Status: ACTIVE!!! Might put on hold for an actual Fanfic. Idk

Meeting my Sexy Emo AIM Buddy!


*~*Scarlet's P.O.V. *~*

"I Love You!" Jason whispered in my ear at the end of homecoming night. We were outside of my house and inside of his mustang. I honestly didn't know how to react to what Jason just said to me. I mean We've only been dating for a MONTH... I know we have known each other for a year but we just found that out too. Geez. I'm so confused but I better do something fast before Jason gets too nervous. So I kissed him, passionately, enough to take his breath away and jumped out of his car running to my door. As soon as I got inside my house I shut the door and slid down it. I can tell I just left him speechless and alone. A few minutes later I heard him pull away and leave. So I got up and walked up to my bedroom slipping my shoes off the whole way.

When I got up the stairs and in my room I locked my bedroom door and get out of my homecoming dress, sticking it on the hanger and on a hook to be washed. After I was completely naked I jumped in my shower to get all of this sweat and makeup off of me. After I cleaned up I stood underneath the scalding water for a few moments. Thinking about what had just happen not even an hour ago. Did I just make a big mistake or what? How hard is it to look at him and say "Jason I love you too?" See. Not hard. At. All. I'm just an idiot. After realization that Jason should be home soon, I jumped out of the shower and waited for his call to ensure me of his safety.

I walked out of my bathroom in my towel and went straight to my closet to get out a band tee to sleep in. Then over to my dresser to get the rest of my pajamas ready. Then I sat on my bed and hooked my phone up to my charger waiting for my call from Jason. I hope nothing about what just happened ends up being mentioned that would be so awkward. I just didn't know what to say. You see, my ex boyfriend Trevor and I said our I love yous too fast and then he thought once they were said he could get me in bed easier. And not even going to lie it had worked, I was pretty much guilt tripped into having sex with "the love of my life," or so I thought he was. Then I found out he was cheating on me and we ended real bad. So that's that and that is why other than when we confessed our feelings I haven't said again. I'm surprised I even said it then. Anyways Jason should be home now, abiding by the speed limit though, which you never know about Jason being behind the wheel.

*~* Jason's P.O.V.*~*

Well, I just left Scar's house, still stunned. What just happened? What did I do wrong? Was it too soon? I mean we've been talking to each other for over a year, granted we just discovered this a month ago the feelings are still the same if not more developed. I really do love Scarlet, and not just to get in her pants either. I can careless about sex, although when the time is right I do hope to be intimate with Scarlet just not right now.

I pulled into my driveway at home and I knew as soon as I got inside I should call Scarlet. If not she will be worried about me and many other things like me being mad at her or some shit. Which I'm not I'm just confused as to why she didn't explain to me what her problem was. I locked my car and walked inside of my house quietly because my Mom was asleep. I put my keys in the key bowl and went up to my bedroom. When I shut my door I pulled out my cell phone kicking off my shoes. I dialed Scar's cell phone number and clicked send to call her. I'm not going to mention what happened in my car earlier I don't want to make things awkward between us.

When she answered her phone she sounded kind of relieved "Jason, Hi baby." I smiled knowing she was smiling. I sighed, "Hi babe, just wanted to let you know I made it home safe and I did the speed limit doing so." I chuckled lowly. I listened to her laugh and then fake gasp. "Oh no! I bet that just about killed you!" she spoke sarcastically. Making my laugh some more, oh how I loved her. "So, what are you doing love?" I asked her, and then mentally slapped myself for calling her love after what happened earlier that was awkwarrrrd! After a second she answered, "Nothing really, Just got out of the shower and got dressed. how about you hunnie?" I thought about what she could be wearing and then instead I asked, "So what are you wearing?" Just to be a smart ass. To my disbelief she answered with, "Well I'm wearing a short sleeved misfits shirt and my Zombie killing Pj pants!" She sounded so happy go lucky about it too. "Well baby, I got to go. My mom is awake and hollering for me. Heart you." She said hanging up on me before I could speak.

*~* Scarlet's P.O.V.*~*

I hung up my Cell phone and went to see what my mom wanted from me. When I walked down the steps and into the kitchen I found her sitting there. "Yeah Mom? Whats up?" Nothing honey I just wanted to let you know that starting Monday I have to go to New York for some business and I wanted to know what you wanted to do. Do you want to stay over at Jenell's house or do you think you could handle it here alone?" She asked me. "Umm Mom I think I could handle it here but uhh the week after this coming up week we don't have school for a week, they're getting new pipes installed at school remember?" I answered back. Mom started nodding her head, "That's right, I got the notice in the mail this week. Well honey you can have someone stay with you if you want, like Jenell or Jason or someone else you know. Although if it's anyone other than the main three, Shane, Jason, or Jen, I need to meet them. I would prefer Jason myself because I know he will take care of you and I know you won't do anything that doesn't feel right." My mother concluded. I just nodded and then jumped up gave her a kiss and went up to my bed. That night I had a dream of making love with Trevor again, numerous times. Except he was here in Nashville and not in Nevada where he is now, unless he is here now and in college. My mind pondered until I went back to sleep.
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I'm Baaaack! So I might bring Trevor in this for a chapter or two. Don't know yet. And then everything between Chase, Scarlet and Jason might spice up. Also, looking for an ex to spice up things between Jenell and Shane!!! Leave me a comment letting me know what you think!!!