The Second Chance

The Ending


As my story concluded I noticed Sam and Alex dozing off, their toys still clutch in their arms.

Looking over at my daughter I give a small smile.

With tears in her eyes Susan sniffled, “I always get emotional when you tell that story.”

“I loved your father very much, but Adam was my soul mate.”

Susan nodded, “I know. I miss dad.”

I nodded, “It’s been almost three years since he passed.”

Wiping her eyes Susan rose, “Well, we better get going.”

Helping my daughter to wake the kids I smile, “I hope you all visit soon”

“We will granna!” the kids cheered

I give them each a hug, “I’ll be waiting.”

Moving to hug my daughter I lean in close, whispering, “I love you, Susan, but it’s time for my second chance.”

More tears fell down her checks, and when she tried to speak I raised a finger to silence her.

“It’s the circle of life and I’ve waited a long time for this.”

Painful understanding in her eyes she envelopes me in another tight hug, “I love you too, ma.”

After my family left I slowly walked to my room. With pain filling my joints and muscles I lay on my bed.

As the mattress supports my weight I drift off, allowing my eyes to close and the pain to melt away.