Dead or What?

day minus 3

bip bip bip bip bip

The alarm clock woke me up

I got dressed and went for a short walk on the park. I found Pete...

-Hey Pete! - I said
- What are you doing here? I tought you were leaving.
-I am. I came to say goodbye to this place...
-So, when do you leave?
-The train leaves in about half an hour... -he looked sad- I guess I must hurry...
-Yeah... It was nice meeting you though.
-It was nice meeting you too!!! I hope you cross fast!

He walked away...

Oh, it was time for me to meet Gerard!!! In front of the "hotel", 12:30.
When I got there he was waiting for me. I came from the back and said "hi!"
He turned and faced me in the eyes.

-Oh, hi Sarah!
-So, where are we going?
-To this very cool bar I love in Delloway avenue. I think your going to like it.

He picked a cab and we entered.
We sat at a table and while we waited for the food to come, we talked.

-So, what do you do for a living? - I asked
-I'm dead, so for a living I don't do nothing, but I work at a art studio. I draw comics.
-Really, that is soo cool! I love drawing!
- And you, what do you do for a "living"?- He smiled while saying this
- I just got here... I didn't get a job yet!
-You can work whith me... You said you liked drawing right?
- Yes, I did...
-So? I want to start a new comic, a partner would get in handy!
-Well, I don't know if I'm good for that, I'm not an artist...
-Do you like drawing? -he asked
-Well yes, but...
-But nothing, if you like drawing, your perfect for this job. You're hired!
-Well, ok... What does it pay?
-Pay? Haven't you notice that we don't use money around here?
-Oh, but I kinda payed the driver last nigh... He did look at me in a strange way...

We broke down laughing...

After lunch, we went to the movies and then he took me to his studio.
It was right across the street from the "hotel", in the first floor of an old building. We entered.
It was very small. The walls were covered in beutifull drawings.

-Did you make these? - I asked
-Well, yes...-he looked embarassed but proud at the same time
-They're great!!!
-Thanks! -he made an adorable expression -Well, what will our comic be about?
-You tell me that! - I answered
-I don't know... What do you like?
-I like zombies, and wearwolves, and vampires...
-We could do a monster story!
-Good Idea!