More Than Words Could Ever Say

A Liquor Store or Two Keeps the Gas Tank Full

I will start by saying that if Elliot wasn’t in a critical condition right now, I would not be telling you pigs anything. But seeing as you are bribing confession out of me with his life, I have no choice.

I first met Elliot towards the end of high school. We started dating just before we both dropped out, and it was not long after that we decided to start robbing banks. We wanted to live life on the run; with just each other and nothing else. We weren’t in it for the money. We were in it for the rush.

The first bank we robbed was back in Jersey; we just held it up around closing time when it was empty. We got away with a few bags of cash and a car chase. That was the beginning for us; we then started sticking up banks during daytime and got into some really huge chases. We stayed on the run for almost a year.

The first person I killed was a bank teller who wouldn’t hand over the cash. I shot her in the face with a sawn-off shotgun and pried the bag out of her hands. Elliot and I laughed so hard as we ran away from the swarms of S.W.A.T cops. We had kept thirty people hostage in the bank that day, and the feds only got their asses down there after some bitch got killed. See how pathetic you pigs are? Yeah, I’m not afraid to say it. What you going to do, arrest me?

So Elliot and I made our way to Cali; we took to the highway with a trunk full of cash and guns and held up a couple of liquor stores on the way. I was having the time of my life, and Elliot and I were engaged. We planned to get married in Vegas. I guess you pigs fucked up that plan, huh?

We were somewhere near Beverly Hills when the feds caught up with us; we had robbed a bank for half a million and some idiot tried to cut across me as I floored it down the highway. The car smashed into Elliot’s side, the cop car behind crashed into us, and I guess you know the rest.

I don’t know why I’m telling you this. Maybe it’s because my conscience is finally proving that it exists. I really don’t know. The fact that the guy I love is in the hospital with an aneurysm and nearly every bone in his body broken, maybe that’s why I’m saying all this stuff. I know I’m going to feel bad, but I’m not doing it to save my ass. All I ask is that I can be with Elliot, whatever happens to us.

That’s all I can really say, except Elliot wont be in a condition to make statements any time soon, seeing as he actually died for a few seconds and was brought back to life. Yeah, when the paramedics were rushing him to the E.R, some kid with a bunch of wires stuck to him was blocking the hallway, and ripped the oxygen mask off Elliot’s face. The kid looked out of it. I think he was sleepwalking or something.