Status: happy birthday Kayti! i love you. (:

Happy Birthday Kayti

Love me that way

Today was Kayti's birthday.
Today, she thought, wasn't going to be different from any other day.

It had begun the same as any other day, her morning routine and going to school. She really would have enjoyed staying home, but at least school made her forget about him, and she was already absent too many this year.

Not that her day would any better when she got hime. She would probably make herself dinner, seeing as her mother and sister were working late once again.She would probably do her homework and then cry herself to sleep listening to music, probably his.

She would cry because she misses him.
As much as promised him she wouldn't and tried her hardest not to, she did.

She knew he needed to leave to follow his dreams, and it was what was best for him, And he would have done the same for her.

But her being left alone is the worst possible thing.

Kayti was afraid of being alone.
He knew that.

Kayti worried about her night of self-pity all day.
But she put on a happy face so people wouldn't talk to her about it. She fakes it for the day for her friends adn arrives home later that evening.

But something doesn't feel right.

She walks up to her apartment apprehensively, becoming nervous as got closer to the door. She heard noise from behind her door, she became panicked. She opened the door, suddenly all the noise stopped. Kayti worried, no one was supposed to be home for hours.

She walked to the living room from the entrance way, and there he was. Standing, flowers in his hand, dressed in his skinny jeans and band tee.

Kayti stood there, awe-struck.

"What are you doing here?" said Kayti, annoyed. She just been nearly scared to death.

"Nice to see you too." He smiled.


"I knew today was your birthday, so I took a day's a break from recording to come up and see you. I'm sure they wouldn't miss me too much." He smiled and she smiled back

She ran over to hug him.

"And who cares if the boss minds, I had to see my best friend on her birthday."

That stung. It reminded her that they were (still) only friends. After all this time, it was still just friends because he was some perfect rockstar that could never love her in that way.

"So I hope you don't have any plans for tonight, I'm taking you out."

She just smiled. He pulled on her hand, her stomach flipped, and out they went.

He had everything planned. Kayti had no idea where they were going or doing next. But she was with him, so it was okay.

Eventually they arrived at the football field of their old high school. Why would he bring her back to one of her least favorite places?
Then he just drove the car up onto the field, she was servely confused.

"Um, what's going on?"

"It's a supirse. Now, shhhhhhhh, the movie's going to start soon."

And then the lgiths went on a projection scene and the sounds of Where the Wilds Things Live began to play. It was her favorite movie. And he knew she always wanted to go a drive-in movie. He even pulled out popcorn and soda.

He was perfect. But he wasn't hers.

As the movie progressed, they got (physically) closer. By the end of movie, Kayti was basically laying on him.

"That was awesome." She said looking up at him. "How did you do this though?"

He smirked "Well now that I'm a rock star, I've got connections." He let out a laugh, as did she.

"Well thank you for this night."

"Anything for my Kayti." Her heart melted a little.

With that they left.

They went to the town's local pizza shop. Their usual table in the back was reserved for them.
They were sharing a pie of mushroom and chesse pizza. They had had nearly finished the whole pie when he began to talk in serious tones, straying from the light conversation they had been having.

"So Kayti, how have you really been?"
He knew her so well.

For the first time that evening, her eyes fell from his face.

"Not as good as when you're here."

"Love, you're going to have to learn how to make it through life without me by your side at all times."

She laughed to herself at the idea of being ok without him.

"I can't, you're my everything." she whispered the last part.

"What did you say?"

"You're my everything, but you already know that."

He seemed shock and then smiled and took her hands in his.

"Kayti, do you love me?"

"Of course I do?"

"No, I mean in the other way."

"What other way?"

"The way where you think of me less as your brother and more as your boyfriend. The way where you want to kiss me all the time. The way I love you." By this point, he was looking down at their hands.

She let go one of her hands, his face droppped, he tmisundestood her motions. Kayti reached across the table, brought his face up so they were once again looking each other in the eye.

"Jordan Witzigreuter, I have always loved you that way. I've just been waiting for you to love me that way too." said Kayti with the biggest smile.

Then she kissed him. And he kissed her back.
And then they weren't so lonely.
And then today wasn't just another day.
♠ ♠ ♠
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAYTI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(special birthday one-shot for Kayti, one of my bestest friends!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
and to add to her present, i will try my damnest to update all my active stories by the week (Sunday night)
oooo and another present

thought she might love this...

and there will be another present, like a week from now.