Status: Complete

A Walk Through Hell

Chapter XXXII

I've been in the hospital way too many times this year. Ironically enough, Poof's room is next to Francis'. I hear Andy's voice but I don't look up, she pulls me into a tight hug that's only comforting her.

"We came as quickly as we could. My parents thought I was making an excuse to leave."

"It’s alright." She looked at my face.

"Did you cut?"

"I don't have the energy." She doesn't believe me and checks my arms.

"Zalex are you sure you want to be alone?"

"I've been alone my whole life." She frowns.

"I'll be fine. I swear." She finally believes me.

"We'll be at the house if you want anything from there." I start to say something but she cuts me off, "besides a razor." She's quick. I'm sitting on one of the waiting chairs they stick in front of the rooms. I can't decide which room to go into. I pull up my knees and hug them close.

"Mr. Scene?" I don't lift my head.


"Are you here for Francis Amnell or William Cypher?"

"I don't know who I love more."

"Sir, I'm not sure how to help you but Mr. Cypher is going to be perfectly okay, Ms. Amnell on the other hand." I look up at him with fear obviously showing in my eyes. "Don't be worried Ms. Amnell is healthy all we have to do is wait for her wake up. It’s the baby."

"What's wrong?!"

"Nothing the baby will be healthy, but when the delivery date comes we will have to perform a C-section if Ms. Amnell isn't awake by then, if we don't perform the operation the baby will die inside her and she will die as well. We need your consent." I pause.

“What are the chances of her waking up during the operation?"

"About a twenty percent chance."

"And if she's in that twenty percent."

"We'll sedate her until we finish." He's pretty straight forward, I cover my face with my hands. "I need an answer sir."

"I know." After a time I come to realize I don't want anyone to die.

"Do the C-section."

"Will do sir, please sign here." He pushes a paper at me, I skim read it and it checks out okay.

"I know how you feel, Sir."

"Thank you doctor-"

"Dr. Taylor."

"Thank you Dr. Taylor."

"You're welcome Mr. Scene." He's the first doctor I've ever liked. I rise to my feet and start to walk to the door on the right. I peer past the drawn curtain, good I want to be alone. I pull up a chair next to the bed and take a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for everything that's happened this year, if I could take it all back I would I just want you to be happy. I love you with all my heart, I know me loving Poof hurt you and I'm sorry I did that to you. I know you're able to respond to me but I need your forgiveness before I marry Poof." I look at her face, lifeless.

"I'll be back next week, I love you." I touch her stomach and realize my son or daughter will never get to know their mother.