The Second Chance

The Story


Many years ago there was a young girl named Melissa.

She was very beautiful. With long black hair and pale flawless skin she was considered a princess among her town.

But most didn’t know the true Melissa. She didn’t like dresses or bright colors. She didn’t like shopping or spas or large crowds.

No, she liked the quiet. She liked creating new things with her art.

So she felt alone, even with her friends and family surrounding her.

But that was until he came.

His name was Adam, and he was her prince charming.

Melissa knew from the very first moment she saw Adam that he would be her one and only.

And so they spent all their time together. They sat in silence, happy just with each other’s company. Adam watched as Melissa created magical pictures with her art and in turn Melissa would enjoy listening to his guitar playing.

For a few months they had each other. They learned and loved through their experiences.

But that was before the cancer spread.

Melissa spent the next few weeks crying over her lost love. She became more of an outcast, not even joining her family for dinner.

So for the next couple years she wouldn’t socialize. She would only allow her emotions to come out through her art.

Then, one night Adam came back to her.

In a dream he told her to live again, that they would have a second chance to be together once more.

So she lived. She allowed herself to love again, married, had a beautiful daughter. Her daughter then married and had two beautiful children.

She had a life full of love and laughter.

But she still missed her one and only.

And to this day she waits for her second chance.