Status: ACTIVE!!! Might put on hold for an actual Fanfic. Idk

Meeting my Sexy Emo AIM Buddy!

Dance with the Devil

*~*Jason's P.O.V.*~*
We just walked into the dance and Scarlet pulled me over to get our picture taken by the professional. We got the full package where we can do 3 poses and then it comes with 8x10's and all that other stuff. Scarlet THINKS she is paying for them, even though I'm going to pay she just doesn't know it yet. We posed a few different ways and then looked at the pictures. We both loved every single last one of them and even though this chick is no Sammi Doll she's still pretty good.

After the pictures we walked away to the dance floor they were playing "Let's Get Sweaty" by Modern Day Escape which is one of my favorite bands as well as one of Scar's. So we got out on the floor and she started some intense grinding. WOW if she keeps this up I'm gonna need to walk to the drink table, if you get what I mean. After one dance we decided to go find Shane and Jenell. We started walking out the crowd and towards the picture station where we left them last.

*~*Shane's P.O.V.*~*

Jenell had dragged me over to the picture section already and then after we danced a little bit but then stopped because we were making out in the middle of the dance floor. Once we were totally getting all weak kneed we decided to walk to somewhere a little more comfortable. After a few minutes Scarlet and Jason walked up to us whistling. OH MY GOD! Here comes the blushing and everything else.

"Hey what are you guys doin?" I asked kind of laughing in there. I pulled Jenell into my side and smiled while she giggled blushing too of course. "Nothing Dude just looking for you guys," Jason my best friend said with a smile on his face, "But I see you guys are busy." He grabbed Scar's hand and went to walk away saying "Come on love, let's go dance some more."

That didn't sound half bad, so I grabbed Jen's hand and pulled her to the dance floor beside Jason and Scarlet. The song was fast at first and then changed to a slow song and I put my hands on Jenell's hips and we started slow dancing. The song was "The Mortician's Daughter" by Non other than Black Veil Brides. This was one of Scarlet and Jenell's favorite bands, they totally got us addicted to them.

*~*SCARLET'S P.O.V.*~*

It was one slow song after the other and Jenell, Shane, Jason and I were all slow dancing. Jason was whispering sweet things in my ear but so far not the 3 words that I was sort of afraid to hear. I don't know how I'll react to those 3 small words that were so big. Then the song ended and he said, "Scarlet Love are you thirsty?" I looked at him and smiled, "Yeah but I wanna dance some more."

'Well honey go find a friend and dance with them while I go get you some punch," he said to me pulling me in for a slight kiss. I nodded and said okay and then went deeper into the crowd. I couldn't find someone to dance with so I stood by the bleachers. Then someone very familiar walked up to me smiling. "Hey looking for a dance partner? You promised," He said to me. "Okay Chase I'll dance with you." I said standing up grabbing his hand so he can lead me to the dance floor.

*~*Chase's P.O.V.*~*
Scarlet was all alone by the bleachers what kind of moron could Jason really be to leave his beautiful girlfriend all alone. She's so stunning, the most stunning girl I've ever seen. It was a slow song don't know which one but it was a slow song and were slow dancing and then the song turned into a fast song. I knew this song "Cyclone" by Baby Bash I didn't want to push her away so when it started I looked at her and asked, "Wanna keep dancing or do you wanna find your date?"

"Umm he said to dance so let's dance." Scarlet said. I grabbed her hips and she started dancing. It wasn't grinding but I seriously hope it was. I pulled her a little closer to me and she kept dancing and then starts the grinding but it wasn't intense grinding it was slight grinding. I was okay with this slight grinding, I didn't want to pressure Scarlet she was different. So we kept dancing and half way through I heard someone say behind me, "Scarlet baby I have your drink, I was looking for you all over."

I sighed and we turned around to see non other than Jason. She walked over to him and hugged him, then did something that made my stomach churn, she kissed him. UGH! I wish I had her lips on mine right now. I thanked her for the dance and walked away promising her a coffee Monday.

*~*SCARLET'S P.O.V.*~*

I walked over with Jason and sat at a table with Shane and Jenell. I grabbed my cup of punch from Jason thanking him. "Jason before you say anything it was just a dance. You said to find a friend well my friend found me. I know you don't like Chase but I like him as a friend and I promised him a dance," I said defensively. "Babe no worries," Jason started out, "I know he's your friend that's why I didn't say nothing."

"Okay," I said and I leaned in to kiss him lightly, "Your the best boyfriend ever. You understand everything." I leaned back against him and he started kissing my neck. I smiled and groaned, kind of turned on to be honest. We just sat there for the last 45 minutes of the dance, making out and what not. Then we hopped into the guys' cars and went out to eat. We were going out to this really amazing Chinese grill that was brand new but we've heard nothing but good things about it. So they took us to get a bite to eat. It was an amazing night and at the end of the night Jason whispered in my ear "I Love You." The three small words that had a BIG meaning. Now, what do I say back? Do I say the same or do I kiss him and run inside? WHAT TO DO.
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Hey guys so here is the update that was promised. I'm so sorry it's been a couple weeks. I have no internet. I am stealing from the neighbors to give you guys your chapter. SO first I'd like to say YAYYY FOR CHASE P.O.V. I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED IT ALL. Anyways thanks to the following for comments:
Thanks guys! This chapter is for you. Remember everyone. Comments= UPDATE! I LOVE comments! This story is my <3 I really hope you guys like it. :) Thanks! Umm I'll update when I can. When I get internet again it will be so m any comments to get a chapter k?