Status: In Progress

In the Eyes of the Beholder

The Sorting Hat’s Ballad

The soft hooves sounded on the gravel road as the beautiful carriages pulled up in front of Hermione. She heard soft gasps coming from those around her who caught their first glimpses of thestrals. By now, almost everyone could see them, especially those who had stayed for the final battle.

The castle glittered in the moonlight, the cool September breeze causing ripples in its reflection.

Luna bounded up, her long blond hair swaying around her. She settled herself next to Ginny and Neville, holding the newest copy of the Quibbler up to Harry’s nose. The headline read “Exclusive First Interview from the Boy Who Won the War Coming Soon.”

“Luna…” said Harry exasperatedly. Mr. Lovegood had been badgering Harry with owls ever since the Battle of Hogwarts last month. He wanted to be the first news reporter to cover the much coveted story, and he wasn’t the only one. Harry had chosen to stay secluded in the Burrow, except when going as “Barney,” the Weasleys’ cousin, to avoid being bombarded by reporters and fans.

“Oh, don’t worry Harry, Daddy told me that he would come ask you personally, now that his leg has healed.”

“Luna, I really don’t want to talk about it.”

“But the birth of the baby Cornish Hornslack will be the featured article of the November issue, so we can’t really push it back!”

“The what?” Ron asked in confusion, “Actually, never mind.”

Hermione shook her head, turning to Ginny. The younger girl had always been pretty, but she had a maturity about her this year that made her look beautiful.

“We are going to have several staff changes this year, aren’t we?” Hermione said aloud, “I mean there is Defense Against the Dark Arts, Muggle Studies, and Transfiguration, since McGonagall is now Headmistress.”

“Unless she decides to teach” said Ron with distaste.

Hermione ignored him, “and, there is also the teacher for the new parenting class. Aren’t they giving out the pairings tonight?”

All of the others except Neville looked nauseous.

“What if I end up with Lavender, or worse, Pansy?” said Ron making a face.

“Or Millicent Bulstrode” said Harry.

“At least you know who you have, Hermione,” said Ron, before realizing his mistake.

“Yah, having Draco Malfoy will be a cup of tea. Thanks, Ron!” said Hermione, sending Ron a scathing look.

Neville and Luna looked shocked.

“Why Malfoy?” asked Neville and Luna together.

“He is Headboy,” lied Hermione, remembering that Kingsley had specifically told her not to tell anyone. She mumbled something about inter-house unity as the carriage came to a stop. She sighed quickly and stepped out, walking quickly towards the Great Hall.

Once everyone was seated, Professor Flitwick, led a row of forty first years into the Great Hall.

“Oi, did they get smaller?” asked Ron, eying the littlest boy at the front of the line.

Hermione hushed Ron, as the split in the Sorting Hat grew into a mouth.

Welcome one, welcome all,
To this year we start anew,
This year we stand united under
All colors, red, yellow, green, and blue.

Last year we saw the danger grow
Yet, majestic Hogwarts stood strong,
And now we start a tradition new
A family of one and all.

To Hufflepuff, your good-natured charm
I give those who can be kind.
With loyal friends in this house,
No disappointment, you will find.

To Ravenclaw, the bright light you keep alive,
I give those most willing to learn,
With talent, wit, and raw intellect,
Your intelligence will brightly burn

To Slytherin, and your noble change-of-heart,
I give those who need to realize,
That friendship, loyalty, and passion
Will treat you better than lies

And to Gryffindor, your mighty soul,
I give those who you always admire
With nerve, courage, and chivalry,
And plenty of loyalty afire.

But a word of caution,
To all who would be foes,
Unity lies in the heart of success,
A great Headmaster’s words echo.

The entire hall erupted in murmurs as the Sorting Hat took its bow.

“Did you see what it did?” Hermione whispered to the others, “It changed the requirements of being in Slytherin! Do you think that Dumbledore changed it before he died?”

“He can’t have,” said Harry, “He loved the traditions of the school, and he wouldn’t risk changing something that the original four founders created. The Sorting Hat must have known. It was there last year when Dumbledore died, and how Malfoy had hesitated. Or the entire time that Snape had helped Dumbledore.”

“Yah, I guess you can call murdering, helping. Especially for the benefit of that ferret-face,” scathed Ron. Harry sent Ron a reproachful look.

They returned their attention to Professor Flitwick, who was calling the names of terrified first years, and the Sorting Hat who, after a moment, chimed in with the name of the appropriate house. After each child was cheered for and seated, the plates filled with delicious food.

Soon each child was happily fed and warm, some nodding their heads in efforts to avoid impending sleep. That is when McGonagall raised her hand, and the entire hall turned to look at their new Headmistress.

“Welcome, and welcome back. This year brings many strange changes. But first and foremost, I would like to remind you that the Forbidden Forest is out-of-bounds for all students. Also, our caretaker, Mr. Filch would like me to remind you that Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes are not to be used in hallways or classes. Many hallways and corridors will be closed for repairs due to the recent battle, so I would caution you to watch your step. We have several staff additions this year. I regret to inform you that Professor Hagrid has resigned his position in Care of Magical Creatures in favor of focusing on his up-coming wedding to Madame Olympe Maxime.”

Harry, Ron, and Hermione exchanged quizzical grins.

“Though Professor Hagrid intends to remain at Hogwarts as Gamekeeper, the position of Care of Magical Creatures has been gracefully accepted by Professor Grubbly-Plank.” McGonagall waited for the cheers and applause to die down. “Due to the untimely and regretful death of Professor Charity Burbage, the subject of Muggle Studies will be taken over by Professor Hestia Jones”

“Hey, that woman is part of the Order of the Phoenix! She is the one that took the Dursleys out of Privet Drive. She is an Auror, and so is that man beside her. Diggle I think was his name. Do you think that they still think there is a threat?” Harry whispered to the other two. They both answered with their own questioning looks as the scattered applause died down.

“Joining us for the Transfiguration post is Professor Dedalus Diggle.” The man squeaked with excitement, and almost tumbled out of his seat with his purple top hat dangling dangerously over his ear, as McGonagall pointed him out on the staff table, although giving him a critical eye.

“Professor Remus Lupin will be re-joining us for the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts.” said McGonagall rather quickly, turning to the door where Lupin was walking in along with a short and plump red-headed witch …

“Mrs. Weasley!” exclaimed Harry and Hermione
“Mom!” exclaimed Ron

“And the Life Choices class will be headed by Professor Molly Weasley”
♠ ♠ ♠
I know I promised for the pairings to be revealed in this chapter, but I thought that this chapter would have been far too long if I revealed the pairings in this chapter.

First, I have to thank you guys so much for sticking with this story. No, I do not plan to give it up. I know I have to apologize for the long delay in this chapter. I had an awful writers block, where everything coming out of my fingers was absolute crap and no matter how many times I wrote and rewrote, I couldn't get the pictures in my head on paper. I was okay with this chapter, but please tell me what you guys think!

So, why do you think they have so many Order members on staff this year?

Love, Love, Love,