Status: still writing (in my notebook) even as you read this


Chapter One

"Get out of the way!"

I'm roughly pushed aside in the hall. Ryan -the school bully- and his crew run by, laughing their heads off. I resist the urge to go after them and get revenge. Last time I did that, I almost got suspended. Whatever.

I'm on my way to the library. I NEVER go to the library. But Principle Richard made the incredibly stupid decision of making me V.P of the book club, so now I have to go and order the books that kids say we don't have. As if my days at school aren't bad enough.

I push open the heavy, clear glass doors to the library, and steel my nerves before going up to the front desk.

Mrs. Peters, the head librarian, peers up at me from her low wooden desk. She smiles.

"Can I help you dear?"

I put on what I hope is a friendly smile. "Well, I have this list of books from some kids, and I don't really know what to do with it. I was thinking, since you know everything about the library, that you could help me."

She pushes her glasses up her nose, obviously smug at the fact that I would come to her first. I resist the urge to gag at my own ability to be such a suck up.

"I'll order these books for you dear. Okay?" She's still smiling.

I nod as if she's done something spectacular for me. "Yes ma'am, that would be just great."

I'm close to exploding, so I turn around and walk away as fast as I can. As soon as I'm safe outside of the glass doors, I run my hands through my hair and over my face.

The hall still smells like paint from the renovation they did last week. The white marble floors seem to glow, and the brand new gold polished lockers shine out at everyone, and reflect everything that goes by.

What am I doing here? People like me don't deserve to go to fancy-thousand-dollar schools like this. Nor do we want to.

I glance up and freeze. Oh. My. Gosh. Is that...? No, it couldn't be...

He seems to sense me watching, and turns to me, smiling. That confirms it.

It's Neil Lee! The most successful young scientist in the world! His dirty blond hair is longer than in the last picture I saw, and he's tan, making his extremely white teeth stand out even more.

He excuses himself from the people he was talking to and comes over to me, that smile still on his face.

I'm glad I'm leaning against the wall, or I'd definitely fall over in shock. I am such a nerd.

"Hi." His voice is deep, but not as deep as I expected.

I look around to make sure he's talking to me, and he is! Nobody else seems to notice him. "Hi."

He holds out a hand. "I'm--"

"Neil Lee!" It's out of my mouth before I can stop it.

He chuckles, and I shake his hand. I'm shaking his hand! I wish I had a camera.

"Right. You seem to be the only one who knows that. What's your name?"

I space out for a second, then come back. "My name...? Oh! Cammie! Cammie Reese!" I pause, then continue. "I love you. Your work is amazing. I have posters of you everywhere."

His smile never gets old. "Well thank you. I've never met someone as young as you who was so interested in my work." He seems to observe me for a moment before continuing. "Maybe you'd be interested in being a part of my new project. Project Universal? I have one successful subject already, but I need four more. Two boys and two girls."

I practically jump up and down. "A new project? What's it supposed to do? What do you need us for?"

"Well... I've developed this new serum. It gives the recipient... special abilities. VERY special abilities. I can't tell you what kind, because you're not part of the project yet. But if you join now, and I get your parents' permission, you'll know all about it." He watches me, waiting.

My excitement dies down a bit. "Only one successful subject? What happened to the rest of your 'subjects'?"

His smile falters a bit, and he runs a hand through his hair nervously. "They... um... had a few difficulties..."

My excitement is completely gone now. As if sensing how freaked out I now am, he takes a step back. "But we know what went wrong now, and can prevent it. There will be a few side effects, but nothing too serious."

I shake my head no. "Absolutely not. I wont do it. Come find me when you have this thing down right. Until then, you're going to have to find someone else." I turn to go, and he grabs my arm.

"Please listen to me, Cammie. We ALREADY have it down right. We just need subjects."

I jerk my arm out of his hand. "Don't touch me! I said no!"

I bolt, making the lockers around me look like one long gold blur. But as soon as I turn the corner, I crash into someone. They knock me over, and all three of my textbook(each weighing a good 3 pounds) fall onto my face.

I hear the crunch of my nose breaking before I feel the pain, which is awful. The books are lifted off of my face, and I see a boy. He looks as shocked as I feel. When I touch my nose and look at my hand, it's covered in blood. Slightly panicked, I sit up. Bad idea; as this makes the blood spill down onto my shirt.

I get up and run to the nurses office, ignoring the laughter from the crowd of kids that had gathered around me.
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So? How was it? Please leave comments, and be honest, as I really want to be an author, so I need honest opinions. Thanks for reading