Status: Ativated


December 21, 2004

When I got home that day after work I found Aunt Laura seated on the couch in the living room. When I closed the door, her eyes darted towards the front door.

"Is that you, Evan?" she called out.

I dropped my keys on the kitchen counter and walked towards the archway that separated the living room from the kitchen. I leaned against the railing for the staircase and waved towards my Aunt. I'd been working on becoming a little less off putting.

"Yeah, Aunt Laura. It's just me," I said.

She smiled. "How was work?"

I shrugged. "It was okay. Mark has been acting a little strange lately."

Aunt Laura raised an eyebrow. I'd learned that she was always up for gossip. Especially when it concerned a former lover or a woman she didn't particularly care for. "Is that so? What's going on?"

I sighed. "I've been hanging around this girl named Edith lately, and he keeps telling me to 'be careful' and things like that. I can tell he doesn't really like her, but whenever I ask him about it, he gets all defensive on me. I figured I'd ask you about it since you know him better than I do."

Aunt Laura avoided my gaze, instead looking to the television. "I really don't feel that it's my place to talk to you about that," she said. "It's Mark's story to tell. Not mine."

"What do you mean 'Marks story'?" I asked. "Did he date her or something?"

Aunt Laura shook her head, raising her arms. "No, but that is all I'm saying about it. I wouldn't feel right telling you without Mark's permission. Besides, it's not my place to tell you anyways. Ask him about it, and if he won't tell you... ask Edith."

"Fine." I sighed, pushing myself off the railing and starting up the stairs. "I'll just go up to my room, then."

I didn't understand what the big deal was. I felt completely out of the loop; Like everyone was in on some practical joke, and I was just walking, blindly, into the trap. It wasn't a very good feeling. I was friends with someone who was only giving me half of the truth, but at the same time, I was guilty of the same thing. Edith and I were more alike than I'd previously thought.

Collapsing onto the bed, I kicked my shoes off and closed my eyes. My life had begun to make me tired. My mind was constantly buzzing with 'whys' and 'hows' and 'what ifs'. I never gave myself time to rest. I wanted to go into a three day coma just to wake up with a brain that felt a little less overworked.

Mostly, I just wanted to understand.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a little short, but you know... that's the way it is.