Status: Wish me luck on the contest!

That's Not How Good Girls Should Behave


The sound of automobiles riding by could be heard from the street, along with the rest of the hustle and bustle of the city.
“Madame Cinderella, your husband has returned.” Her maid bowed from the doorway.
“Thank you Clara,” Cinderella smiled kindly at the old woman. She carefully put the quill back into the ink jar and sealed the letter she had been writing, “Clara, would you please tell Henry to deliver this to the post office?”
“Yes Madame.”
Cinderella checked her reflection in the vanity mirror. She straighten the pins that held her curls. Once stratified, she smiled and raced downstairs. Her husband, Prince Charming, smiled from the bottom of the stairwell.
“I missed you so much!” They embraced in a warm hug that lasted several moments.
Cinderella was soon bombarding him with questions, “How was your trip? Anything thing exciting happen? Did you meet the President?”
Prince Charming chuckled at the excitement that his wife showed,” It was a bunch of boring politics, nothing more. I’d much rather hear about what you did. I hope Charlotte didn’t get you in too much trouble.”
Cinderella’s face changed. Her eyes held a secret.
“What’s that smirk? You did something while I was away?”
“Let’s sit in the parlor. I’ll tell you all about it.”
~Flashback: Approximately One Weeks Earlier~
It was an early Friday morning and Cinderella was enjoying the company of her husband, and of course her two closet friends Gus and Jaq.
“Can you believe this?” Prince Charming exclaimed out loud.
“What’s wrong dear?” Cinderella looked up from her book.
“These women have started protesting because they don’t have the right to vote.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
Women should be worried about keeping house not politics. Women are trying to become like men and it’s just not their place.”
“Well Charlotte doesn’t follow those rules.”
“Charlotte’s a wild card she marches to the beat of her own drum.” Prince Charming chuckled.
Silently, Cinderella fumed. How dare he suggest that women were inferior to men? Women had as much right as any knuckle headed man to vote!
“When I take my trip up to D.C. that’s all they’ll be talking about. Women are lucky they don’t have to stress over these matters.”
Cinderella rolled her eyes as her husband babbled on. A loud CRASH! Came from outside.
‘That must be Charlotte’ Cinderella thought smiling to herself.
“Ella! Where are you?” Charlotte burst through though the house not bothering to knock. Charlotte was what some people called a ‘flapper girl’. She could drive, had quite the opinion on politics, smoke and drank with the best of them, and enjoyed casual sex. That was frowned on by society but Charlotte didn’t care. That was something Cinderella admired about Charlotte. She would never be brave enough to dress like Charlotte did.
“Good morning Charlotte,” Prince Charming greeted her.
“Morning to you too, Princey. Do you mind if I steal Ella upstairs I have something to discuss with her.”
“Not at all.”
Cinderella carried Gus & Jaq as Charlotte led the way. Once they were up to her room Charlotte locked the door. She turned to Cinderella brown eyes gleaming,” Ella I’m taking you to a jazz club.”
“What? No, Charming will never allow it.”
“That’s why when he leaves, were going.”
Cinderella’s face wore shock, “Charlotte I just can’t.”
“Come on Ella live a little.”
“Well,” Cinderella bit her lip, “Just Once.”
Charlotte clapped her hands in excitement, “I have to run out and get you all the necessary things.”
“Cinderelly, that’s not a very good idea.” Jaq piped up.
Cinderella leaned down to be eye l with them on her nightstand, “I know, but just once won’t hurt. Right?”
“Have a safe trip.”
“Don’t get into trouble.” They kissed on last time before Charming climbed into the Taxi. Cinderella waved until the car was completely out of sight. Shortly after, Charlotte arrived. The two ran up to Cinderella’s room giggling like two school girls. Charlotte dressed her in a hobble skirt flattening down her breast until they were not extinction.
“Now your hair…”
“Please don’t cut in Char, Charming loves my hair.” Cinderella held her hair away from Charlotte afraid she would cut her hair into the popular boyish cut.
“Calm down, I’m just going to pin it up.”
A few short hours later, they were ready to go.
“You look the cat’s pajamas.” Charlotte smiled appraisingly.
As Cinderella started into the mirror she barely recognized herself, “I don’t even look the same.”
“That’s the point Ella.”
They climbed into Charlotte's car and headed down to the jazz club. Music blared. Women drank and flirted with men. It was everything Cinderella had hoped. Everyone let out a loud cheer as Charlotte entered. Apparently she was a regular here. Charlotte walked right up to the bar,” Mickey, get me some hooch.”
The bartender-Mickey- produced to glasses with the illegal liquor. He smiled at Charlotte, “who’s your friend?”
“This is Ella. Ella, Mickey. Mickey, Ella. He’s the bees’ knees when it comes to getting the good stuff.”
They moved on, where Charlotte introduced her to a whole mass of people. She remembered few of their names. She coughed as she waved a mass of smoke from her face.
“Are you alright miss?”
“Yes, fine.” She spurted.
The man was possibly in his late 20s and dressed in a soldier’s uniform.
“I see your wearing a handcuff.” The man indicated at her wedding ring.
She blushed,” Yes actually, I’m married.”
“He’s a lucky man.” He took a sip of his drink, “I’m Richard by the way.”
“Cind-. Ella. My name’s Ella.”
They started a conversation on the victory from the latest war. She loved the way he talked to her. As if her opinions really mattered.
“Ella!” Charlotte sat on a table entertaining a group of men, “Sing for us!”
Cinderella shook her head. The bar started to chant, “Sing. Sing.”
Finally, she submitted and walked onto stage. The band played a familiar song and soon the crowd was swaying and dancing.
“Wasn’t that fun Ella?” Charlotte looked over at her friend who was very quiet, “What’s that in your hands.”
“The solider I was speaking to gave me his address and told me to write him a letter.”
“Are you?”
“I just might.”
~Present day~
“And that’s all I did. Quite boring, right.”
“Yes,” Charming laughed, “I expected Charlotte to corrupt you while I was away.”
“No, we stayed home like your good little girls.”
Charming got up and kissed the top of her head, “Well, I’m going to freshen up. I’ll see you around lunch and tell you of my adventure later.”
Cinderella nodded, “I can’t wait to hear it.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I did a lot of research for this. Sorry if the times aren't right my first Histroical fiction. I had a hard time since Cinderella is one of the boring princess( to me).