Status: ACTIVE!!! Might put on hold for an actual Fanfic. Idk

Meeting my Sexy Emo AIM Buddy!

This is the reason I am starting to hate surprises.

*~Scarlet's P.O.V~*

"Scarlet come here please!" My mother called up the stairs.

"Coming Mom," I shouted back as I shut my laptop and ran down the steps. As I landed in front of her I asked "Yeah?"

She looked at me nervously , Uh-Oh this can't be good.
"Scarlet come have a seat," she said motioning to the black sofa. I walked over and sat down remaining quiet. "Honey, I don't know how to tell you this," she paused to take a seat in front of me and grabbed my hand, Again NOT GOOD. "Scarlet were moving" She blurted all of the sudden.

"WAIT, WHAT?!?!" I shouted standing up yanking my hand from hers.

"I just think this place has too many bad memories and that we should move on to a new life." She said sweetly looking up at me.

"But, what about Daulton or Taylor? They need me here since Jenell left us." I defended trying to stay here for my friends. The truth is, is that this is the house I have lived in my ENTIRE life, moving is just a disaster.

She stood up,"Well they can still text and call you sweetie." she stated.

"WHATEVER." I said and ran up the stairs. When I got up there I locked my door behind me. Then I grabbed my Ipod Touch and started to listen to "This War Is Ours" By Escape The Fate. I turned it up, went over to my laptop and then started posting about my worst nightmare and the Demon who starred in it, MY MOTHER, on my blog.

♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's REALLY REALLY short but this is my first story and I hope you like it. Please don't be mean in the comments if they are bad, I would like constructive criticism. I promise the next chapter will be a bit longer but where I live it is about 5 in the morning and I have school in the morning so I will update again tomorrow. I really do hope you like it though. Thanks <3 <3