Nah, my buddy said I can't stay with him next summer.” Paige began to say that she would be out of her parents house by then and he could stay with her when he added. “It'll be to much trouble to come all the way back here once school ends again. I'll probably stay with my parents or another friend.”

Paige tried to pretend that his words didn't hurt but they did, she could feel her heart clench and her eyes water. “Oh, okay.”

“Hey, don't worry about it. We'll still talk and stuff. Maybe you could come and see me if you get into a college on my side of the country.” Aaron said optimistically.

“Yeah...” but she knew that the odds of her ever going to see him were slim to none.

Aaron frowned when he saw the sad expression on her face and pulled her into a hug, they stood there for awhile and would have stayed longer if Aaron's friend didn't come over, “Are you ready to go yet? I got things to do today.”

They pulled away awkwardly before Aaron said, “Yeah, I'd better go.”

Paige nodded in agreement, “I'll miss you.”

“I'll miss you too. Except a call from me in a few days.” He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss before turning and leaving with his friend, leaving Paige there to look at him as he walked away.