Dead or What?

day minus 34

I woke up and went to work.
Gee and I were making the comic, and it was looking great!!! I couldn't wait to get there!

I entered the studio. Gerard was looking out by a window, and the light hit his face in a beutiful way. I don't think he heard me, cause he was still facing the window. Watching the rain falling in the street.
I never looked at him like this. I noticed again how cute he was... His pale skin contrasted his messy black hair and his greenish eyes made me smile.
I bumped against a table and he noticed my presence.

-I didn't hear you comming in!- he said
-Yeah, I know... I didn't want to interrupt your thoughts.
-No problem! I was just looking for ideas...
-Found any?
-No... - he answered with a smile- gotta keep looking!
-They're well hidden huh?
-Yeah... You know what might help???
-Breakfast! Join me...
-I just ate...
-You don't need to eat, you just need to join me!

After breakfast we didn't feel like working. It stopped raining and the sun was shining again, so we went for a walk on the park. We stopped at the top of the bridge and faced the big pond. I looked at him and that strange feeling came to me again... He looked at me. I got hipnotized by the staring of his eyes.
Our faces got closer and we kissed. The world was now a beutiful place, filled with beutiful things. I never felt so happy...