Status: Haha, sorry for not updating often, but I am lazy and seemed to have taken a dislike to Twilight many months ago.

Daddy's Little Girl



Aro's POV

Everything in the Volturi had been rather unexciting lately, nothing really happening in our world. I had let Alec go hunting many months back. He never returned and I suspect he has decided to stay with the Cullen family with Rosie. I wasn't even sure if we would see them again, but I had a suspicion that something will come up and we will have to see each other.

Things were really boring at the Volturi the only thing that manages to make things better is we have managed to gain a new member. A member with a skill, a skill of hypnotism, or so he says. We haven't actually seen it work because he said its for special causes only, and well I guess he is right.

Something in table on the other side of room started to vibrate, I rushed over to get it and looked down. A little message had appeared on the screen.
Alec has arrived with some guests, is he aloud down. I replied yes and waited for them to come down. I saw Alec, Edward and Bella come through the door.

"Ahh Alec how nice of you to finally join us again, we were starting to get worried. Oh and Edward and Isabella how nice to see you too." I shouted across the room, shouting even though I know they would be able to hear my voice if I whispered.

"Aro we need to ask you a little favour. Is that al-right?" I nodded still smiling.

"My daughter has been kidnapped." Bella said, her voice quivering a little. My smile faultered and suddenly Marcus and Cauis were stood next to me, glaring sadly at them.

"Which daughter?" I asked worriedly.

"Rosie." Alec sighed. My body stiffened and I saw Cauis and Marcus's bodies do the same.

"Are you joking, you know we don't take kindly to joking." Cauis hissed, obviously in disbelief. Bella's eyes went wide with rage, she looked ,to be perfectly honest, terrifying.

"WHY WOULD I KID ABOUT MY OWN DAUGHTER BEING KIDNAPPED." She shouted angrily at all of them. If vampires could, she would have burst out in tears. Edward was trying to calm her, but kept looking up glaring at us.

"Could we help look for her by any chance." Jane called out through the room, she was suddenly standing besides Alec. It looked like everyone in the Volturi had a love for Rosie and I think Jane loved Rosie like a sister.

"Yes we could definitely help someone of our own race. We will start tomorrow, we will get people everywhere looking for her, in every country just to try and find Rosie." Marcus spoke.

"Good we will have to get going now anyway, we have to find Rosie before it is to late."Alec shivered, obviously thinking of the worst senario and with that they left the room leaving Cauis, Jane, Marcus and I standing there. Marcus rushed to the other door on the back of the room, obviously going to tell some of our other vampires to come.
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It was quite hard writing in Aro's POV so sorry if it is a bit repetetive.
I need to ask a question.
Do you think I could write a story as Rosie when she is living as a Llewellyn? Would anybody read it?