Looks Can Be Deceiving

Chapters may include adult themes, adult activity, hard language, intense or persistent violence, sexually-oriented nudity, drug abuse or other elements.

-- This story is based off the Harry Potter Book Series, story and characters created by J.K Rowling. I in no way am claiming the rights, nor trying to rewrite, or copy the Harry Potter book series, and it's characters.
-- However, This story was first published in 2005. I have a total of 27 chapters right now, but they're being edited for grammatical errors, everything else will stay the same, so if something mentioned in the story seems out dated, that's why.
--I hold all rights to the character's plot, and scenarios of this story!!! So please don't try to jack 'em!!! !
© 2010 by Lankston101/Back2Basix/Bluefire2008
  1. Part 1
  2. Part 2
    She' s the Man!
  3. Part 3
    Pretty Woman
  4. Part 4
    To Hogwarts We Go!!!
  5. Part 5
    Sorting them Out
  6. Part 6
  7. Part 7
    Long Year
  8. Part: 8
    "Just a Mozying Along"
  9. Part: 9
    "Looking for love in all the wrong places"
  10. Part: 10
    'Dazed & Confused'
  11. Part: 11
    Girl Fight!