Take It With Me

It's Just The Way We Are, Boys

Tom lay in bed, unable to sleep.

Not only did he keep thinking about Kitty, but someone was running up and down the halls outside his room. He could hear their feet thunk thunk thunking up the hall, and then thunk thunk thunking back down the hall.

He tried to ignore it, tried to think about the show.

The show that night had been great. Just great. He had felt right at home again on the stage at the Heritage, every nuance and crack and particle of dust in the place just sung out with familiarity.

He had seen Annie in the audience. That was a hoot. He tried to catch up with her after the show, but she just waved and walked out.

That bothered him.

Their relationship had been good. They were both young, yeah, but it was good enough.

He’d like to catch up with her before he left town again. Maybe she could get Kitty off his mind.

Annie always knew how to cure what was ailing him.

He put his arms behind his head and sighed, wiggling his toes back and forth. They were sore from those damn pointy shoes.

He wished a girl was in bed with him. Any girl. Kitty, Blondie, Annie... or hell, any other dame in the city would do.

He hated sleeping alone.

The running started up again, and Tom decided that a night in a bar would be better than dealing with all of this noise. He got up and shrugged into his old suit and plunked his hat on his head, not even bothering to comb his hair.

As he walked out of the door, pocketing the key, he bumped right into a tiny little dark haired boy.

“Well hey there, fella.”

Tom smiled down at the kid, and he grinned back up.

He was missing two of his front teeth.

“Boo,” Tom said, making a face at him. The boy squealed and started running up and down the halls again.

“How the hell does something that tiny make that much noise?” Tom wondered aloud, walking down the hall. Behind him, he could hear a door open and a woman start fussing.

Caught by Mama.

Tom chuckled, then sobered up.

He needed to call his Mama.

He wondered what she would say about Kitty. He hoped she’d say that he’d done what he needed to do.

But for some reason he felt like he’d be the one getting fussed at if she knew what he’d done.
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This one's for you, Caitlynn. ::tehe: