Status: ACTIVE!!! Might put on hold for an actual Fanfic. Idk

Meeting my Sexy Emo AIM Buddy!

Pushing Her Into The Fire.

*~*SCARLET'S P.O.V.*~*

So After I gathered my stuff that pretty boy of a jock came up to me and introduced himself, well at least he was being nice and not an ass hole, the least I could do is talk to him. "Hey, I'm Scarlet," I said extending my hand to shake his. "And yes I am new here Chase... You did say Chase right?" I asked him.

He took my hand and kissed it, "Yes I did say my name was Chase," he said to me in a deep like voice. Um wow he just kissed my hand.... I need my hand sanitizer, he sorta liked drooled on it. I would never EVER kiss this kid, Jason is a WAY better kisser thats for sure. "So, um Do you have someone to show you to your next class?" Chase asked me.

"What? Oh yeah I have someone to show me." I said but as I was speaking my hair went into my face so I had to move it away from my eyes. I smiled at Chase politely before I was going to get Jason's attention. What was wrong with him he was just standing there sorta stiff?

*~*JASON'S P.O.V.*~*

I can't believe it she was flirting with him nonchalantly, I saw the way she moved her hair and smiled at him. So instead of letting this Ass Hole get another word in I walked up to hair and said, "Scar, Are you ready yet? I'm pretty sure Jenell is looking for you." I heard Chase snort, he didn't really like Me, Shane, or Jenell. Jen had turned him down numerous times last year, and this summer so he was kinda pissed at her, the dude didn't take rejection so well. He Didn't like me and Shane because we were the lucky ones who got to be friends with her and now I have feeling he will hate us even more.

"Yeah Jason I'm ready, I just got a text from Jenell anyways," She said interrupting my thoughts and my breathing. The way she smiled at me washed away any mad feelings I had towards her. She linked her arm with mine and went to tug me away but then she remembered something and turned back around.

"Nice meeting you Chase... In case I forget and don't see you again today," She said politely. Well if i can't stay mad at her how about i stay aggravated. He nodded and responded then we were off again, going to the lockers and talking to Jenell and Shane.

"What took you guys so Fucking long?" Jenell asked as we approached them. I know what a lovely comment to approach to.

"Sorry Jen,"Scarlet spoke making my heart flutter a bit. "I was talking to some jock who was nice enough to welcome me here and introduce himself." Jenell looked at her and raised an eyebrow as to say "Since when did you like jocks?" Scarlet laughed at her face and said, "Hey, Don't give me the 'Since when did you start liking jocks eyebrow'! I don't like him, are you crazy?"

Jenell giggled, and said "Well who was this jock?" Scarlet turned to her locker and started grabbing out some books out.

*~*JENELL'S P.O.V*~*

Scarlet was getting a notebook from her locker before turning around with a confused look on her face, "Ummm.... I think he said his name was Chase. Yeah that's it Chase." She said proud of herself for remembering.

I looked at her then suddenly my face changed to understanding, understanding who she was talking about. Chase Rodgers was hitting on my best friend already, what a pig! "Wait, Chase Rodgers?" I asked her but I looked at Jason and he nodded. "Umm Scarlet Don't talk to him anymore," I told her.

That did it, She was suddenly pissed off. "What the fuck? Since when do you tell me what to do?" she asked me. " I will talk to whoever i want to, and if I want to talk to Chase I will!" she said slamming her locker. Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear. Chase was walking down the hall right when Scarlet pushed past us. "Hey Chase," she called out. He turned and smiled at her. "What class do you have next?" she asked him.

Chase walked over to stand in front of her and he pulled out his schedule and said, "Uhh I have Chemistry. You?" he asked with that stupid smirk on his face. I hate this kid, I seriously hate him!

Scarlet didn't even need to look as long as he did before answering, "Great! I have Chemistry too. Would you walk me?" she asked. He nodded and they walked away. She didn't even look back to say anything to me, Jason or Shane. Shane and Jason looked at each other then to me and walked off in the same direction. That was one of the classes those three had together.

One of my school friends Amber walked up to me and we walked to music class. We both loved to sing and play instruments so we both took it. The whole time walking though I just kept thinking about Scarlet and how I pushed her to be friends with Chase. Which in case you haven't noticed is the last thing i wanted to do, I know what I have to do. I have to apologize. She never could turn me down when I asked her to talk to me... even after a fight.
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Hope you like it! Sorry i haven't updated much. School is starting for me Friday. And on top of that I have people bugging the shit out of me. Also, I have been talking to my very own "Jason" haha. I hope you all find Jason's out there for you. I plan on writing more and therefore getting more up here. =] XOXO! message me if you want. OH, and i need someone to help me make a background.