The Great Fall

The Great Fall

When I was born, my fate was sealed. Unlike my older brother, Luke, I was made a Slave Angel. I was taken from my mothers breast and held in the air, in the white birthing room, by a tall man with an aging beard and blue eyes.

“She will do,” he said and handed me to a wet nurse angel.

I heard my mothers screams of protests but... I never saw her again.

When I hit the age where I could do the cleaning, washing, and all the things needed from my master, Zeus, I was given ragged, old grey sweat pants and muscle shirt. After about two years after starting my slavery duties, my white hair was cut at a short length and was told to keep my eyes down at the master, and the gods.

I was scrubbing the flawless white marble floor, with a gold trim, in the plaza when I met a boy. He was in the middle of the floor, looking to the gates that sealed us in this awful hell.

“Excuse me, sir,” I say getting up and walking walking across the floor, my over sized grey sweat pants dragging across it, “Can I help you with anything?”

He turned at my approach and I gasped. His pure white, shoulder length hair fell into his eyes some, his eyes were white with a black iris, his skin so pale and white that it stood out against his acid stained, black and silver outfit. His pants where black with silver stitching and a one inch band at the flare of the pants, and waist. His long sleeved black shirt, with silver stitching and one inch bands at the base of the shirt, sleeves, and collar was unbuttoned. Showing his well tones chest and old scars plastered against his skin.

As he turns, I notice he didn't have white angel wings, like mine, but had chain ones coming from his back, that dragged against the floor as he moved. But what startled me the most was his expression. It held anger and pain. I backed up two or three steps but, being the slave I am, couldn't help but to assist him.

“Sir?” he scoffs and turns back to gates, “I am no sir. I'm an abomination.”

“Why do you say that? You clearly are not a slave,” I say pointing out my clothes and his, “What can be so horrible, as to have everything you want, to call yourself an abomination?”

“... I don't have everything . I don't have freedom,” he says turning to me with a pained expression.

I go to ask him another question but I hear Zeus' yell at me. I get to my knees and bow, my forehead touching the marble, at his feet.

“Why are you out here still?!” He yells, staring angrily at the boy.

“I was cleaning the floor, as you told me to, when I saw this boy sir. I asked if he needed any assistance, My Lord.”

“There is no need to help him. You are my slave alone! Go start a bath for me!” he yells at me and swings a dried bamboo stick across my back.

I yelp and my wings flinch in pain.

“Hide you wings in my presence, girl,” Zeus said and turns to the boy, “and you! Go back to your quarters!”

I get up and does as my master said, pulling my wings into my back, and slowly walk to Zeus' bathing room. I limp as I walk, from the throbbing pain from the whelp on my spine.

As I finish filling the tub, and walk outside to fly to my cabin, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn abruptly and stare at the white and black eyes. I bow but cry out as I feel the stretching of my skin on my back.

“There is no need to bow... your hurt. Lets go to your cabin and I will put some healing herbs on your whelp.

“N-no slave, let alone a god, is to help with the healing of another's punishment,” I say panting hard from the pain as I stand up.

“Well, I'm not a god so, it does not apply to me,” he says smirking.

I was puzzled but led him to my cabin, getting stares of other slaves along the way, and close my door.

“I'll be in trouble again,” I say mostly to myself.

“Stop whining and lay down so I can put the herbs on your back,” the boy says opening a jar of green cream.

I keep my back to him as I pull my shirt off and do as I am told. He presses his fingers to the whelp down my spine and I flinch.

“He hit you with unnecessary force.”

I sigh in contentment as the soothing, mint scented cream is put on my burning skin. As he finishes, all my tension in my back relaxes. I look to him as he screws the top back on the jar and wipes his fingers on a rag.

“If I may ask... what is your name?”

“... They call me Luxzu. What of you?”

“I am known as Slave Girl. They never gave me a name.”

He turned to me with a puzzled look. He sits down on the floor, close to my cot, and leans forward.

“How old are you?” he asks.

“I suppose I am ten...”

“I am seventeen,” he says with a shy smile, “Would you like me to keep you company?”

I smile and we talk for hours. He explained that he was not a normal being. He was a experiment that Zeus planed, trying to make a weapon, but the Fates said he would be the Apocalypse, killing everything. Even the Gods. So, they now treat him with anger and fear. Beating him in his place, thinking that it will keep him in his place.

He also looked around at my things and I told him how I would get every one of them. We talked so much, we fell asleep mid conversation. We became close friends at that point. I would get punished for my meetings with Luxzu but he would come to my cabin, with his jar of healing herbs, soothing my pains. He soon began to call me a name too.

“I think I have the perfect name for you,” he said one night, now twenty five.

“Really?!” I say ecstatic.


“... I love it!” I smile widely and hug him.

His poster changed as he hugged me back and he lifted my chin. He looked into my light purple eyes and puts some of my hair behind a ear. Then his lips touched mine. I gasped in surprise but fell in the effect. I kissed him back and closed my eyes. He pulls away and smiles widely.

“Good night, Lizzy,” he says and walks out of my cabin as I flop on my cot, smiling widely all night.

Something grew over the years of our friendship and his kiss showed it all. I knew it would not be acceptable for what we had but you can't stop what has already started. Years pass until I was twenty nine and Spencer thirty six. I remember the day that started the chain of events that would lead to our great fall.

I was reading a stolen book I took from the library, in my cabin, when Spencer can running up to me with a very angry expression.

“I can't take it any more! I want to leave this place!” he yells and paces my small home.

I put my head, and book, down and think about what he said. His life as a feared monster can not be any better than mine. I could survive here but I knew he could not even try anymore.

“... I will help you escape,” I say with confidence.

“You would do that for me? An abomination? The one that will kill every living thing if I am not careful?”

I grab his face and kiss him with everything I felt for him.

“How could you be those things if I fell in love with you?” I say breathless.

He smiles lightly and puts his forehead to mine.

“So... How do we escape?”

I hide my grimace as he says 'we' and grabs his hand.

“Follow me. We can not fly because it would be too obvious,” I say and pull him out into the dark blue night air.

I had heard of a rumor that there was a weak point in the Golden Gate, and it so happens it is true. We sneak pass Guard Angels and servants until we reached the twenty four story, pure gold gate. I look for the slightly bent bars that would be his escape.

“See that bend in the bars? If you bend them back, it should be enough to let you through,” I say but not the whole truth.

He puts his hands on the two bars and pulls with incredible strength. The bars groaned is protest until he stopped pulling. There was a huge gap in the gate now that he steps through quickly, holding his hand out for mine. The bars suddenly close straight and alarms went off in the night air.

“Lizzy!” he yells and tries to reach for me but I back away.

“I knew this would happen. I'll be fine. They wont expect me to have helped you if I stay and they wont hunt you down. They wont care you left. Now go!” I yell but he still reaches for me, yelling.

I cry and reach through the bars, grip his shirt, and pull him to my lips. I kiss him one last time before I push with all the force I had, over the cloud of Olympia. I heard his yells of protest get lower and lower from falling as I fly back to my cabin, as fast as I could.

For three days, I tried to act as normal as possible as Guard Angels was put on major security. Some even came to interrogate the Slave Angels. Of Corse, they all told them about me and Luxzu and when they came to question me, I did tell the truth of our meetings and our friendship, but I kept quite about our love and my help in his escape.

On the third day of Luxzu’s escape, I was in Zeus’ bathing room, filling the tub for his daily bath with oils and incense. As Zeus came in, and I went to leave, Luke came inside with a smirk on his face.

“My Lord, I have news about the falling of Luxzu.”

I instinctively went stiff but continued to leave.

“Oh no, little sister. You are in trouble too,” he said, grabbed my arms painfully behind my back, “You were the one to help the experiment escape.”

I struggled against him as Zeus came up to me, angrily. He back handed me so hard that my lip split, blood pouring from the cut.

“How dare you let him escape?! You, of all people! A Slave Angel!”

He hits me again, in my gut, and I fall to my knees. My brother laughs and adds a kick to my chin, breaking my teeth. I scream in more pain as I am lifted from the floor by my hair.

“What do you have to say about this, Slave Angel?” Luke says, watching Zeus hold me by my hair.

I felt so much anger, anger that could kill. This is what Luxzu felt. This is what he lived through everyday as he saw the man who created him, putting him in this misery. I felt my face change into a snarl and I spit my blood in Zeus’ face.

“My name is Lizzy and I helped Luxzu escape this horrid place because my love for him told me he could no longer have a life here. He will fight his way back here, when he is ready, and kill every last one of you here. Gods and Angels alike!”

Zeus yelled so loud, I felt my ear drums pop and I was thrown against a wall, my head cracking against the white marble.

“I here order this Slave Angel, this Lizzy, to be publicly stripped of her wings and to be thrown over Olympia, into the deepest part of the ocean, to drown!”

I was grabbed by my brother and dragged out into the plaza, my skin making the squeaking sound on the smooth marble.

“Goodbye, little sister,” he says throwing me to the floor of the Guard Angels.

I was given a vile of liquid that made my wings explode out my back, not being able to bring them back in. Two golden columns came out from the floor and chains were attached to them at the top and the bottom. I was chained at my wrists and ankles, pulled up off the floor, and my clothes ripped from my body. Everyone in Olympia came to the plaza to see my punishment. Children, women, men, even my mother.

I haven’t seen her all my life but I could tell she was my mother. I cried at the sight of her. Her hands to her mouth and crying harshly. I mouthed the words 'I love you' before they all bowed to Zeus’ entrance.

“I have called the execution of this Slave Angel. She has helped in the escape of the cursed angel, Luxzu!”

Everyone whispered and gasped at me. All but the guards and the gods.

“Silence! She will be stripped of her wings and thrown off of Olympia, to her death. Begin!”

Luke smiled evilly and watched as two guards came up to my back. One grabbed my left wing and twisted hard. I screamed in pain as I felt the bone break and pierce my feathered flesh. He twisted and pulled with all his might as I screamed and cried in agony. He finally twisted hard enough to rip my wing off and it was thrown in front of me. I felt my warm blood flow down my back as I felt my right wing grabbed. I thrashed and begged for it to stop but no one listened. My mother screamed with me as my right wing was ripped off and a sharp, jagged blade was given to my brother, Luke.

He came at my back and started to carve the access wing protruding from my back. The tearing of flesh, the breaking, and the cutting of bone… I couldn’t take it!

As he finished, Zeus came behind me with a leather whip with shards of glass at the end. He whipped my back raw until my blood made a huge puddle below me. At the top of the golden columns, the chains were unclipped. The Guard Angels came to my wrists and ankles, to do the same.

“No. Leave them on. More weight to make her drown,” Zeus said.

I knew I was being picked up but I could not feel anything. My spine must be broken. I saw the gates being opened and I saw bright blue over the cloud.

“Death to the weak,” Luke says and I was dropped.

The wind was bitter cold but it felt good on my battered back. I closed my eyes and waited for my death. I hit the icy water faster than I anticipated but I did not fight it. I couldn’t with a severed spine and the heavy chains on my limbs. I remember looking up through the water, seeing the last light shine through the blue.

Next thing I know, I am coughing up water on wet sand. I role onto my back, after my fit of gagging, and prepared to scream… but pain never came. I gasped as it clicked that I shouldn’t even be able to move. I felt my back and no damage was there, but healed scars. I rotated my upper body and wiggled my toes.

“I’m alive… I’m alive!” I scream in joy.

The pure joy of life didn’t last long as I felt ripping pain on my shoulder blades. I fell forward, my head between my knees, as I felt my skin burst and rip. The pain faded as I felt silky feathers on my back, drenched in my blood. I saw strands on my hair change to black and my eyes blurred for a moment before, they too, changed color.

I get up and look into a wade pool, seeing my reflection. My hair was now black, my eyes dark purple, and I had wings again. But not normal ones. I have Fallen Angel wings. Black as night with a slight purple tent to the feathers.

I knew the decision I would make before I could say it. I was determined to find Luxzu and fight with him against the gods. I soon found him and we now plot our revenge on the damned Gods. Soon, they will feel the wrath of the Cursed Angel, Luxzu, and the Fallen Angel, Lizzy.
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comments would be nice, of any kind! thank u!