Sequel: Termination Bliss
Status: Prequel of 'Termination Bliss'

Venus In Arms

Chapter One

Sammi’s POV

Okay, so I’m going on tour with Deathstars.
Why? Because I have nowhere to go between now and staring my university degree in October. It’s March. So, I’m staying with my uncle, who’s in the support band for Deathstars. They’re not famous or anything, they just kinda suit the atmosphere I suppose.
They’re called Addiction, they’re kind of Glam Rock, but with loads of industrial influences, I mean, come on, they took their name from a Skinny Puppy song!
But yeah, anyway, my uncle’s the guitarist, he’s awesome, and he’s like an older brother, more than a figure of authority - he’s always looked out for me. It’s not that I don’t get along with my parents - I really do! But I just wanted to go my own way, so, I’m making my own way in the world, even though I’m staying with my uncle -he’s called Alec, by the way - now!
Oh, and I should introduce myself - I’m Samantha, known as Sammi to everyone, I’m 18 years old, and I’m going to be a photography student soon, but for now I’m just the extra baggage on a tour.
But I’m happier than you’d guess about that, I know to you I don’t sound like I’m excited, but I am, I swear I am; in fact I’m going to get shitfaced in about half an hour to celebrate! And guess who with? Yeah, ‘Uncle Alec’ and his band of miscreant friends, who are also awesome - John, Reuben and Hunter, and together they make a seriously kick ass bunch of friends!
Yeah, I’m friends with them, they’re all pretty young!
I mean, Alec’s only about 27, and he’s the oldest of the lot! My parents had me when they were around my age, so my dad’s only 36.
So I go out partying with them and shit, go to bars, clubs, shows, just generally hang out, you know? That’s what I meant about Alec being more like a brother, since there’s the same age gap between us as there is between him and my dad. So that’s why he wanted me on tour, since I’m practically his little sister, and really good friends with the rest of the band.
Well, okay, so perhaps with Reubs I’ve been a bit more than ‘really good friends’. I used to go out with the guy, he’s only 20, if you’re wondering. He’s this stunning, slightly tanned guy with short black dreads which are always pushed off his face by a bandanna, and the greenest eyes you will ever see, and on top of that, he’s a real sweetie, so why aren’t we together now, I hear you ask? Well, see, my parents didn’t like that I was going out with someone in Alec’s band, and to keep me on my parents good side, Reubs decided it would be best if we ‘went on a break’ even though we’re still kind of together.
It’s complicated I suppose. We’re together until one of us moves on, since we’re not actually ‘together’ as such. So we’re unofficially dating, but not in a relationship, that’s the best way to say it.
So I’m still technically single, not that I’m looking for anyone but Reubs.
So, anyway, enough about me, I’ve got some serious drinking to do!

Later on

So, we’ve been drinking for several hours, now, and apparently, we’re going to be sharing our hotel with Deathstars, and one [or more] of us is going to end up sharing a room, because both sets of guys (and a girl!) now have five people, which means we all share rooms. Hopefully I won’t be sharing with someone from Deathstars, because I’ve never met them, and, sure, I love their band, but will I like them?

Several Hours Later

Cat’s POV

We just got here, but it’s a stupid hour of the morning, and Addiction have gone to their hotel rooms now, ‘cause they’ve been drinking all night. But that means that now we have to chose one person to share with someone else in the other band.
I shuffle off to the toilet, mumbling incoherently as they make their decision.
After a few minutes I shuffle back to them, at first not registering all four evil grins.
Shit. Why did I chose that exact moment to go to the toilet?
Because I know who they nominated - the muggins who wasn’t there.
“Nighty, please tell me you haven’t all nominated me,” I plead, already knowing my pleas are falling on their silly deaf ears
I could always throw a tantrum? Nah, even I’m above that right now - it’s the start of the tour, and I can’t throw a fuss now, or it will just go downhill
Besides, it wouldn’t be such a great tantrum, I can’t think, let alone think up ways to cause a fuss!
I can’t be bothered.
“We have, you’re staying with the other band member, because you’re the biggest girl, princess,” Nightmare smirks
Excuse me? Because I’m the biggest girl? I bristle slightly, even though I know it’s true “That’s a pathetic excuse and you know it!” I squeak indignantly “Shouldn’t that mean I’m not put with them, because they’re not in the slightest bit feminine?” Nighty just smirked again, and I sighed, knowing that he wasn’t going to tell me why
“Fine, but if they die of hairspray poisoning or something, don’t blame me!” I whinge, not having a great comeback, but then again, they don’t expect me to, do they? I’m Cat Casino, hardly known for my brains, but at least I know it!
My looks, on the other hand…
“Who says that couldn’t happen to us!” exclaims Whip indignantly, even though I know he’s joking, I feel inclined to reply, since it was a question
“Because you know, as well as I do, that you guys all use almost as much of the stuff as I do, so we all know it’d be your own doing! And besides, I’m your responsibility, not theirs, plus you guys have built up against it or some such shit…” I trail off, really too tired to think!
“I give up,” I announce “I want to go to bed, I want beauty sleep!” I finish, grumpily
“Yeah, because you don’t think you’re beautiful enough already,” quipped Skinny with an eye roll for added effect
I just can’t win, I think, with a frown
And they’re all still smirking, like they know something’s gonna happen… oh my god, do I have a spot?
I quickly whip out my mirror and check my face and hair vigorously to sniggers from the guys, but I don’t respond ‘till I see I look fine.
So if that’s not it, what is it? They hand me a key, and I slouch off to the lift moodily, and head to my room, my luggage in one hand, key in the other
This should be interesting.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you like this!
If I get a good reception, more will be up soon!
Let me know if you like it, I had a lot of fun with this.
Blitz xx