Status: ACTIVE!!! Might put on hold for an actual Fanfic. Idk

Meeting my Sexy Emo AIM Buddy!

The Deal

It's the first day of school already.... MAN! Summer flew by pretty fast, especially the last week. But, what should I expect, everything's faster with Scar around! I mean that whole last week Scarlet, Jason, Shane and I all hung out. Plus, me and Scar went shopping for new cloths, which we look AMAZING in. Anyways, I really got to get up and get dressed school starts at 8:20 and it is now *looks at clock* 7:05.

I got up out of my bed and stretched, unwillingly and then I walked into my bathroom. I brushed my teeth, got a shower and then got dressed and did my hair. I went over to my cell phone and took it off charge so I could text Scarlet and ask if she wanted a ride. "Sure, why not?" she sent back a second later, no seriously it was a second That girl has some AMAZING texting skills. I went outside to my garage to get my car, I met Scarlet out back where I told her to be.

'Aww Look at my Sexy Bitch," she commented. "I'm so glad your my escort because you look HOT." She said laughing.

I laughed too, "Oh yeah bitch and who are you all dressy for?" I asked her with a smile on my face, i knew it was Jason I'm not dumb.

"No one. What about you?" she asked me, DAMMIT she got me. I was dressed up for Shane and she knew it. We got in my car, pulled out, and headed towards school.

*~*SHANE'S P.O.V.*~*

"First day of school and I'm not dating Jenell yet, This FUCKING sucks." I said to Jason as we waited for Jenell and Scarlet to get here.

"Yeah dude I'm not dating Scar yet either, just relax." Jason said to me leaning against his car crossing his arms.

"Relax?" I asked, he nodded in answer. "Fine, i'll just.... relax." I said taking 5 deep breaths. I leaned against Jason's car too.

"Dude You should ask he rout today." Jason suggested randomly.

"I will if you will man!" I said to him with a bright smile.

Jason smiled and shifted against the car looking at me, "Fine, Shake on it?" he asked me.

I slapped my hand into his and then it was done, my best friend just gave me the confidence I needed to ask out the girl in my dreams, Jenell. Jenell pulled up in the spot diagonal to us and parked. Her and Scarlet got out, WOW! They looked breath taking, they received loads of whistles from guys. Looks like i better work fast, or else Jenell will be taken.
They walked over to us, NO strutted over to us arms linked, and smiling. "Hey Guys!" They said to us in very chipper voices. I swear they could be twins. Jen came up and hugged me while Scarlet hugged Jason, and did they just kiss? No, I'm seeing things they couldn't have just kissed. I wrapped my arm around Jen's neck as Jason did to Scarlet and we walked inside the school.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so completely a Shane and Jenell POV chapter. I know it's short I haven't been able to get on long enough to type. Plus, I have writers block! Thanks New subscribers and all you readers. I love you guys and the support. I am going to add Jenell's car later when I find the perfect car! Thanks again! <3
Scarlet's Outfit