Sequel: Termination Bliss
Status: Prequel of 'Termination Bliss'

Venus In Arms

Chapter Two

I stumble into the room, extremely tired, and rather glad that Addiction have already gone to bed, well, until I see that there’s only one bed, and someone, or something is already wrapped up in the covers. There goes my plan of beauty sleep.
I rub my eyes, wondering if what I’m seeing is actually right, or if I’m becoming delusional with lack of sleep;
On the bed is a bundle of duvet covers with pink and black fluffy… things sticking out of the bottom
I’m not kidding, they’re just these huge balls of fluff!
I walk softly closer, to see that they look like some form of shoe-type-thing, and at the other end is a huge, swirling mass of… black hair?
So, this must be my tour room-mate.
I switch on more lights and then I see the clothes. Which are scattered around the bed. And worse than that… they’re girls clothes! A corset, a skirt, fishnet tights, and new rocks along with… a feather boa? Oh god, I’m sharing a room with a cross dresser! That’s why the guys were laughing, shit, I’m sharing a room with a transvestite
Because it can’t possibly be a girl! I looked into this band, we like them, that’s why we chose them, and they are all male. All of them
I let out a slight squeak
There is no way I am getting into that bed, seriously, no way!
They might take advantage of my stunning good looks or something, or I don’t know
I shuffle over to the pile of bags in the corner and open them, to see whether this was just a prank of some kind, but no, they’re full of women’s clothing
I pull out my phone from my pocket frantically, thinking of calling someone, anyone, but no - they’ll just take the piss, and most likely tell the guy, and then he’ll hate me and everything and sure, I don’t want his attention but I don’t want to be hated!
And I’m Cat Casino, I shouldn’t have to sleep on the floor! I should get the bed, it’s not fair.
I just about restrain myself from stomping on the floor. Get a grip, Eric, you’re 20!
I peer at the floor again -solid wood
I am NOT sleeping on it, no way.
I pout, looking for a soft surface, and spot a sofa… it’s leather and doesn’t look comfy. No, bed it is, transvestite or not.
I just hope that my tendency to hug anything that’s soft and warm when asleep doesn’t show itself - that could be bad!
I slip on some pyjama bottoms and shuffle moodily to the bed.
There’s a free fleecy blanket and I snuggle into it happily
Ahh, time for sleep!

Sammi’s POV

I wake the next morning with a throbbing headache, and let out a yawn. I shuffle around in my blankets, to get comfier while trying to remember the rest of last night -and failing.
Most of my stuff is thrown about the room, but I did have the sense to change into a vest top and pyjama bottoms - thank god!
Sleeping in a corset could have been eventful, but I’m not sure I didn’t… even though I can see it on the floor
There is definitely something around my waist, and it isn’t the blankets
I shuffle again, but it doesn’t move.
I frown and look down to see a pair of arms encircling said waist in a vice like grip, and my eyes follow the arms to a body - a body who is calmly sleeping in my bed, in my room!
I shriek and fall backwards off the bed, pulling the arms off as I go in my haste to get away -even though I know it must be someone from Deathstars, why is he hugging me?
I rummage through my clothes to find something to wear, then prod the sleeping thing whose face, head and torso are obscured by fleecy blanket. No movement. I’ll try again after my shower.

Ready and showered, I go back into the bedroom, completely forgetting about the now awake guy inmy the bed. I grab my phone, iPod and room key and go down to find the band(s).

Cat’s POV

I feel someone poking me, but they quickly stop, and shuffle off so I let myself lie there; eyes closed, resting.
After a while they come back, and I open my eyes to have a peek at who it is - shit It must be my roommate!
I look closely, but all I can see is long black hair, what looks like a black band t-shirt of some description and gold skinny jeans tucked into new rocks.
Oooh! I like those jeans I’ll have to find out where they’re from
I shake my head as the as yet unidentified guy walks out - asking a cross dresser for fashion tips? I don’t think so
But still, those jeans are nice!
I shower quickly and get ready, slipping on some pinstriped skinny jeans, boots and a black wife beater. I stick on a belt, my usual jewellery and straighten my hair before smearing on some eyeliner - then I’m ready to find everyone.

I arrive downstairs to find almost everyone lounging around in the hotel lobby
‘Oh look, here comes sleeping beauty!’ Andreas quips, but I ignore him - hey, it’s too early to come up with a good comeback!
‘Morning Cat,’ mumbles Bone, before resuming his conversation with someone from the other band - Alec, I think his name is.
I get silent greetings from everyone else (well, minus Skinny, who isn’t here yet), before turning my attentions as to where I’m sitting
Then I notice the new rocks and the flash of gold - my mystery roommate
I look up, seeing the gold skinny jeans, the studded belt then the baggy black and gold HIM t-shirt and then I notice something before I look up to the face for confirmation
Oh God, my roommate’s not a tranny - it’s a girl!
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm so so so so SO sorry I took so long to post this!
I've been pretty busy - exams, end of school, jobhunting and such so this kind of got forgotten about in the rush!
Apologies once more for the delay!
Hope you like it :)
Comment Please!

Also, much love to Rotten In Vogue <3