Status: ACTIVE!!! Might put on hold for an actual Fanfic. Idk

Meeting my Sexy Emo AIM Buddy!

The Big Day


It's been a month now since I met Shane and Jason, it's also my month-a-versary with Jason. Shane and Jenell are still going strong too. Me and Jenell are best friends dating Best friends, haha funny the way things work. Anyways the point is, is today has been exactly one month since we started dating Shane and Jason and today is also the Homecoming game which means tomorrow is the Homecoming Dance. Shane has asked Jenell already and she has her dress chosen and everything. Jason still hasn't asked me and I'm beginning to worry, I mean it's completely outrageous to worry right? Maybe he just can't dance or something and doesn't want me to laugh at him, or he is meeting up with an ex. Nahh I doubt he's meeting up with an ex of his, he loves me. But If he doesn't ask soon then I'm going to accept one of the 20 offers I've had but just as friends. I already have a dress just in case he does ask me though.

Okay on to a happy subject, the final school bell is about to ring for the weekend. Woo hoo! It rings in 5-4-3-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-0 *RING!* Okay so I was like 3 seconds off... SUE ME! I grabbed my books up and ran over to Jason, Shane and Jenell. I grabbed Jason's hand and leaned up to peck him on the lips. Then I turned to Shane and Jen and said, "Hey guys! Happy Month-a-versary!"

They smiled adoringly at each other then turned back and said, "Thanks, Scar. You too!" Then Jenell grabbed my arm and pulled me along with her while we whispered and giggled all the way to our lockers. We got to the lockers and unlocked them, "So did he ask you yet?" Jenell asked me. I looked at her and said, "Nope! I'm kinda thinking he doesn't want to go with me." Jenell looked at me like I was weird, "Scarlet, Are you serious? He'd be lucky to take a sexy chick like you to the dance." I smiled at her and nodded, "You know what your right." I shut the locker door and turned around, waiting for Jen.

Then Shane came up and laced his fingers between hers, aww these two are SOO cute. "Scarlet do you mind if I steal your bestest sister-like friend from you?" Shane asked me. I giggled and shook my head No. I waved good-bye to them and crossed my arms against my chest leaning back against my locker.

"Hey Scarlet," said a VERY familiar voice, I looked over to see if I was right and I was. Walking towards me was non other then Chase, we have become friends this past month. He's not that bad of a Jock really, he's actually very respectful and sweet. He brings me a cappy in the mornings when I help the kindergarten kids three times a week. Chase walked up to me and stood in front of me. "Hey Chase, Thanks for the Cappuccino these past few weeks. How much do I owe you for all of those?" I asked him. He looked me in the eyes and said, "Umm nothing it was my treat and if you ever want a specific drink then just text me and let me know." I giggled and said, "But umm I don't have your number so how about I'll just tell you the day before?"

"Here let me see your cell phone real quick," He said to me. "Don't worry I'm not gonna steal it from you." he said because I looked at him wearily. I handed it to him and he entered his number. "Thanks Chase, your such a good friend." I said to him. "So did you just come up here to talk to me about coffee product?" I asked. "Umm No I actually was wondering if you don't have a date to Homecoming.... if you'd go with me... as friends?" He asked. I sighed,"Chase that's sweet but I'm dating Jason and I'm probably going to go with him. Thanks anyways." Chase nodded reassuringly, "It's okay Scarlet just save me a dance?" I smiled and nodded then Chase walked away.

*~*JASON'S P.O.V.*~*

I walked up to Scarlet's locker to see her talking to Chase and smiling at him as he walked away. Oh God! He probably just hit on her and asked her to Homecoming. I should have asked her sooner, oh my... what if she dumps me. I couldn't lose her I LOVE her. I walked up to her, "Hey Babe!" I said kissing Scarlets soft lips. Oh how I loved her luscious lips, so soft and juicy. "Hey sexy!" She said slapping my butt and giggling. Okay nothing new here she still loves me back. "So I was wondering sweetie, if you'd like to go to Homecoming tomorrow... with me?" I said to her and I watched as her smile grew on her face. "Yes I would LOVE too. I even have my dress picked out just in case you asked me." Scarlet said to me. "Good! Oh and sorry it took so long to ask you." I said to her while kissing her on the cheek.

*~*NEXT DAY*~* Jason's Place*~* *~*Before Homecoming*~*

"Dude will you calm down?!?" Shane asked me as a paced across my room. I looked at him and stopped pacing. "DUDE! I don't know what to wear!" I yelled. Shane laughed, "You'd figure a girl would be making a big deal about that and not you. CALM DOWN!" He said to me bringing up some really good points too. "I know but I just want to impress her, I mean with me forgetting about the Dance and going to take her out for a secret picnic. I Owe her!" I said to Shane.

Shane was texting on his phone, probably Jenell, and completely ignoring me. UGH! He infuriates me, this is serious fucking shit! I looked at him clearly a look that shows how pissed off I am. "What?" He asked me innocently. "DUDE CRISIS HERE!" I yelled moving my hands around ferociously. "CALM DOWN! Here," he said tossing me his phone I caught it and looked at it. "It's a picture of Scarlet's Dress so you can color coordinate." I looked at it and saw a beautiful Red and grey dress. I don't think I have much to go with it but now I know what to go with. So I started pulling out dress cloths. Shane grabbed his black bag and went across the hall to change.

*~*JENELL'S P.O.V.*~*

Me and Scar were doing our hair. We were scening it and then putting in bows that matched our dresses. I had to clip in some extensions though. I love my extensions just got them this afternoon. Now, everything is going to be perfect, slow dancing with my lover and kissing under the bleachers haha. Just kidding thats too cliché maybe in the middle of the dance floor though. That sounds perfect. :)

"Scar can you help me with my bows please?" I asked her sweetly. "Mhmm one second," she said applying lip gloss. Geesh she is so flawless, no wonder why Chase is after her. Scarlet got up smoothed out her dress and came over to me to put my bows in. After that she sprayed more hair spray in my hair and spoofed it up a little bit more. Then we heard the door bell ring from down stairs.... YAY! It's Shane and Jason.

We ran down stairs to get Momma Money to open the door when we yell okay. It's always better to descend the stairs (if you have them) when your date is waiting for you. Being Fashionably late is like a cardinal rule for girls. So we yelled, "READY!" down the steps and then came down. The guys stared at us, mouths gaping open but then the regained control over themselves and walked over to us. MY Mom and Dad came around the corner to look at us. They were commenting how gorgeous we looked when Shane and Jason leaned in to kiss our cheeks.

Shane helped me descend the rest of the way and then put a corsage on my wrist, which made us get a flash. Thanks Mom! haha! She is where I get my photography niche. Then Jason did the same to Scarlet and Momma Money took a picture of them as well. We took pictures and then headed out giving our parents a kiss on the cheek and saying not to wait up. Oh yeah, because EVERY parent wants to hear that line right? WRONG! But we still said it, nothing is stopping us.


We pulled up to the school building and got out. We took a picture of all four of us in our Homecoming outfits. We had a random nerd walking the grounds take the picture, he was actually my science partner, really nice too. Someone to keep up with my scientific intellectualness too. Then after the a couple of pictures we walked forward to the school gym.
♠ ♠ ♠
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This Chapter goes out to the following readers:
sue me i m hot!
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I'm thinking about a Chase P.O.V. soon ;) Keep your eyes out.
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