
Tree Hugger

The soft summer wind gently caressed her body and she could sense the spirits of home. Pocahontas knelt down on the bow of the ship watching the water as the large vessel sliced it's skin.

"Ay bloody savage I've told ye before to git off er that!" a brutish old man yelled from the deck.

"NO," thick eyebrows furrowed at her stern reply. "Who are you to speak to me like that? We've been sailing together all this time."

"Doesn't change anything," the man mumbled rolling his eyes and receiving a few grunts of agreement from others. With a gymnasts balance she walked forward and crouched in front of the man. All eyes widened at the 'indecent' position she was in, some looked away respectful and slightly embarrassed. Pocahontas only continued to peer at the man before jumping down and strutting off. Flick buzzed around in his face.

"Ay!" she turned back at the mans call, he swatted flick away. "Yer precious John Rolfe, isn't here to protect ya at the moment an' if it weren't fer my respect fer John Smith I'd let ya 'ave a piece o my mind!"

"You can keep your mind I don't want it," she said hotly storming off deck flick in close pursuit. She sighed as the troubles she tried to escape on deck bled back in to her.

John Ralph.... or John Smith

Her eyes watered slightly at the thought, this whole trip had been a big confusion. When they boarded in London it was suppose to be her and John Rolfe on a new journey to start a family. But things soon changed when John Smith was captain of the voyage. Tensions between the three where soft, when together Smith and Rolfe only teased. But Pocahontas had a heavy heart Rolfe could sense her indecision she knew because of the slight sorrow in his eye. Smith, he had a similar sorrow but with a more aggressive undertone.

What's the right thing to do

The tensions and decisions only became more prominent as the voyage neared an end. She was promised to Rolfe they where so close now, he gave up everything for her.... but Smith he just kept reminding her of all their memories. Memories once painful because for so long Smith was "dead" but now the happiness had returned there. Still Smith made her believe he died for so long he let her live in pain and just when she moves on she is suppose to go back to him?

The ship rocked swooping way over then back again a heavy wad of fur rolled against her leg. Distracted she lifted a green sickly Miko who grumbled in her arms. Percy barked loudly "Shhh," Pocahontas put her finger to her lips eyes widening. She didn't want either John to find her right now.

"Ahh Pocahontas," she grimaced as John Rolfe approached. "A-are you alright?" he frowned in uncertainty his English accent poking through his words.

"Yes," she glanced down.

"Really because you don't look it," he stepped forward concerned and stroking her shoulder softly.

"I..." she almost said it. "I... just want to go home," she sighed. It was the truth, not the direct truth but still true. His arms wrapped around her tightly.

"But that's why I've been looking for you."


"John Smith says-" she inwardly flinched at the name. "That if we sail through the night by tomorrow evening, if the wind is with us we shall meet land."

"Really?" this news did raise her spirits enough for a genuine smile to touch the corners of her face.

"Yes really--" Pocahontas broke the embrace and rushed back on Deck as if she could see the land already. On cue a large huff of wind puffed out the sails and sped the boat onwards through the sea. She could hear the spirits whispering happily she could see their colors in the wind.

"Pocahontas?" John Rolfe grasped her hand.

"Can you see them?" she whispered

"See what Pocahontas?" he was sincerely confused as he glanced around on the ship people near by shrugged.

"She means the colors," Smith finished sliding down a rope on the mast. Rolfe rolled his eyes playfully.

"Classy entrance Smith."

"Ah don't be jealous I'll teach you," he winked at Rolfe and both men chuckled.

"Now what about these colors?" Rolfe inquired.

"It's-" Smith began but glanced at Pocahontas frowning a bit. "It's something I'm sure you'll learn," turning away he busied himself with a cannon. Rolfe sensed the change and hunched slightly.

"I... think I'll go check the map once more. To be sure we've stayed on course," Rolfe walked away and Pocahontas heaved a great sigh Rolfe to her left and Smith sulking on her right. Where's Grandmother willow when you need her Pocahontas felt tears mount again but suppressed them. She turned from the sea storming in to her cabin. Laying in her hammock she entered a restless sleep flashes of color and slurred words filled her mind. Then a path was before her.

The dirt path in woods she's always know, Smith and Rolfe both raced past her and she gasped at their speed. She had to catch them but she was too slow. Smith glanced back and faded away halting her in mid stride she turned to Rolfe he slowed and stopped waiting far in the distance.

Pocahontas ran and ran rushing through the thickness trees scratching at her skin. But Rolfe still seemed so far. All these obstacles slowed her down but the path remains clear and he stayed in sight, waiting. Just as she reached Rolph Smith reemerged in to sight. She glanced back and forth between the two both holding out their hands. Behind Smith the path was hazed and blurred. Behind Rolfe the path was straight and clear but many obstacles jutted up from the bumpy forest ground. With a jolt she awoke the dream fading away.

Laying awake she felt the gentle motion as the ship swayed to-and-frow. Her thoughts wandered.

((song.. what I can have a song Pocahontas was a musical type movie))

"Listen to the mountain
Listen to the voices of the wind
Listen to my heart
Listen to the spirit within

How can you listen to so many? I don't know which to choose.
What am I to do, my path has split in two?
Where's the arrow that's pointing me to you?
Tell me
Which voice do I listen to?"

Memories of John Smith flood her mind. Kissing by the trees, rolling in the grass, swimming in the river, beautiful things.

"Together we ended a war
But the whole time it was you
That I was fighting for

The biggest adventure was ours
A million to one we beat the odds

My father my tribe
Your men
All approved of us
Together forever
And then....
Forever came to an end.

Listen to the mountain
Listen to the voices of the wind
Listen to my heart
Listen to the spirit within

John Rolfe's face appeared in her mind. She smiled at all his awkward moments, but he was so cute and he did try. The dancing, the fun, he stood up for her when no one else would, that proved a lot. And he always let her choose on her own no decisions made for her 'best interest' unless she had a say.

"You saved my land from ultimate evil
You risked your life for mine
So many smiles we've shared
I can't count the times

So quick our fondness grew
Together me and you
I felt it
My happiness renewed

But can you hear the voices all around you
Can you appreciate the riches of the land
Can you see with eyes of a spirit not those of man?

Obstacles await
can we really take this stand?

Listen to the mountain
Listen to the voices of the wind
Listen to my heart
Listen to the spirit within

How can you listen to so many? I don't know which to choose.
What am I to do, my path has split in two?
Where's the arrow that's pointing me to you?
Tell me
Which voice do I listen to?"

She drifted back in to a dreamless sleep.


The next morning came quick and passed quick everyone seemed so busy since word had traveled about reaching land late this night. Inventory, cleaning, impatient men rushing here and there anxiously awaiting reunion with loved ones. The whole crew knew no one would be expecting their arrival so early and especially in the middle of the night no one expected a large welcome. Still the thought fueled them and they all battled over the crows nest hoping to be the first to spot land.

Pocahontas spent her day sitting on the ships railing once again watching the it break away the waters surface, small waves lapped against it in objection.

"Pocahontas, you know once we reach land your going to have to choose," Smiths calm voice came beside her. She looked up in to his clear baby blues, and looked away chin resting on a knee.

"It's not fair." There was a silence. "It's not fair what I have to do John."

"Pocahontas look at me," he brushed a strand of hair from her face. "I love you. I always will," he cupped her face softly.

"I love you too John Smith," he kissed her cheek tenderly and went for her lips.

"I just don't know if I love you the same way," she turned her face and jumped down from the railing. "I'm sorry," she looked in to his eyes then away. "But I just don't know..." John Smith frowned deeply as he watched her walk away. Miko patted his leg comfortingly before digging in his pockets for food, flick sat on his shoulder.

Home was near she felt it all around her, that meant a decision was near too. Like a double bladed sword this journeys end was dismally glorious. She should be outside peering out for land as anxious if not more than the rest of the crew, but for the moment she was staring trans-fixedly in to the wooden ceiling of her cabin. There was a knock.

"P-Pocahontas may I enter?" John Rolfes voice emitted from the other side of the door.

"Yes," she sat up awaiting him. Stepping in he shut the door behind him.

"Pocahontas will you speak with me?"

"Of course what do you want to talk about?" she smiled a little.

"I want you to tell me what's troubling you. Although I think I have an idea."

"Oh what do you mean? I'm fine," her false smile totally ruined that charade.

"Pocahontas I don't like being lied to. Just talk, I promise I won't be mad."

"John you know what's wrong..." she sighed and looked away.

"Yes," he replied as if sad his notion proved right.

"Then you understand," she looked at him hopeful.

"yes," he looked down a little glumly.

"John," she sighed and walked to him. "It's not easy," she kissed his lips and melted away his arms snaking around holding her closer. His lips hungrily but timidly meeting her own. She pulled apart breathless and confused. "I just.... Don't know," she hugged him tight tears spilling slowly.

"I'll understand Pocahontas, what ever you choose," he held her comfortingly.


Early night had now passed and Pocahontas made it clear to Smith and Rolfe she would have their answer by dawn but just needed to be alone for a while. Only John Smith probably knew what she really had to do.... Talk with grandmother willow.

The ship arrived at port at exactly midnight, the crew quietly and hurriedly unloaded and weighed anchor. Once on land Pocahontas ran off in to the woods thriving on the reunion with spirits she longed for so many nights. The intoxicating smells of pine and berries, of wet earth, the sounds of animals, and the silence of being far from any city like London. Stars twinkled above her as she made her way kneeling in front of Grandmother willows tree. She was happy to be home... but she had little time to find the answers she so desperately seeked only then could she enjoy it all in full.

"Grandmother willow I need to talk to you," the tree before her swirled and twisted in to a face.

"Ahh Pocahontas my child I've missed you."

"I've missed you too grandmother willow," her voice was slightly choked. "I have so much to tell you about," a tear slipped over her eye lid.

"First what's the matter dear?" grandmother willow raised a vine wiping it away.

"I have to make a really hard decision by sunrise grandmother willow... I feel so lost."

"I''ve heard those words before," the tree arched an eyebrow. "Tell me Pocahontas, what is this decision?"

Pocahontas told her of her entire trip to London, about the king, about John Rolfe, about John Smith, even the part about Miko throwing up which they both laughed at. But the stars where diminishing and a light purple hue took hold of the sky.

"Sunrise?! It's coming," Pocahontas looked towards the horizon. "But I still don't know who to choose grandmother willow. What voice do I listen to"

"The voice of destiny. Come child," Pocahontas hugged grandmother willow as her vines patted her comfortingly. "You'll make the right decision Pocahontas. But only you know what path is best for you."


Smith and Rolfe paced anxiously near the dock as the first sun glow crept up over the sea alighting it in red and orange flares. A twig snapped in the forest and attention turned as Pocahontas emerged.

"I've made my choice John." Both Johns looked at each other a little confused. She walked up to Smith and he smiled wildly, Rolfe frowned and stepped aside a bit. "I told you once John Smith I love you. And I always will," she kissed him gently. "I also said," she grasped his hands and stepped back. "We walked the same paths once but now our paths have changed. I know what my dream was telling me.... You disappeared John, you died."

"Pocahontas I told you I was sorry but I-"

"You DIED," she continued. "And I changed my path. You came back and renewed all my old happiness.... But I can't walk backwards in time. We have both changed paths. I decided," she looked back and forth between Rolfe and Smith. "That you have many more adventures to go on in your life," she gazed in to Smiths blue saucers.

"Yes Pocahontas and I want you to be a part of that together we cou-"

"My adventure ends here John... I've told you before this," she raised her arms up and soaked in her surroundings the wind tossing her hair. "This is where I belong John smith," she rubbed his cheek softly.

"Then I'll stay," he stood stubbornly. "And this time you can't push me away I have no injury."

"No," he frowned. "Because I know that you belong out there," Pocahontas waved her arm out to the sea and all the unknown worlds it touched upon. "And I know my new path leads me to you," she looked over at John Rolfe his smile grew slowly and touched his eyes that beamed happily at her.

"I love you John Smith I always will."

"And I'll always love you Pocahontas," he pulled her in to a bear hug.

"I know you'll find happiness," she whispered and kissed him one last time. "And you better come back to tell me all about it," a tear slipped silently down her face and he wiped it away.

"I will. You and your people are still my family," he smiled at her and stepped away. "I just need a little time to myself." Pocahontas nodded and watched him walk away to his ship. A warm hand gently gripped hers and she found her self smiling up at John Rolfe and soft brown eyes, many obstacles awaited them. But the path was clear and she knew this was right.

The wind swirled around them lifting the weight off her shoulders and singing as the suns glow blazed ever more across the ocean.