Round Here

sho ichi.

“You’re from Japan, yeah?”

“Kanagawa. Why?”

The blond chuckled, and he shook his head, sipping his coffee. “No reason.” He chuckled again. “I just noticed that you ended your order with kudasai. Most people I know are happy with please.”

The dark-haired man forced a laugh, and he gave a thankful smile to the barista that had brought him his latte. “Yes, well.” He took a moment to set the drink down, and he let out a sigh. “It’s been a very long day.”

The blond nodded, raising an eyebrow just slightly, watching the dark-haired man beside him sip daringly at his coffee. “I’m Akira, by the way. Akira Suzuki.” He flashed a smile, and he considered holding out a hand for the other man to shake, but it seemed like he really was just too tense from whatever had made his day seem so long.

After a moment of quiet, the dark-haired man set down his coffee and smiled. “Takanori Matsumoto.” Another slightly forced smile, and then another sip. “Are you new around here, Akira Suzuki?”

The blond shook his head. “No, I’m afraid I’m just a new face to this cafe. I’ve lived a few blocks away for a couple of years now.” He shrugged, and he examined his own coffee for a second before taking a drink. “I wonder why I haven’t seen you around very much.”

Takanori smiled past his cup of coffee. “I think it may have something to do with the fact that I’m really not out too often.” He glanced over at the blond, allowed himself a chuckle, and then returned his attention to his coffee. “For me, it’s pretty much work, coffee here, then home.”

“Sounds like one hell of a day.” He smiled a bit as the dark-haired man made a sound in agreement, and then he took a sip of his coffee, not entirely sure what to do about the awkward quiet that had settled into the café. “You never go out anywhere once you get home?”

“Not really. Some weekends, sure, but for the most part, I stay at home.”

Akira looked over at him, raising an eyebrow at the tired tone in the dark-haired man’s voice. “How come? There are plenty places to go, yeah?”

“Yeah, there are.” He was quiet for a second, and he sipped at his coffee for a second before setting it down. “My son doesn’t enjoy being home alone for long. So the only time I go out is when he’s not home.” He gave a small smile, and then he took another sip. “I must sound pretty boring to you, yeah?”

The blond shook his head. “No, you sound far from boring.” He smiled. “Really dedicated, actually.” He thought for a moment, and his voice became a little less probing and a little more caring, if that was the word for it. “So you’re doing it alone, then?”

“Parenting?” The blond nodded. “Hai. I’ve been a single father since my son was four.” He paused, turning to look at the blond. “But how did you know that?”

Akira shrugged. “No wedding ring, and you look like you work far too much to support just one child.”

“I’m used to it, really. The work, I mean. She never worked; she stayed home and took care of Shin.” He paused for another sip of coffee, and he gave a small smile. “I must sound ridiculous, ne? Talking to a stranger like this after only a few minutes.”

The blond let out a quiet laugh, and he shook his head. “No, actually. It’s human nature, you know. Socializing, conversing, whatever you want to call it.” He paused for a moment to watch the dark-haired man, sipping his coffee and wearing a small smile. Takanori Matsumoto looked like an interesting man, to say the least. But he looked quiet, and it became clear to Akira that this conversation might have been the first that Takanori might have had outside of work and home in a while. “You must be lonely, though, only working and then going home.”

Takanori chuckled, and he seemed to be considering either taking another sip or setting his coffee down. “Maybe a little.” Another short chuckle escaped his lips. “I’m not lonely right now, though.”

Akira smiled, and he quirked an eyebrow, not exactly equipped with a proper response.

The dark-haired man watched him for a moment, possibly amused by his quietness, and seemed to consider every witty remark that he could make. Cat got your tongue? was the first thing that came to mind, and a few things in Japanese appeared as well, but he simply set his coffee down and motioned with two fingers for the blond to hand him his cup. Once Akira had obliged, he pulled a pen from behind his ear, ignoring the blond’s eyebrow being raised farther, and he took a moment to write on the cup.

Once it was back to him, Akira picked it up and examined the writing. “Your phone number, I take it?” His smile had grown a little, and he was inwardly glad that he’d managed something resembling friendship with the dark-haired man, and he let his eyebrow relax a little.

Takanori nodded, chuckling a little at how adolescent the gesture had been. “Suggestions for your next lottery ticket, actually.” The blond’s eyebrow raised once more, and Takanori let out what might have resembled a laugh. “My phone number, hai.” Something that might have been a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “You’re welcome to call whenever you wish, as long as it’s not too late.”

Akira smiled, nodding, and he took another sip of his coffee, frowning as he realized that it was nearly gone.

“I should get home, though.” He smiled, and he gave a tilt of his head as he slid his pen back into place behind his ear and picked up his coffee. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Akira Suzuki.”

The blond smiled, and he returned the nod as Takanori stood and left the café. Then, his gaze was drawn to the writing on his cup. He bit his lip as he thought about their conversation, and his smile grew as he finished his coffee, picking up his coat and making his way home as well.
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