Just A Taste Of Teenage Years


First lesson was maths. Not one of my strong points. Well nothing in school was really 'a strong point' for me. I may look like a little geek, but I'm not very clever.
I walked in. Everyone stared at me. I tried to stare at each of them for at least a second, but I was interupted.
'Can I help you?' asked the teacher.
'Erm... Yes. I'm Belinda. I'm new. I've been told this is my first class.'
'Oh, I see. You can sit next to Samantha. Over there.'
'It's Sammie miss...' I heard someone yell from the back of the class.
I walked to where the teacher had been pointing.
'Hi, I'm Bel...'
'I heard. Belinda. I'm gonna call you B.' She grunted
B, it was better than anything else I'd ever been called.
'I'll call you Sammie, yes?'
'Yer, that's cool. Or Sam. Samantha is just too girly.' She looked up. For the first time in our conversation. She had pale white skin. Her eyes were the brightest blue imaginable. She had black straightened hair. She was wearing glasses too. Hers were much cooler than mine. They were really rectangular and the frames were thin but the arms were chunky. Her nose was turned up slightly at the end, she had a nose peircing. She was wearing a black tight t-shirt and bright pink skinny jeans. Much nicer than my plain blue denim ones.
I sat down.
'So, you any good at maths?' I asked her.
She burst into a histerical laughing fit. I didn't know whether she generally found it funny that I had asked her or if she was just simply taking the piss. Everyone turned round and glared at us.
The lesson went by quite quickly as I had someone to talk to.
She seemed quite friendly. As I was walking out with her the teacher called me over. I pulled a face at Sammie.
'I'll wait outside.' She yelled through the noise of the other students mumbling about their next lesson.
'You and Samantha seem to have hit it off.'
'It's Sammie.' I said, walking out.