Penguin Madness

Chapter two

Bob spun around to see a man in a tall pink hat watching his every move...
"who the hell are you?" He screamed.

"That would be telling," replied the tall, irritating stranger (well, what did you expect?)

Bob slowly backed away, making no sudden moves as he knew that was what you should do in a crisis. He thought he was going to escape, but suddenly the man jumped across the room and blocked the doorway.

Bob knew that this was his cue to say, confusedly "What... what do you want?", but he really couldn't be bothered. He looked around the room to see what he could use to defend himself and his gaze fell on a bag of voice tablets...

As he sprinted to the voice tablets, the man was caught off guard and tripped over a chair. So Bob grabbed the voice tablets and ran out the door...
.... straight into another tall man in a pink hat.
"What in the name of Pingu?" he muttered, as the 2nd man grabbed him by his scarf.

Bob was slowly being strangled....

The other man came up behind him and released Bob from the strangle hold. He then recited, "You have been chosen to be prime minister of the whole of Penguindom. We have been sent to accompany you straight there."

Well, THAT was unexpected.