The Letter That Told It ALL

A night under the stars

Bianca's P.O.V.

As I pulled into the parking lot of my alma mater, I had absolutely no clue what to expect. The only thing I was thinking I needed some wild and crazy in my life, and this meeting tonight was going to help with that. As I parked my car in a spot, I could already see Travis’s truck sitting in a space not far from mine. I grabbed for my bag, which was full of everything from shorts, money, makeup, and food in it because I really didn’t know what I was about to work into, as I got out of my car.
“So what are we doing tonight?” I asked curiously as Travis met me half way between our cars in the parking lot and grabbed my bag.
“It’s a surprise, but just trust me you’ll love it,” Travis insured me as he opened up my door and helped me in before getting in himself.
“Ok, I trust you,” I responded with a smile as Travis cranked his truck, and we were off to an unknown location. About a half hour later of talking and singing along with the radio, Travis stopped his truck and got out.
“Where are we?” I asked as he opened my door.
“We’re at a friend of mine’s campsite on their property. They said I could use it for the evening,” he responded as he walked around back to the bed of his truck. Travis then proceeded to start unloading the back of his truck and setting up the area what appeared to be an over night campout minus a tent.
“Are we staying the night?” I asked curiously as Travis started on a fire.
“Well, that depends on you. I’m up for anything,” Travis joked. “I though we would eat and hang out and see where the night leads.”
“Ok, sounds fine with me,” I responded with a smile. “Can I help with anything?”
“Well, you can get that bag of blankets and pillows and arrange them in the bed of the truck for us to sit on,” Travis requested with a smirk.
“Now now, don’t get fresh on me Travis Manning!” I chuckled as I unbagged the blankets and pillows and spread them out.
“Just thought you might get cold out here,” Travis insured me with a smile. “Nothing more, nothing less.”
“Sure, Sure. Just remember I can fight back?” I stated jokingly as Travis finally got the fire blazing.
“Oh you can, can you?” Travis responded as he climbed into the bed of the truck. “Let’s see you defend yourself now!” Travis then began to tickle me uncontrollably until I admitted I was hopeless and needed him to protect me.
“Your mean, you know that?” I asked out of breath from laughing.
“Oh, you’re just mad because I won,’ Travis responded as he proceeded to move the cooler back to the tailgate of the truck as he unpacked supper.
“I hope you like hot dogs and smores because to me that’s ultimate camping food,” Travis stated as he pulled the hot dogs out and then removed clothes hangers also from the cooler. “Are you ready to cook up some hot dogs?”
“Sure, sounds yummy. I’m hungry,” I responded as he handed me an unwound hanger. Then we began to cook our hot dos weenies over the open fire like kids at a camp out. It was funny to, for a night, leave all the wedding and other cares at home and just act like a kid again.
“This is delicious. I haven’t had a fire roasted hot dog in forever,” I complemented as I took another bit of my half eaten hot dog.
“I’m glad you like it,” Travis responded sweetly. “Do you need another drink?”
“No, I’m fine thanks,” I replied. “You need to eat before your food gets cold.”
“Ok, I will,” Travis stated ad he climbed into the truck and sat beside me. “You’re right this is a pretty good hot dog.”
“I told you,” I responded with a giggle.
“Oh, you told me?” Travis joked.
“Don’t you dare tickle me again!” I objected as Travis put him empty plate down.
“What or who is going to stop me?” Travis asked boastingly.
“What if I said pretty please don’t tickle me?” I asked sweetly as I batted my eyelashes.
“I guess that will work this time. Would you like a smore?” Travis replied.
“Sure,” I responded as I jumped off the truck tailgate and grabbed my clothes hanger and some marshmallows.
“Do you like your marshmallows burnt or just warm?” Travis asked as he put several marshmallows into the fire.
“I like mine on fire,” I said with a chuckle. “How about you?”
“I like mine like I like my woman, smoking hot,” Travis joked.
“Wow,” I muttered sarcastically. “That’s shallow.”
“What is?” Travis questioned.
“Talking about women that way,” I snapped jokingly.
“I’m sorry,” Travis apologized.
“Its fine, you’ll make it up to me,” I joked as I climbed back into the truck. “Aren’t the stars beautiful?”
“Not as beautiful as you.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. You asked the other day why I was still single, and I responded that I hadn’t found the right girl. Well, that was a lie,” Travis responded as he leaned closer.
“How?” I asked curiously.
“Because I’ve already meet the girl of my dreams along time ago. The problem is that she’s in love with another man.”
“Really, Who?”
Travis didn’t respond all he did was look into my eyes, and that was all the answer I needed.
“Ssh, please don’t say anything.”
“But Travis, how was I suppose to know this was going to happen?”
“You couldn’t have known. I don’t blame you.”
“But, I shouldn’t have let it get to this. I’m hurting you!” I said as I began to cry.
“No you’re not. I don’t care about how hard this has been. All I care is I’ve got to spend several great hours with you.” Travis insured me as he gently caressed my chin with his hand to make my eyes look at him.
“You have done nothing wrong. You are an amazing, loving, caring woman; who I’m absolutely falling in love with.”
Before I could respond, Travis moved in closer. He began to kiss me so softly that all my cares disappeared. As his lips moved with mine, I felt something I’d never felt before. As I moved my lips in sync with his I knew this would only complicate things, but I didn’t care. As he wrapped his arms around my waist and our bodies get closer, the rest of the world melted away. He continued to kiss me so sweetly and gently, and I knew nothing would ever be the same.