One Odd Group


"Aequitas Middle School" was the sign that was in front of me. "Aequitas" was latin for justice or equality, but from the looks of it, I knew that this school was gonna be a nightmare. All of the teachers looked depressed as if they wasted their lives and there's no security, so people can just come in and take whatever they want. The students are obsessed with how they look, and from context I can tell that there are only hook-ups and no real relationships.

But then again, I guess the world is falling apart. There are crime waves and heat waves; half of all the adults are bitches and jackasses. I miss being schooled by my grandma, but after she retired we lost contact. Why I have to be sent here? I don't know. But now I'm going to step into this hellhole.

Well after seeing like 15 couples making out in the hallway, I came to my room, F7. Inside was Mr. Ratel-Blake, a creepy man. I wasn't going to be the same as everyone else, just sitting by whoever was hot, so I sat alone in the far right corner. Two seats away was a boy who didn't even notice me, as he was too busy reading, writing, and drawing all at the same time. In front of me was a girl secretly eating... watermelon?! and to her left was a boy silently counting hundred dollar bills under his desk. Those were the people around me. Nobody greeted me, Mr. Ratel-Blake just said in a raspy voice, "Go sit somewhere."

And that was it. Mr. Ratel-Blake told us to bring a pencil tomorrow and that was it. On the way out of school, I saw two girls giggling and looking at me. Then as I was about to walk away, one of them said "Hey." I froze. I told myself I wouldn't be the "average" person. "H-hi..." I nervously muttered.

The other girl came up to me and said, "Hi I'm Carrie and this is Lizzie... Well anyways Lizzie thinks you're cute and wants to get with you... she was just too nervous. I just wanna be friends, but are you going to let her down?" I shrugged my shoulders and somehow found myself saying "yes" to her. I walked away and Lizzie caught up to me and grabbed my arm.

"Um... what's your name?" She whispered. "Aaron." I replied. "So, Aaron, are you going somewhere today?" I said no and she immediately said "Ok can we go out then?" I was about to say no, but everyone was looking at me and I just uttered "yes" because of the pressure. "Great!" Lizzie squealed and then held my hand. Here I am. Doing what I said I wasn't going to do. I sighed and said "So where are we going?"
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Is it good?