Status: ACTIVE!!! Might put on hold for an actual Fanfic. Idk

Meeting my Sexy Emo AIM Buddy!

Make-ups and Confessions.

*~*SHANE'S P.O.V.*~*

Oh man so according to Jason who gave me the scoop in the hallway before Scarlet and Jenell had that fall out, it looked like Scarlet was flirting with Chase in first period. But I hate to break it to him, but he's not getting Scarlet. Scarlet is the first girl i have EVER seen Jason act this way about, and I've known him since the diapers.

We JUST walked in when we heard Scarlet call us over to her lab table. It was three to a table, but how did we get the spots? She just walked in here with her new fucking stalker. "Hey Scarlet," I said to her standing on one side of her. "So it's three to a lab table, how did we get the spots?" I asked bluntly.

She giggled then asked, "What do you mean how did you get the spots?" She brushed her hair out of her face and then smiled up at us. "You guys are my friends, and I'm sorry for ditching you." She said turning to Jason and then to me and said, "And you. Forgive me?" she asked and then put on an angel face that no one can turn down.

I caved quickly and said, "Awe how could I not? You look so adorkable." Then i burst out laughing because her face was great. It was the "I can't believe this dork said I was adorkable! I"m NOT a DORK!" I saw it ALL the time on Jenell's face. I guess the two aren't that different.

"I forgive you too," Jason said suddenly causing Scarlet to look at him. "I mean your just so cute how could I not?" he said with a smile on his face. Oh yeah and let's not forget the adoring gleam in his eyes as he caught hers. Then they had a "moment", You know the ones where it's like time stopped when you look into the eyes of someone blah blah blah! I mean i guess I can't complain I had one of those with Jenell today, in first period. It was the best.

"Awe YAY!" I heard from Scarlet which pulled me out of my Jenell thoughts. "You guys are the best and SO forgiving." She smiled jumping and giving us both a big hug, causing a three way group hug. Then the bell rang, Woahh what was up with the delayed bell today? I hope that doesn't mean we got to stay here longer.

*~*SCARLET'S P.O.V.*~*

I took out a piece of paper to take notes on when I get two notes from each side of me, I silently giggled at them and took the notes. I opened Shane's first, it said "So I have an honest question and it needs to be answered.... by You." Okay I hope this isn't a bad question. I hate when people keep me in suspense, so I replied "Okay what is it?" Then I folded the paper and handed it back.

I went to open up Jason's note when suddenly my cell phone vibrated in my purse. It's a good thing we're aloud to text in this school except on test and quiz days. The teachers make us put our phones on the front of the desks. I learnt that in the handbook the other day. Then it vibrated again, Damn that stupid 15 second notice setting i have. So I pulled my phone out but still kept it below the desk. I opened the text and it was from Jenell it said, "Okay I'm sorry. I know i shouldn't tell you what to do but that kid is bad news. Please stop being mad at me. =[ It breaks my heart.... see </3 <-- Thats my broken heart. We're like sisters damnit, you can't stay pissed off at me and you know it." DANGG ITT! I hate it when she is right, I can't stay mad at her. I'm not even all that pissed anymore, it was just it mad me mad at first but then I chilled when I realized she had only me in mind saying that. But I didn't text her back because I wanted to keep her on edge. I will just give her a BIG hug when I see her in the hall.

So I read Jason's note without any interruptions this time and it said, "Scar, I think we need to talk. Skip next period with me? Please? It's important." Oh wow. I wonder whats wrong. I HAVE to skip with him, I wouldn't be able to turn him down. So I wrote back saying, "I've only skipped twice with Jenell but since it's important I think I can skip with you =]." I folded it and handed it to him. Then picked up Shane's not and read it, "So do you think Jen likes me? She doesn't really act like it and I have loads of feelings for her and I just wanna make sure she does before I ask her out." OH MY GODDESS! Shane is gonna ask out Jen. I looked at him and then started speedy writing. "Umm Derr she likes you, she keeps dropping some hints but you don't pick up on them. *Mentally smacks you for that* She actually loves you too. Ask her out at lunch today, text her now and ask her to skip lunch with you. But don't tell her why, just say its important." I folded it with a smile on my face and handed it back to Shane.

The Bell finally rang and I ran to my locker to hug Jenell. I saw her back turned and I jumped at her, and kissed her cheek. "I'm not pissed off at you! I don't wanna be the one to break your heart!" I said to her she turned around and hugged me tight mumbling "Thank god, Yay, I love you, and sorry's." I told her I was skipping next period to talk to Jason about important stuff and she kissed me on my cheek and walked away with Shane.

I spotted Jason by the Fountain outside, oh no seriously it had a platform and it was like a wishing fountain or some shit. According to Shane it's called the "X-spot" I don't see why though, these people were weirdo's. Anyways I ran up to him and stopped in front of him. 'Hey," I said starting the conversation, I wonder what was so important. "What's up? Why did we need to skip?" I asked him.

"I will tell you in a minute, but first we got to get away from the windows and doors. Come on." He said. I grabbed his hand and let him lead me away. We walked to a spot in between buildings it was like an alley but not one of those creepy ones. It was a dead in and all but it was paved nicely and it was dim but it had shade. It was like a nice quiet place to read or something. Anyways we were there now and I wanted to know what was going on with Jason. He turned around and walked a few steps deeper, back to me.

I walked forward to him and grabbed his shoulder so he would turn around. Once he did I grabbed his face lightly with both hands and looked into his bright blue eyes, with mine. "Jason you can tell me anything, and ask me anything. We've been friends for awhile now. You can trust me with anything, just like i can trust you," I spoke softly.

Jason sighed and spoke,"I know but you got to promise me you will let me finish before you say anything." I nodded at him and he went to continue.

*~*JASON'S P.O.V*~*

I sighed and spoke,"I know but you got to promise me you will let me finish before you say anything." She nodded and I continued. "Scarlet I like you A LOT, I think your amazing. You are the only girl I have ever felt this way about. I still think about our kiss that night and whenever I think about it I can just taste your lips on mine. You make me feel things I can't describe and well babe you make my heart do things I didn't even know were possible. I think, no i KNOW these have to be feelings of love. So I guess this leads to.... Will you be my girlfriend?" I finished asking her the question I have wanted to since we kissed. This question can be answered two ways though and one way scared the shit out of me.

Scarlet opened her mouth to speak, "I don't know," she said. "I'm going to have to go with Yes." She said smiling at me. My heart stopped beating. "I love you too and I keep thinking about our kiss too," she continued. But then was interrupted by my hug as I spun her around smiling. Then i stopped still holding her up, she bent her head down and kissed me. Her body slid down mine until we were the perfect height. Of Course i was still holding her off the ground a bit but the kiss was still unbroken. Call me crazy but I think this kiss is just a little different than the one we shared over summer, there was more lust then the first time. Well Love and lust that is and I enjoyed every second of her smooth lips.
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Okay guys. Thank you to the readers. I love you all. I know its going slow but it will speed up next chapter. Comments=Love and I LOVe you guys so i think you should leave me some love. Umm Tell me how you feel about Chase and Jason, and Scarlet's answer. Also what do you think of Shane and Jenell? Should they get together?