Status: New, comments are nice(:

That Only Exception

Dear Noah,

I’m sorry! So, so very sorry! I thought it said Noel, but it didn’t. I feel bad, so I will send you a virtual cookie. Charlotte sends them all the time. She says it makes people feel better. Do you feel better yet?

What is Noah’s Ark? The Bible sounds familiar. Is it the book we read at Sunday school? I like that book. But it has too many words, and the pages are thin. I ripped a page once. It was an accident, I swear! But I had to hide it in the seat. But don’t tell anyone. Mommy calls them pews. It sounds like Pee-yew! Zack makes that noise every time he farts and tries to blame it on me. But I didn’t fart! I never do!

Annoying is a nice word. So thank you. Ms. Gilligan yells it at the class a lot. She goes ‘You brats are so annoying!’ Nicole cries sometimes when she says it. But I think its tears of joy. Sometimes Ms. Gilligan screams it so loud I can see the veins popping out of her neck. Then her face turns really red. Then she will fall into her seat.

I can speak Italian! My real daddy was born in Italy and he took me there. Zack wanted to go, but Mommy said he couldn’t. I think mommy likes me better. In Italy there was many restaurants, and I got to see my Nonna. That means grandma in Italian. She cooks really good. And I helped her make lasagna.

I want to be 10 so badly! Zack is 11, and he says 10 is the coolest age. He got his very own TV when he was 10! I think I will get one too. I told mommy you lived in New York and she said that was a very pretty place. Zack got to go there with my fake daddy! It wasn’t fair! But Mommy says she will take me one day.

Wow, third grade sounds fun. Noah you are very, very smart. I think if it is hard, you can help me. Maybe you can come over sometime and tutor. Mommy taught me that word. Hey! I am not a dummy! And I bought a dictionary. So I know what overachiever means now. I think you are an overachiever Noah.

I’m gonna ask Mommy to buy a star fruit. It sounds yummy. It is sweet right? I don’t like not sweet fruit. That tastes nasty. But I think I will like star fruit. It is shaped like a star! Don’t be scared Noah! Barbie’s don’t hurt you. And the cars aren’t real silly goose. It is a toy car! And you don’t have to get a pink car. It can be blue.

I have two daddies. One is my real daddy. One is my fake daddy. He is not fake like my Barbie, but he is not my daddy. Mommy says that babies come from a mommy and a daddy when they fall in love. My real daddy and my mommy fell in love. My fake daddy didn’t fall in love with my mommy. Get it?

I know you’re not old! You’re only nine! My mommy is old. She is 31. I can count to 31! A smart cookie means a smart person. Ms. Gilligan came up with it. She is so pretty, and smart. She should be the president.

Noah we should really be pen pals! Mommy said it was a good idea. She told me it would help me have more friends. I like having friends. Ms. Gilligan said that pen pals are really fun to have! So I think we should be pen pals. You don’t have to marry me if you don’t want to. But we can be friends. I looked on a map. I saw New York. It is really far from my house.

I know what a country is. That’s where they have pigs, and animals. And the people there wear a little bit of clothes. Then they wake up from a rooster. The rooster goes ‘cookol doo doo do!’. Then the people dance and yell ‘yee-haw!’. I’m smart too.

Charlotte is really, really funny. But today she was really mean to me. I think she is mad at me. She didn’t sit with me at lunch. And she didn’t play with me at recess. I had to play all alone, and I cried. I don’t like when Charlotte is mad at me.

Sincerely. I finally know how to spell it now! Thank you Noah! Your very smart. A smart cookie! That made me giggle. Mommy just pinched my cheeks and it hurt. She says hello. I will talk to you next time. I’m tired.

Sincerely from your pen pal,

♠ ♠ ♠
Ohemgizzle. People read this! I'd like to thank the academy(:

I think Mori sounds older in this, don't you? I was having a weird day, and couldn't channel my inner 2nd grader. Sorries. I'll update as soon as I can, because evidently, everyone just loves them some Noah.

The next couple chapters will be sped up in time. They have to get older right? No worries it'll be at most two or three years. I don't know about you, but I can't wait for some older Noah, nudge nudge.
