Status: New, comments are nice(:

That Only Exception

Dear Person,

My name is Mori and I am in the 2nd grade. I have a doggy named Skip who likes to catch sticks and bones. He is white with spots. He licks my face sometimes, and I don’t like it. It’s sticky, and smells nasty, but it makes him happy to lick my face.

I have one mommy, and two daddies. I am eight years old. I will be nine very soon. I live in California. It is really sunny, and I like to go to the beach. I love going in the water to swim, and Skip likes it too. I like to make sandcastles, but Skip sometimes destroys them. That makes me mad.

I go to a really big school, but my teacher told me not to write it down in the letter. She said it was dangerous, and I believe her. Her name is Ms. Gilligan. I love her so so so much. She is the best teacher ever. In this entire land!

I also have a brother. His name is Zack. My real daddy calls him Zacky-Chan, like the Chinese man in those funny movies. Do you know about them? I love them. They are my very favorite movies. They are called Rush Hour.

I live in a big house. I can’t tell you where it is. Ms. Gilligan said not to say that either. My house has stairs. Mommy calls them flights, and taught me how to count them. There is three flights of stairs. I pinky promise. I counted!

My room is pretty. It’s pink with flowers, and butterflies. I like butterflies. Do you? I think they are funny, and pretty, and they tickle my nose when they land on me. I learned they suck nectar. Nectar is my favorite word! It sounds funny.

I am almost in the third grade. Ms. Gilligan says that’s a big girl age. I already am a big girl. But I can’t wait to be 10. That’s double digits! I told mommy I want a big party with lots of cake and ice cream. She said yes! Do you want to go? I can invite you!

My fingers hurt now. But I want to you to write. Ms. Gilligan says it’s called replying. It’s a big word, but I know what it means! Ms. Gilligan said to say a funny word at the end. It sounded like sour. But it was long. Sourly? But I will put it because Ms. Gilligan says it makes you sound smart. And I am smart!

