Status: still writing (in my notebook) even as you read this


Chapter Four

"Wow. This place is loaded. How much money do they have?"

Everyone(AKA: Tiff, Carter, Leon and I) is in the Den; the room we all share. We all have separate rooms too, but this is like the living room for us to play video games in and stuff. Somehow, they found out our favorite things to do,and put them in our separate corners.

We just finished lunch, which was really good. Better than at school anyway. But i'm not saying that I like this place. Not even close. But seeming as i'm stuck here, I might as well try to get comfortable.

I changed when we walked in. We each have walk in closets, like we're celebrities or something. I changed into the first things I saw; dark blue jeans, a silver tank top, and black ballet flats. It goes with my hair nicely, but I still have to get used to my new body.

Leon keeps telling me that I look great, and I keep telling him that this body looks great. This is not my body. Not really. That's not his body either. He just shrugged, but I know he knows it too.

He hasn't left my side since we went on Neil's little tour of the place, which is pretty amazing. I still think he's out of his mind, but he has plenty of awesome labs. I got to see the tubs of chemical liquid we were put into for the process. I still don't know how we didn't drown; we were completely submerged in the stuff.

I was shown practice rooms, and medical rooms; Cafeterias, and bathrooms. I was too stunned to say anything. Then he explained about our powers.

He gave us each a laptop and told us to turn them on. Our screens instantly filled up with print, and I felt dizzy. He said that the print was explaining all of what we needed to know about the serum, and the possible side effects we could have over the next three months.

He then said that I had the largest amount of serum in my bloodstream, which is why I was going to experience some of your powers by accident, which is why all of my clothes have been designed especially for my amount of power. So that means I can't swap clothes with Tiffany, or else bad things will happen. Yeah.... I know.

The only good thing I heard, was that school was not anymore needed, as we will gather information by ourselves, without even knowing it, over the next few weeks.

As for all of my other questions, he just sighed and told me that i'd find out in due time. When it was the right time. Bleh. Whatever, I could hack their systems and find out in a heartbeat. But i'll play by his rules... For now.

Tiffany is on her bed, reading through the different effects all of us could, and will experience over the next three months, and we're all tense listening. Finally she stops, and bites her nails; a stress habit that i've noticed about her.

"Gosh. I'm starting to regret going along with all of this, and letting them basically contaminate my blood with this stuff."

I raise my eyebrows sarcastically. "You're only just now thinking that? At least you actually agreed." I'm hanging half off of my bed, letting the blood rush to my head. Leon is right next to me, in my space, and he pulls my shirt back down as it starts to ride up slightly.

I don't know why he's being so attached to me. I promised him I wouldn't try to off myself again...

I don't think he likes me either. He's being entirely clingy... but not in a sexual way at all. More like a brother than anything else. I'll admit, I sort of like the attention...

Carter looks depressed. "I didn't have anything to look forward to back home. My parents were drug addicts. They didn't care what I did, as long as it didn't stop them from getting high." He shrugs. "I'm better off here."

Leon nods, and I can't help but wonder what his story is. He seems happy. What made him come here? He looks down at me suddenly, and I look away, embarrassed. He pulls me up, holding my back while the blood rushes back down out of my head, making me dizzy.

"You can get brian damage doing things like that," he states blankly.

I nod and sit up fully. But I suddenly had the urge to get out; to explore. I stand up and stretch. "I want to look around."

Leon shakes his head immediately. "We just got a tour. My feet hurt."

"Well then i'll go by myself. My body is a bit stronger than yours. No offense," I add when he glares at me.

"No. I'm not letting you out of my sight."

I start to get angry. "You don't control me, Leon. I can go if I want to. I already promised that I Wouldn't try to kill myself. I keep my promises, no matter what they are."

He eyes me for a minute.

I sigh. "Do I look depressed to you right now?"

He shakes his head no. "Then let me go. Please?"

He gives in. Fine. But if you're not back here in an hour, i'm coming to find you."

I almost hug him, but manage to stop myself in time. "Fine."

I run off, not knowing where i'm headed, until I run into a glass door. That's the one disadvantage of having high speed; sometimes you don't see where you're going.

I open the door, and step inside... and instantly stop, pressing myself back up against the doors. I'm in a room that Neil didn't show me. It's absolutely huge and is almost completely filled by an underground pool, filled with seawater. Does that sound right to you? No? Good, 'cause it doesn't make any sense to me either.

This is the weirdest thing i've ever seen. I almost turn around and leave, but then I see movement in the water. I get down on my knees and squint down closer to the spot, to try and see what moved.

Suddenly, something splashes up right in front of my eyes, and I lose my balance, tumbling into the salty water. I panic, flailing my limbs helplessly, until a pair of strong hands lift me out, and lay me, gasping for air, on the tile floor on the edge of the pool.

I suck in huge gulps of air and try to wipe the salt water from my stinging eyes. I fell a plush towel drop onto my face, and I scrub my eyes.

"You okay?" A guy's voice.

I open my eyes, to the darkest ones i've ever seen. I instinctively pull back a little. I'm staring at the most scary guy in the world. His skin is tan, like a Native American's, and he has long, raven black hair, that cover his eyes, which are almost black. I look down at his shirtless chest, then look away. Oh my gosh. He's hot. Still scary as I don't know what, but he's hot.

"Hello?! Can you hear me or do you have water clogging your ears!" I start, and shove him as hard as I can back into the water, scrambling to my feet.

He doesn't come back up for minutes, and I start to get a bit worried. I kneel down again, gripping the edge this time. He's not coming back up. Now i'm worried. Did he drown? I can't swim... But then, just as i'm about to go get help, he pops back up again, scaring me out of my mind, and he grabs me, pulling me in with him.

He holds me under , but I kick him, hard, and he lets me go. I grip the edge, gasping for air. "Are you out of your mind?! What in the world-"

"Pay back," he says simply, a glare on his face. He gets out and pulls me over the edge, and I instantly burst into tears, and run, straight back to the Den, where I promptly collapse on my bed.

Everyone looks completely stunned, unsure of what to do. Leon recovers first, and comes over to me. He doesn't touch me, but I can tell he wants to. I'm soaked through, and go to change. Again.

I just put on a sweatsuit, in black, and walk back out. My bed is wet now, so I lay on Leon's. When he comes over this time, he does touch me. He rubs a hands over my back, but I don't feel like talking to him. He seems to understand, but he still asks.

"So what happened?"

I act like I don't understand him. "What makes you think something happened?"

A flash of anger rolls over his face before he calms himself. He doesn't say anything.

I sigh. "Well... I met someone. A total criminal who tried to drown me."

Nobody answers. They all look shocked. Leon looks pissed. "Who? I'm gonna kill em." I smile, knowing that he's serious.

"Don't worry about it. I'm just happy I ran. I don't plan on seeing him anytime soon. Not if I can help it." Leon still looks bloodthirsty, so I hug him. "I don't know why you care about me so much, but thank you. Okay? Now calm down." He relaxes, and hugs me back.

He doesn't let go for the longest time, so I pull away. "Okaaay... Uh... Things are getting a bit too mushy for my taste." He laughs, nodding. "Me too."

I look over at Tiffany and Carter, who've started to play video games, and smile sadly. I would've missed all of this if i'd succeeded in killing myself. I look at Leon.

"Thanks for saving my life, Leon. I don't-"

He shakes his head no. "Please don't. Whatever. Just forget about it. Okay? That's all in the past. Just move on, okay?"

I nod. "Okay. But still-"

He clamps a hand over my mouth. "Enough Cammie." I nod into his hand, and he removes it, then we go to play video games with Tiff and Carter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ugh... I'm really starting to hate this book. I don't think it's any good at all. But whatever. I'll keep posting for as long as I can. Bye...

-TECH- X (