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All the Things We Could Have Changed


in the Golden Wood of Lothlorien, the Lady Turwethiel of Lorien was born. Her eldest brother was the famous march Warden Haldir and her other elder brother was Rumil and her only youngest sibling, and also her twin, was Orophin.

Her parents were very well respected in Lorien, her mother was the younger sister of Lord Celeborn and her father was at one point March Warden. if something were to ever happen to Galadirel or Celeborn, technically her mother would assume command of Lorien, her father and her brothers couldn't because of their oaths as Wardens, her mother wished not to be in charge f the golden Wood so Turwethiel was in fact, next in line of command after Celeborn .

She spent many of her early years with her mother and the Lord and Lady. She never left Caras Galadhon without her parents or either Haldir or Rumil in those days. Even until Hundreds of years after her and Orophin were considered adults at the age of 100. After all that time being kept in the city and limited areas of the forest, she was finally able to roam the forest near the city with Orophin when they were 400.

But one day when she was seperated from Orophin, she strayed to far from her boundries and Rumil caught her and was not very happy with her at all. But while he was giving her a stern scolding in one of the Warden Talans, their eldest sibling Haldir came up and heard her out. He took pity on her being shut up in the city, so he convinced Rumil not to tell their parents.

Haldir was one of the few Elves who traveled outside of the Golden Wood, so he knew Westron, or the Common Tongue spoken by the Race of Men. Shortly after Turwethiel and Orophin, who by then had joined his brothers in the ranks of the Wardens, had turned 700, Haldir took her along with him on a trip outside of Lorien, and he taught hr the Tongue of Men. Turwethiel deeply enjoyed those trips with Haldir because Haldir was her closet brother out of the three, and because of his duties as March Warden he was often away at the Fences protecting the Golden Wood form dark creatures.

Almost 1800 years later, when Haldir and Trwethiel returned from one of their trips outside of the forest, they learned that their mother was killed. She was ambushed and killed by Orcs while she was roaming the Forest closer to the Fences than she should have. Rumil and Orophin took her death the hardest. They both felt responsible for her death, Haldir because he was away at the time and Rumil because he was the Warden in charge during Haldir's absence.

Another 500 years passed and their father began to look to the future. He knew that one day his daughter may Rule Lorien, so he contacted Lord Elrond of Rivendale. They both agreed that the Elf-Lord, Glorfindel Golden Haired would be a good match for her. But Turwethiel would have nothing to do with an arranged marriage, not with any Elf, not even her good friend Glorfindel. All of her brothers, even her own twin and he closest friend, Haldir agreed with her fathers decision. With none of her family supporting her, she left Lorien.

She used the knowledge that she had learned of Middle-Earth on her trips with Haldir to make her way to Rivendale. She remained there for nearly three centuries. While she was there she made sure that she and Glorfindel were still friends. He told her that the only reason he himself had agreed to the marriage was because Lord Elrond had asked him to. She then went to Elrond who told her that he wished for her and Glorfindel to wed so that his children could have more of a reason to visit their grandparents the Lord and Lady of the Wood. Turwethiel and Elrond's children Elladen, Elrohir and Arwen became good friends in the years to come.

She traveled to the forest of Mirkwood, spending five centuries in the realm of the Elven king Thranduil. She was a protector of the king and close friends with his son Legolas Greenleaf. While in Mirkwood, she honed her fighting skills. None of her brothers but Orophin would really teach her how to defend herself, seeing as how she was always with one of them or in the City.

Turwethiel carried with her an arsenal of weapons. She brought with her form Lorien a bow and quiver full of arrows and an Elvish sword, all of which she kept slung upon her back. Elrond's twin sons each gave her a matching long knives. Thranduil and Legolas both gave her a dagger, one she kept in the top of her left boot and one strapped to her thigh. She kept a horn of Lothlorien on her at all times.

After spending 500 years in Mirkwood she traveled back to Rivendale and met and befriended the future king of Gondor, Aragorn.
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just the prologue, still writing the main part of the story, some things might change as they go. updates may be far between but comments and feed back are appreciated!