Status: ACTIVE!!! Might put on hold for an actual Fanfic. Idk

Meeting my Sexy Emo AIM Buddy!

Welcome New girl. Hope you don't run into the registered Ass hole!

*~*SCARLET'S P.O.V.*~*

We all walked into the school Jason and Shane had their arms around mine and Jenell's necks! Obviously Jason had his around mine and Shane had his around Jenell's neck. Here lately Shane has been getting more bold and showing Jenell he likes her, does she notice it NOOOOOOOOOO! Of course not! She is oblivious! Now, I'm gonna have to play match maker here. I LOVE playing matchmaker, shoot I'm better than cupid EVER will be.

I was so preoccupied by this matchmaker business that I didn't even recognize the people staring. What the hell, Don't they know thats rude? GESH, I know Jenell, Shane, and Jason were popular and beautiful but staring is VERY FUCKING RUDE! Then Jason leaned down to my ear and said, "WOW Scar your like a freaking superstar or something, everyone's eyes are on you." Whoa, whoa, whoa I KNOW he didn't just say me.... why me? I'm just the new girl!

"Are you sure they're staring at me? I thought they were staring at you three." I whispered back. Let's face it I know I'm pretty and all but these guys are known here and WAY more popular. Why would they stare at me. Oh, and it's still rude, rather they're lookin' at me or not it's rude!

Jason chuckled sexily in my ear, "You have got to be kidding me right now. Your new AND you look like a goddess. Look at all these guys drooling over you." he said to me. But I was still hypnotized by Jason's chuckle. Snap out of Scarlet, Come.... Back.... to.... reality. After a few seconds I came back.

I giggled "Dude, the guys here are really big weirdos aren't they?" I asked him. "You and Shane not included, although I should add you guys." Beside me Jen laughed.

"Scarlet, Jason's right your new, beautiful and you smell good. By the way I love that perfume." Jenell said beside me ending with a wink. Of Course she does she bought me a big bottle before she left, it was my favorite. I bought her her favorite scent too, which oddly she wore hers as well.

"Oh, and don't worry everyone will start acting normal after they get their schedules." Shane threw in there, relaxing my worried look. You know the look that says, "OMG will I have to start carrying some pepper spray with me to get these freaks not to follow me home? Because dear god I will do it, I will FUCKING DO IT!" That's right one look can say oh so much. Speaking of which... I wonder what the look Shane is giving Jen right now means, it looks like a "God this girl means EVERYTHING to me" look. His says less than me word wise but it says soo much emotional wise. OH dear god he LOVES her! I took out my cell phone and snapped the picture of them, me and Jenell would have an examination talk later today.

I pretty much stayed in LaLa Land until I got my schedule. "Here's your schedule Miss. Scarlet Money, and welcome to Nashville hope you enjoy your senior year here in Whites Creek High School." the secretary said to me breaking me from my zone.

"Oh Thanks and thank you for the welcome!" I said politely with a smile and tone. She was really nice and If I should ever end up in here then I should be nice back. That way I don't have that awkward silence just sitting there in a chair.... in the office and getting death glares from her. So, I should be nice and make a good impression on her.

I walked out and went to my assigned locker it was next to Shane's locker surprisingly, and Jenell's and Jason's were beside each other across the hall. I compared my schedule to Shane first, because he was closest. We had 4 out of 7 classes together. Yay! I really liked Shane he was a lovable person. Then I compared to Jenell and Jason. Me and Jen had only 2 classes together and suddenly my face fell. This place is now my worst nightmare or living hell which ever one you prefer. I looked at Jason's schedule, OH MY GOD! We have absolutely................................................................ EVERY CLASS together oh, except 1 but that's because he took Spanish and I took French!

So, I walked into first period with Jason, while Shane and Jenell went the other way. Okay so maybe my living hell just cooled down a bit, who am I kidding it freaking FROZE. I was in almost every class with Jason! I was floating on Cloud 9 as I sat down next to Jason in the back, we argued over the corner seat quietly though, and Of course, he won. I sat beside him though and then some jock moved back one seat and sat beside me. Oh goody, I hate stuck up jocks and he already looks like one! Gag me now!

As I was trying to avoid this jock kid I got a note from Jason. He wrote the typical "Hey." thing. I wrote back "Hey. So um I see we're taking a visit back to Jr. High all over again. hehe =]" He saw it and smiled shaking his head he wrote back. This, this was good, laughing and smiling with the boy of dreams ignoring the stuck up jock guy I just know will end up hitting on me.

*~*JASON'S P.O.V.*~*

GREAT.......... Just what I need fucking Chase Rodgers, school jock and registered Ass hole. I JUST know he will try to hit on Scarlet, so before he even got the chance I pulled a piece of paper out of my notebook. I wrote "Hey..." and folded 4 times, then I passed it to Scarlet. She smiled and started writing, her hair was falling into her face and she blew at it, still writing to me. GOD she was so cute, I also love how she chews on her luscious lips when she writes or thinks. I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS GIRL AND NO ONE, I MEAN NO ONE WILL GET IN MY WAY. NOT EVEN CHASE FUCKING RODGERS, I MEAN COME ON HE LIKES TO GRAB GUYS. Oh, did I mention he was on the wrestling team, hint the reason i know he likes grabbing guys.

I got the note from Scarlet opened it up and read "Hey. So um I see we're visiting Jr. High all over again. hehe =]" I silently laughed, looked at her from the corner of my eye and shook my head. I picked up my pencil and started writing. This day could be interesting.

Scarlet and I continued to pass our Jr. High note the whole class and then the bell rang. Scarlet had the note and kept it. She had her stuff gathered already so she stood up. I was stiff picking my stuff up off the floor when I heard an all to familiar voice say "Hey, I'm Chase and you must be new. I'd recognize a pretty girl like you, if you weren't." I can't believe he's already hitting on Scarlet!
♠ ♠ ♠
So Guys I need some serious help. Can you help me? I need someone who is a BAD ASS layout maker to make me a story layout. If you are interested message me and I will tell you more. Thanks Guys for reading! I hope someone can help me because who better to make a Kick Ass layout then the readers of the story? That's right! No one! haha! I hope you enjoy the new update. I know it's sorta dragged I'm sorry. feedback? Oh btw Chase is now in the characters! Oh, and the chapter title is just top of the head thinking. lmao! Thanks Everyone!

P.s. The school mentioned exists I got on Google and searched High Schools in Nashville! haha! Just tossing that in there. But NO I don't attend there. I wish TN is WAY better than OH. =] anyways XOXO!