Status: ACTIVE!!! Might put on hold for an actual Fanfic. Idk

Meeting my Sexy Emo AIM Buddy!


"Look Shane, just leave it alone!" I shouted at him. He was lecturing me about "cyber girl" again. At least that's what he calls "Silver", he could never be nice. But, what the fuck ever, he doesn't understand, he never will be able too either.
"Fine Dude," he said shutting his phone, "We need to go anyways." He finished opening my door and walking out of it.
We went downstairs and to the kitchen where my mom was. My mom stopped me and asked "Jason where are you going? Remember curfew is Midnight." She reminded me yet again.
"I'm just going over to Jenell's friend's house. they are new in town and we are going to help them unpack." I said reaching around her grabbing the correct set of keys. "And, i know curfew is at midnight mom. thanks for the reminder!" I said turning around and rolling my eyes, she reminds me EVERYDAY! "Oh and I am taking the Mustang." I said turning around dangling the keys. I moved the keys gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and went to leave.
"Bye Mrs. P!" Shane yelled over his shoulder following me out.
"Bye Shane, say hi to your mom and dad for me." she yelled. WE were getting closer to the front door as she said that.
I opened the door looked back and yelled "I love you Mom, i'll be back by midnight!" Then I shut the door and walked to my mustang

Since Jen said not to do anything until Shane and Jason got here, I decided to log onto my blog. I posted a short entry in the blog for everyone. It was practically about how i was happy now and that I was wrong. But then I mentioned school starting soon and how I'm not excited. Bleh! Right as I finished posting it I heard a car pull in to Jenell's driveway. She ran down the stairs and outside making me follow right behind her. She went out and met them with a hug saying "Hey Guys! How's it goin?"
"Good," the two guys replied to her. they were both hot as hell but I found myself liking the one with black hair and blue eyes more. I walked all the way out and stood beside Jenell.
"Guy's THIS is Scarlet!" she introduced WAY to excitedly.
I held my hand out to the guy with Green eyes. "Hi......" I said waiting for his name.
"Oh, Shane, nice to meet you Scarlet." he said shaking my hand, I nodded.
The other boy with blue eyes, ones as blue as the seas I might add, stepped forward. He took my hand and said "Hi I'm Jason."
"Nice to meet you." I said still shaking his hand, "Both of you." I added taking my hand away and looking between Shane and Jason. I was a bit shy but I always was around new people, but my shyness got even more pronounced around SEXY EMO GODS!
We went inside my new home, and up the stairs to my room. When we got in there I shut my laptop. I really didn't need anyone talking to me while I was trying to unpack, especially Killmesoftly. I was going to try to move on from my small secret crush on him, maybe give Jason a shot.
We moved straight to unpacking my stuff and putting it away or up depending on what it was. I kept thanking Shane and Jason for helping and they kept ignoring it. Shane and Jason were a trip to be around. I was laughing and giggling most of the time if not the whole time. When we finished we just hung out for a while. Then curfew came closer and the guys had to go, much to my disappointment.
"Sooo, Scarlet what's your number?" Jason asked me dragging out the So and making it sound really weird.
"Yeah, I want it too!" Shane said happily.
"Okay, okay" I said before giving them my cell number. "Just go ahead and text me so I can save your numbers from the text." I said.
"OK sounds good to me." They each said, then Jason hugged Jenell as I got a surprise hug from Shane. Then they switched, Shane held Jen a little longer and Jason held me longer. Wait, isn't that a sign that someone likes you? I was already smiling but my smile got wider as I realized it so was a sign. They both pulled away and we all said our "goodbyes." When the guys left I got two text messages. One said "Hey it's Shane. Make sure you save this number.=]"
I smiled and sorta giggled at that and said "hehe K, i will! xD" He was cute, sweet and totally perfect for Jenell. Then I opened the other one it said "Hey gorgeous! One guess at who this is. ;)" I smiled and saved the number as Jason and saved Shane's number too.
I replied back to Jason, "IDK could this be the ever so sexy Jason?" I asked. My phone was dieing so I put it on the charger. I went to sit next to Jenell and talk but then her father called telling her to get home. We hugged each other, she promised we'd hang tomorrow too, and then she left. A little while after Jenell left I decided to go up stairs and get on the laptop. I signed onto AIM and a few seconds later a message box popped up.
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HAHA! So Jason "moved on" from "Cyber girl" and onto Scarlet. I know it's short, my aunt was at the ER the other day and I was with her so I couldn't write all too much. I have another chapter though. I will put it up tomorrow! Anyways, Thanks subscribers and commenter's you guys rock my sox. haha Just kidding you guys are kick ass though! Tell your friends about this! Umm I have a question-like task for you guys though. I want to know, WHO IS YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER? Like I said THANKIES LOVES!