Smother Me

Buried Alive by Love

To cry is to know that you're alive.

I know I'm alive. Since we left there's been a steady stream of tears flowing down my face.

"Good god Hannah. Stop crying already." Zack whined as he steered the car through traffic.

I sniffled, wiped my nose on the back of my hand and leaned my head on the window, "It's harder than you think."

"Look, I was just kidding when I said all that about them changing Johnny."

I sat up and smacked him across the face.

"What the fuck!" He yelled as he struggled to keep control of the vehicle.

"That's not funny." I pouted.

"Jesus Christ, woman!" He complained.

Hours passed in silence.

"Are we there yet?" I asked shattering the awkward silence.


I counted every single turn and traffic light we passed until we got there. There were eight turns and two traffic lights.

We pulled up to my house. Excitement rose in my chest and my hands trembled at the very thought of wrapping my arms around Johnny's warm body.

I tore at my seat belt anxiously, when I freed myself from the trap I slung the car door open and ran to the house.

Great, the door's locked.

I banged my fist against the oak door until it ached.

"Johnny! Let me in."

Zack walked up behind me, wrapped one tattooed arm around my waist and picked me up.

"Would you give me a fucking break?" He asked as he held me on his hip like a small child.

He unlocked the door, the smell of vanilla and fresh roses filled the air. I stepped into the house I tried desperately to make a home and it felt different.

Hold me, like you held onto life.

Johnny stood in the living room, the smile on his face was enough to make me cry. And I did.

He quietly got down on one knee, "Hannah, will you marry me?"

Even though he didn't give a big long speech, and we were technically already engaged, that simple proposal was perfect.

I nodded yes because I knew there was no way my voice would work. I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his head and pulled his face into my chest.

"Must be nice to have a hot girl put your face in her boobs. Lucky bastard." Zack complained once again.

"I swear to god you complain worse than anyone I know." I said, causing Zack to look down at his shoes. He knew I was right.