Status: New, comments are nice(:

That Only Exception

Dear Noel,

I didn’t know who you were. Ms. Gilligan just said to write a letter. She said it was supposed to be anon-ee-mouse. You are smart. Maybe you know the word. My mommy says my name means beautiful. I learned how to say that in Italian. Bella!

Is your mommy pretty? My mommy is really, really pretty. She looks like me, but she said that I look more like my real daddy. I don’t think so. What does incompetent mean? It sounds like incomplete. I like that word. Incomplete! Ms. Gilligan says it means to have something not finished.

Wow, are you really nine years old?! My birthday is soon, and then we can both be nine! Do you feel bigger? I bet you’re really tall! Is third grade hard? You must be really, really smart. I think you are. You know a lot of big words.

Your name is really funny. When I saw it, I giggled. Mommy says my giggle sounds like bells. It makes my tummy tickle when I laugh too hard though. I feel like I am gonna throw up my heart!

What is a star fruit? Is it shaped like a star? I think stars are pretty. They are shiny, and sparkly, and Ms. Gilligan says they can make your dreams come true. I believe her. My favorite color is pink. It’s pretty, and the color of my Barbie’s corvette. My real daddy has a corvette, but he says it’s racing stripe red. I don’t understand daddies.

You seem old. I hear my fake daddy talking like that sometimes. He says it’s called ‘speaking proper’. Mommy says he’s just being silly. I think she’s right.

Siblings sounds like bubbles. What does that mean? See, Noel, you are smart. Ms. Gilligan says that it’s called being a ‘smart cookie’. So you are a smart cookie.

I told mommy about you, and she said you should be my pen pal. Do you live in California too? Maybe I can visit you! Or you can come over. Mommy just bought me a pogo stick. Zack won’t let me use it a lot, but I still like it. It’s fun. You go bounce, and bounce. I laughed really hard. But then my tummy started to hurt.

And that was the word! Thank you Noel! You are really, really, smart. I think I like you. Maybe we can get married. But Charlotte told me boys have cooties. I don’t know what that is, but it sounds bad. Charlotte is my best friend ever. She has brown hair, and brown eyes. They remind me of cow spots. Moo!


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Annnd this one goes out to Becky Starz, s'cause she's like the only one who reads this(:
