Round Here

sho ni.

Children, he thought, were much too smart for their own good. For a week, Takanori hadn’t said a word about meeting Akira at the coffee shop, but Shin had picked up on something.

For a few days, the boy had been quiet about his observations, laughing a little when he saw his father pause and smile, giggling knowingly when he was tucked into bed, and just seeming to know that there was something new going on that Takanori hadn’t talked about yet.

It was, of course, only a matter of time before Shin said something. And it looked like today was that particular day. The boy had been antsy ever since they’d gotten home from the baseball game, and it was almost as though he knew exactly when Takanori would check his phone to see if Akira had called.

And at first, Takanori hadn’t really thought about it. Sure, he’d checked his phone a few times more than he usually did over the last few days, but most people called within a couple of weeks after getting someone’s phone number, and whether he’d realized it or not, Takanori wanted Akira to call him.

Because he needed adult socialization. With adults that he didn’t have to work with. With adults that he could possibly go out on dates with.

There was no doubt that he loved his son. But he definitely needed something like what Shin liked to refer to as ‘a shiny new toy.’ So he was thankful that this time, there was a call from a number he didn’t know, and there was a voice message to accompany it. And he smiled.

“Daddy,” Shin said, and Takanori looked up at him when his sleeve was tugged at, his smile still intact. “You look really happy, Daddy. How come?”

Takanori chuckled, and he closed his phone and tapped his leg, and he hugged his son to his chest, kissing his head, once Shin had crawled up to sit on his lap. “I’m really happy because I made a new friend.” He smiled, and he brushed at his son’s hair, smiling at him. “Aren’t you ever happier when you make a new friend?” He chuckled a little, and he laughed softly when the boy nodded.

“Well…yeah.” He reached up, and he poked at Takanori’s smile, giggling a little when his father laughed and brushed his hand away. “But not that happy.” He grinned at Takanori’s raised eyebrow. “You’ve been way happier lately…is your new friend one that you like?” He said the word as though he was asking about a dark secret, and he pouted as Takanori merely ruffled his hair.

“Maybe.” He chuckled, mussing Shin’s hair just a bit more for effect. “You might get to meet him soon. Does that sound okay?”

“Him?” Takanori nodded, and Shin took a moment to process it. Then he grinned up at his father, and he giggled as Takanori focused on restoring his hair to its somewhat-perfect state, combing his fingers through the strands and watching his son. He knew Shin knew what the words ‘friend’ and ‘maybe’ meant when there was ‘like’ in the equation. “…Can he bring candy when he comes to see us?”

“Of course.” Takanori smiled. “But for now, how about you go outside and practice with that baseball glove I bought you today?”

“Are you gonna call him, Daddy?”

“Hai.” He smiled, and he kissed Shin’s forehead before he clambered back to the floor. “I’ll come outside and practice with you soon, okay?” He smiled as Shin nodded, and he chuckled as the boy darted up the stairs to grab his glove and then again when he raced outside to practice with it. And once he was alone in the room, he opened his phone, opened up his voicemail, and held the phone to his ear.

Hey, Takanori. Um, it’s Akira. Yeah, sorry it took me so long to call. You must think I’m a complete prick. Um…I was really hoping that you and I could hang out again. Anywhere you want to go is fine. So just give me a call when you get this, yeah? I really look forward to talking to you some more. So anyway, hope to see you soon, and have a good night.

He smiled, and he found Akira’s number in his missed calls, and he pressed the dial button. And the call hung in limbo before he heard someone mutter a ‘hello’ on the other end, and then the voice became closer, clearer as the greeting was repeated.


“Yeah, that’s me. Who’s this?”

“It’s Takanori.” There was no plausible reason for the sudden appearance of his nerves, but he allowed himself a short second to rid himself of them before continuing. “I just got your message, sorry I didn’t answer. Shin and I went to a baseball game.”

“No, that’s fine. I only called because I wondered when you might want to hang out. And I know you might be busy, with work and being a dad and all, but…” He paused, and he sighed. “Sorry. Um. It’s short notice, but how does tomorrow sound?”

Takanori smiled, holding in a chuckle for Akira’s sake. “Tomorrow sounds fine, actually. I just have one thing to ask, though.”

“What is it?”

“When I told my son I’d met you, he asked if you could bring some candy for him.” He sighed a little, but he smiled when he heard Akira chuckle softly. “It’s something he does when I meet new people.”

Akira laughed softly. “Of course I can bring him candy. What does he like? Chocolate, mint, lollipops?”

“Chocolate. He loves chocolate.” He smiled, biting his lip a little. “What time were you thinking about coming? I can be ready whenever.”

“Noon, maybe?”

“Noon sounds perfect. I’m, um, three blocks west of the café, fourth house on the right. You’ll be able to find me, ne?” He smiled, and he watched through the window as Shin tossed the ball up in the air, running around in circles in the yard to catch it in his mitt. “If not, I can be in the driveway, or Shin can.”

“No, I’ll be able to find you. I’ll see you tomorrow, then, yeah?” There was an unmistakable smile in his voice, and Takanori bit his lip for a moment, smiling just a bit to himself.

“I’ll see you then, hai.” He smiled. “Have a good night, Akira.”

“You too, Takanori.” The line dropped, and Takanori closed his phone, and his smile widened just a little. He glanced from the phone to the window and back again, and he let out a short huff that he was sure was meant to be a laugh of surprise.

And then he went outside.
♠ ♠ ♠
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