He's Dying to Get Inside

Last Chapter

“Are you going to tell her?” Zack asked Alex, knowing it was not going to be an easy task.

“I have to, but I don’t know how to tell her, without getting hurt” Alex stated.

“How do you think Raylee is going to take it?” Brian asked, feeling concerned of her, and remembering what happened last time someone left her behind.

"Are you alright?"

Ray's eyes fell on muddy brown ones; her lab partner was staring at her with concern. Since she arrived to his house, she hadn't said a word; she just worked on her end of the project like that was all she knew how to do.

"Raylee, are you there? Earth to Raylee Jones!"

She blinked, "Derek and Darcy moved, without telling me," her blunt expressionless voice took him by surprise, "I don't know where they are, they changed their numbers too. My boyfriend and best friend are gone because of me."


"If I hadn't ditched Darce she wouldn't have gone to the party, therefore Derek wouldn't want Alex's head on a platter because he impregnated his sister."

"Ray, do you want to hear my logic on this?"

She nodded at the shaggy haired boy, her eyes dull and glassy like she was about to cry again.

"I think that everything happens for a reason. I believe that no matter what someone does, it's not their fault because it was their destiny to do it, so enjoy the good things because your life is planned out. And what I know is that this isn't your fault, it was out of your hands. If you're meant to be with Derek, you will find each other again."

“How who is going to take what?” a brown spiked hair appeared near them, scaring the hell out of them.

“Jack! Don’t do that again!” Zack squealed, giving the guys another reason to accept his usual silence.

Jack mumbled something then said in a very impatient tone, “Who is going to answer my question?”

“Chillax” Alex told his best friend. “It’s just I don’t know how to tell her about the wrapped tour.”

“Everything will come in time” Brian said, and with that said the bell rang.


Every member of All Time Low was sitting in their usual lunch table, at the center of the cafeteria.

Alex had bought her a salad, knowing she would prefer that than the food she brought from her house, plus he knew they had to spend quality time together as much as possible in the remaining three weeks. He was so concentrated on what he was going to say to Raylee that he submerged to an invisible bubble, remaining in an unusual silence. He remembered last time he didn’t tell her the real reason of his avoiding the day before yesterday. He started to think in what if’s and all the possible answers and reactions from Ray when he told him.

“Alex, are you okay?” she asked.

“Uhh... yeah” He lied after he realized who he was talking to, he didn’t like to lie to her but in that moment seemed the best option.

“Are you sure?” the shaggy haired boy asked with a concern tone.

“Raylee, we need to talk.” The coffee haired boy simply said in an absent mood, creating a feeling of tension. He stood up and started walking outside.

Ray followed close behind not knowing what to expect, she didn’t like tone Alex used to address her and she wished her worst fears won’t become true. She was dumb fold, when they got together the day before he was happy to being with her, but now everything was awfully different. She looked behind before stepping out of the cafeteria and saw her friend nearly in tears and Brian was comforting her, it nearly broke her heart to see the strong figure of Kara nearly in pieces. She hurried her pace and caught up with Alex. He didn’t looked well, his face was reflecting a bittersweet feeling, and it seemed that he wanted something but he couldn’t tell, at least that was what she thought.

“Alex, what is this all about?” Raylee asked, giving herself a surprise when she realized her voice wasn’t trembling.

“I... umm... the band...” Alex didn’t know what to say, Raylee’s sudden outburst left him speechless. He took a deep breath and calmed his nerves. “We got a call last night.” She nodded her head for him to go on. “And this manager called to our agent, announcing that we are going to perform in the Warped Tour.”

Ray instantly placed her faired skinned hand over her mouth and stared to jump in happiness, she was really happy for him, but her sudden happiness lasted few seconds, that’s when realization drown her. “That’s great. I hope you are happy to leave me behind, because all I know that you’re just pretending to be sad about it.”

With that said she left, leaving Alex confused and astonished at what had happened. The things didn’t turn like he expected to happen.

After all he knew that this was going to end like that, the faster the better.