What if We Danced?

what if we danced?

Carla, my new boss, and I went to work the next day, setting to find the perfect outfit for me. First we tried for country, but that made me look too redneck. After, we tried for hippie, but that just made me look too homeless. Then we went for formal, but I looked too preppy. Finally, when the clock was winding closer and closer to six, we hit the jackpot.

“Oh, honey, you look darling!” Carla swooned as I took a look at myself in the body mirror. I had on a short floral skirt with a white, low cut v-neck shirt on. I spun a few times before a smile came to my face. I knew I was ready. I paid for the items and then walked back to the motel and wait for Dustin to come get me.

After taking a quick shower, I applied my makeup and then got dressed just as my hair dried and Dustin knocked on my door. I answered it quickly, flashing him a smile. “Hey.”

He gulped as if he had a thick lump in his throat. “H-hey. You look… wow,” he said breathlessly.

I giggled at him. “Thanks, you do too,” I commented, noting his formal and casual mix. I stepped out onto the porch and locked the motel door and let him lead the way to his car. “Too lazy to walk?” I laughed, nodding at his vintage Ford Truck.

“Well, you know, it doesn’t hurt to take her out for a spin once in a while,” he laughed, getting in and starting her up. The purr of the engine made a smile come to my face as I remembered the days when I was a little girl, living on my grandparent’s farm. But, that was before my mother became a rich, heartless bitch after marrying her snobby husband. I sighed, my smile wavering as I thought of these horrible memories. “So, where’s Ashley?” I asked him after a few moments of silent driving. I noticed that the toddler wasn’t attached to his hip like she usually is.

“Oh, well, Ms. Carla came by earlier today and told me that she’d take care of her tonight, so they’re probably already at the carnival,” he explained. The smile was brought back to my face with the image of an old lady babysitting a three year old for the night while her guardian goes on a date. I reminded myself to thank her tomorrow just as we pulled into the town’s downtown plaza.

We got out of the truck and walked a few steps before taking it all in. The place that I was now staring at was full of life and color. All around were mini Ferris wheels, bumper cars, prize games, dance areas and food - lots and lots of food. All of the town’s people, the handful that they had, were there celebrating life. All of the little kids had smiles on their faces, the teenagers had grins of puppy love, and the parents and seniors all had knowing smiles in their features that told me that they knew from experience how it felt to be young.

“Ready?” Dustin asked, looking over at me and smiling.

“As ready as I’ll ever be,” I smiled back, reaching for his hand. Our fingers interlaced and we walked forward; ready for a night of fun and excitement.


It was amazing how much fun one person could have off of $1 rides and food. As the night started to wind down and the older people ventured toward the dance area, Dustin and I followed. We sat at one of the open tables, sharing a chocolate milkshake and just talking.

“So, what’s your favorite color?” he asked me, playing with his bendy straw and rubbing small circles against my hand that was still entwined with his.

I sighed, thinking about it for a bit. “It definitely has to be green,” I smiled.

“Really? Wow, I took you for more of a pinkish type girl,” he laughed, taking a sip of the shake.

“Whatever,” I giggled, kicking his chair playfully. “If you’re so ‘good’ at predicting me, then tell me why I ran away,” I offered, ready to hear what he had assumed.

“Well,” he sighed, looking down at his other hand that grasped his straw. “When I first met you the other day, I thought you were a stuck up bitch, to tell you the truth,” he chuckled at my expression, but continued before I could comment. “But, now that the days have gone by, I’ve noticed how much you aren’t a bitch, and more of someone who was just fed up with her life,” he concluded, meeting my gaze skeptically.

I noted this, thinking of something to say and coming up blank. “Do you want to dance?” I asked him, standing.

“Do I have a choice?” he laughed, standing with me.

“Nope,” I smiled, leading him to the dance floor just as a new performer got on stage.

“Everybody, welcome Adam Chojnacki,” the DJ announced.

“Hey guys, thanks for having me,” the Adam guy said into the mic. “I’d like to play for you now a song I wrote recently called ‘Just Believe,’ I hope you like it,” he smiled, and began to play.

"…Once in a while,
You’ve gotta try
Or else you’ll never learn why.
You’re in denial
Can’t you see?
Everything that you could achieve
If you just believe…

As the song faded, I smiled into Dustin’s eyes and said, “Thanks for inviting me.”

“Thanks for coming,” he laughed, just as he leaned in and made our lips touch as we swayed back and forth. This moment couldn’t get any better, I thought as we parted and I rested my head on his broad shoulder.

“Kaylee?” I heard someone shout over the music. My head shot up because I could recognize that voice anywhere. He was here to ruin everything, and I couldn’t do anything about it.
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(: for patty.
©alyssasaavedra. 2010