Status: New, comments are nice(:

That Only Exception

Dear Pen Pal,

Guess the fuck what.

Seriously guess.

My stupid bitch of a mother, fucking let’s me know she cheated on my dad and we’re moving. Not only does the whore sleep with some random fuck on the cruise she and my dad went on, but she slept with the random fuck on the cruise she and my dad went on FOR THEIR ANNIVERSARY.

I can’t even look at her now. And shit, my fucking dad looks so goddamn broken. I swear it’s killing me to even see him. I just want to fucking punch something, sometimes even her. I mean I never saw this coming. And I should’ve. I really should have.

After their cruise my mom could barely look at dad and me. She would mutter shit under her breath, and make some excuse to leave. I figured it was her menopause shit women go through, but fuck. She cheated on him.

What makes it bad is that it all came out during my graduation party. The fuck? So imagine this, me surrounded by like my entire 6th grade class, and we all hear yelling from upstairs. My mom comes fucking flying down the stairs crying, and mind you everyone stopped to see what the fuck was going on. So my dad comes down right after, and me being an idiot think he’s socked the shit out of her or something. So I start yelling wanting to know what was happening, and my dad shakes his head, and walks away.

It’s not like I can walk away from my freaking graduation, so I have to pretend everything is fine, while I know everyone can hear them yelling outside. I mean seriously? Could she have picked a fucking worse time to tell my dad she was cheating on him? Of all shitting times right?

So I’m totally bummed now because everyone keeps staring at me, and we can STILL hear my parents outside yelling. So I mean eventually they come inside, and they look normal, apologizing for their behavior. Whatever. Party ends, and they sit me down, and the bitch starts crying again. I’m officially freaking out now because I’m thinking she’s like dying or something, and then she says it.

I couldn’t really tell if I was so mad because my parents were getting a divorce or because we had to move, but I flipped my shit. I think I might have broken the coffee table, and I didn’t even eat that night.

You know what, I hope you had a great fucking graduation. Good luck on middle school, because you just might end up with your parents getting a fucking divorce. And guess where we’re moving…

New Jersey.

I punched my wall in when I heard that. First off, why the fuck can’t we stay in New York, I mean that has been my home my whole life, and just because my whore of a mother pulls down her underwear for anything with a jimmy, I have to leave everything behind. My friends, my house, my dad. I mean I don’t even want to live with her. But she went and got split custody of me, and I don’t know how, but my dad said there was nothing he could do.
So now here I am, writing this last letter from New York.

New Jersey, I can’t even fucking believe this.

My mom tries to talk to me, but I don’t even acknowledge her anymore. She’s just the person my dad was married to now. I hate my life. So much, Mori. I just want to run away, but I don’t think I could do that to my dad.

Fuck, I’m still so pissed and it’s been like a week. I’m going to finish packing because we have to leave tomorrow. I still can’t believe it’s happening. But I am happy to see my mother so upset. She looks like shit, and I am so happy. Because that’s how my dad feels. And I can’t even believe he still talks to her.

Whatever, I’ll talk to you next time from Jersey. Fucking New Jersey.

I hate my life,

♠ ♠ ♠
*cowers in corner*

Sorry it's been a few days. I had my own graduation, and yeah lots of prep for summer.

So anyone like the new Noah? I won't lie, I almost cried when he began to speak in sentence fragments. But yeah this chapter is pretty shocking. I like the new Noah though. Yum.

I hope no one's angry at how far I sped ahead. Sorry, if you were, but I needed to move on. Trust me, I love me some articulate Noah as much as everyone else, but he has to get older. Sigh.

Mori's next. Hopefully I can still surprise you all(:
