Sequel: Termination Bliss
Status: Prequel of 'Termination Bliss'

Venus In Arms

Chapter Three

I smile and walk over to her, because (embarrassingly) the only free space is next to her
‘Hi, I’m Eric, but everyone calls me Cat,’ I grin as she moves her feet off the sofa to let me sit
‘Samantha, but I get called Sammi,’ she responds smiling good naturedly at me while removing an earphone
I sit down beside her, nervous for once and unsure what to say … like I said - not known for my brains
‘I love your jeans,’ I eventually find myself saying
Oh, way to sound like an idiot - I chose that one moment where everyone was silent - everyone just heard me say that
‘Admitting we’re gay are we, Kitty Cat?’ teases Nightmare
‘Hah, you wish, Nighty! I know you want me, but I’m straight’ I retort, blowing him a kiss amidst a few laughs - including Sammi
‘Got me figured out, eh? Damn, Cat, you’re smarter than you look! Oh, hang on, my mistake, no you’re not,’ Nightmare grins, and I laugh along with everyone else as Skinny finally turns up
‘Can we go for breakfast now, I’m starving!’ I hear before I can open my mouth to ask the same question, and we all turn to look at the speaker - Sammi.

Sammi’s POV

After lounging around for a while on the sofa, listening to my iPod, I notice someone new has arrived, a Deathstar.
I look up and hear him talking to some of the others, or rather, them talking to him
It’s Cat, their most recent addition - yes, I am a Deathstars fan, as a matter of fact, but it makes no difference who they are - I‘m just going to treat them like normal people, after all, that‘s what they are.
I notice Cat walk towards me, and I move my feet to let him to sit down
‘Hi, I’m Eric, but everyone calls me Cat,’ He grins me as I do so
‘Samantha, but I get called Sammi,’ I reply, smiling at him while removing my earphones.
There’s a slight pause on the conversation, as I think what to say, and slyly peek at Cat from behind my hair
‘I love your jeans,’ Cat says, breaking the silence, and I smile at him happily - thank goodness he’s actually talking, some ‘famous’ guys I’ve met have been assholes
‘Admitting we’re gay are we, Kitty Cat?’ calls Nightmare, and I look for Cat’s reaction, wondering what to think
‘Hah, you wish, Nighty! I know you want me, but I’m straight’ Cat retorts and I let out a giggle, nice comeback!
‘Got me figured out, eh? Damn, Cat, you’re smarter than you look! Oh, hang on, my mistake, no you’re not,’ Nightmare responds, and Cat laughs along with everyone else - everyone except me. I frown. I know he’s not exactly smart, but that’s hardly fair!
Skinny arrives, and so I decide to distract myself and everyone else ‘Can we go for breakfast now, I’m starving?’ I ask, and watch as everyone turns to stare at me
What did I do?
‘What the hell, you beat Cat to the whinging!’ Bone says with a smile, and I blush - I wasn’t trying to whinge!
‘Excuse me, but I don’t whinge, I just state facts,’ Cat says from beside me, trying - and failing to look outraged, and he gets a chorus of scoffs from both bands
They’ve obviously dealt with Cat ‘stating facts’ before
‘Can we just go?’ Reuben chimes in, ‘My Sammi’s hungry, and she’s hung-over, and that makes her extra grumpy!’ he finishes, and all the guys nod in agreement
I throw a pillow or two at Reub’s head and stick out my tongue at him
‘Let’s get moving before Sammi get’s vicious!’ Alec shouts and I glare evilly at him, ‘What, I’m only doing my job of looking after you,’ he adds with a wink
God, you can’t win with these guys, and something tells me Deathstars are just as bad!

We head out to some local café, I never caught the name, but the food’s good
Everyone’s been getting to know each other, and it’s been pretty much uneventful
Well, if you can call getting kicked out of two other places -because the guys decided it would be fun to have a food fight - before we ordered our own food, and then in the second place, Cat kicked up a huge fuss, because the waitress refused to serve us when he went up to order because she ‘didn‘t like the look of us,’ and the manger got involved and kicked us out- uneventful, then yeah, it was.
But I finally got the guys under control, and found somewhere else to eat - somewhere without rude waitresses.
I was getting along well with the guys so far, and everyone but Cat seemed to know why I was there, since apparently he’d gone to the toilet when they were told.
And Reuben was acting like we were going out again - I didn’t mind, not at all, but Alec doesn’t seem to be too happy - he promised my parents to keep us apart, and to be honest, I really don’t want to get back into a relationship with him on this tour - it would upset Alec, and through him, everyone else, and then my parents.
I got to know Whip pretty damn well, though, and we ended up talking for nearly all of breakfast!
He’s lovely, and really quite adorable! I hope that I get to hang out more with him later on this tour… I’m really looking forward to it.
Oh, and he’s ordered me to call him Andreas/Andy.
So eventually, we’re all headed back to the hotel to sort out some last minute shit, then we were free for the rest of the day!
Deathstars asked us all if we’d like to go out with them, and we’d accepted, obviously!
Oh, did I forget to mention? We’re in London. We’re staying here a few days before the tour officially begins.
So now I’m in Hunter’s car with a mixture of Addiction and Deathstars, while Alec is taking his car too, because we couldn’t all fit.
Alec has split Reuben and I up - I didn’t want him to think I wanted to get back with him anytime soon, and he‘s been following me around like a lost puppy - plus, I think Alec wants to ‘have a talk‘ with him. And besides the guys had opted for one Drama Queen per car, (and believe me, Reubs can be a drama queen when he wants! There was this one time where he started a huge band argument that lasted for months, because Hunter stole a chip…) and we had Cat.
I’m also with Bone and John.
Bone is proving to be a really nice guy, as is Cat, not that I’ve had too much of a chance to get to know them yet - but hopefully this will give us the chance!
♠ ♠ ♠
So, bet an update this quick wasn't expected, eh?
Well, I am to please/surprise!
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Much love to Amon & Morbid
I love you girls!

Blitz xx